And thank your for the mia kulpa on Detroit. You're right, you don't live in Detroit so you don't have a damned thing to say about their public schools. I can also show you some unacredited private schools of an evengelical nature who are just plain lousy (not to mention more than double the cost of a public school education).
first of all, far be it from me to criticize the education you received from the Iowa public schools, but it's
mea culpa and since
mea culpa means "my fault" it would hardly be the appropriate phrase in that sentence....
secondly, so what?....nobody is going to make that parent send their kid there.....this is about giving people I recall, liberals like to be considered pro-choice....
Their one step above a Madrasa and they have a fraction of the qualified/certified teachers that public schools have.
the private school that my children attended had all state certified teachers....
across the board test scores are meaningless in this argument....if the particular school that you are considering sending your kids to does not perform to your satisfaction, send them to a school that does......oh, wait....unless your state doesn't have a voucher system.....then you can "choose" to send them to the closest school whether it sucks or not.....
You're trying to Cherry pick an economically depressed public school system and trying to cherry pick a comparison to St. Andrews Ivy league prep school. It don't work that way pal. You got to include those private schools like our local Nazarene school who's graduates can't even do basic math and who's basic science curriculum includes psuedosciences, such as flood geology and creationism.
there is your mistake.....the voucher system is designed to thrive on cherry picking....the parents get to pick a cherry school to send their kids to instead of being stuck with the pits....
Across the board, in this nation, the public schools perform equal to or superior then parochial schools (which about 50% are private Catholic schools). When you subtract the Catholic parochial schools from the test data it shows that public schools are shockingly superior to most protestant parochial schools (about 40% of all the private schools).
A parent would have to be an idiot or a religious fanatic to handicap their child with an education from one of those private schools and you want me to undermine our local public school systems in order to subisidize parents who want to raise mouth breathers? Give me a fucking break. Not gonna happen in my community. Thank God! Cause here in Dublin, we support our local schools. We don't undermine them like you do.
I think it's sad that just because you live near a good public school you don't give a fuck about people who don't......