A good example of why southern conservatives are not trusted.

????....dude, the sky is falling!.....but in reality, I'm pretty sure no parent is going to give his voucher to a school that denies her child admittance.....ya think?.....as you say, private schools have been around since time began, yet your main complaint against them is that they may not stick around....doesn't that seem a bit lame to even you?.....

Huh? I don't know why some folks have such difficulty with basic comprehension.

"A" pays taxes for schooling. "B" gets a voucher for the XYZ School. That voucher was partially paid for by the taxes from "A" yet "A's" child is denied admittance so why should someone's taxes go for a school which will not allow their child admittance?

Yes, private schools have been around since time began. The problem is the same schools have not been around. Like any business they open and close as they please. Are we to play around with our child's education? Maybe there will be a private school nearby next year and maybe not. Doesn't sound too responsible to me.
Huh? I don't know why some folks have such difficulty with basic comprehension.

"A" pays taxes for schooling. "B" gets a voucher for the XYZ School. That voucher was partially paid for by the taxes from "A" yet "A's" child is denied admittance so why should someone's taxes go for a school which will not allow their child admittance?

today A pays taxes....B has children in school......A may have children in another public school.....or a private school.....or may not even have children......using your approach, why should A pay taxes for schools at all?......at least with vouchers, A would pay LESS to send B's kids to a school that won't leave them brainless liberals when they drop out at age 17.....

Yes, private schools have been around since time began. The problem is the same schools have not been around. Like any business they open and close as they please. Are we to play around with our child's education? Maybe there will be a private school nearby next year and maybe not. Doesn't sound too responsible to me.

in like manner, we ought not have food stamps.....what if grocery stores go out of business?.......
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Really? I know about the recent remark about the Dems opposing the administrations policies, but what subliminal racists remarks has he made to date. Seriously, maybe I just missed it in the papers or forgot.
One can be bigoted for reasons other than race. He clearly believes he is above others, specifically those he labels "f--king retarded"...
And you guys are dull-witted. Vouchers provide for poor kids to go to private schools and save tax payers money. Public schools are overwhemingly top heavy when compared to the operating budjets of private schools. Good public schools will survive. The bad ones SHOULD go! Competion for the student's dollars will improve education which should be the goal, not saving public schools. If parents are able to choose the best the best is what schools will try to be.

Now, if the Government wants to start with the poorest families in a district and first offer them vouchers so they can choose a better school, then I wouldn't have a problem.

But if the wealthy are allowed to buy their way to the front of the line as usual, then vouchers just become about shipping the poor kids to some under-performing school no one wants to attend.
Really? I know about the recent remark about the Dems opposing the administrations policies, but what subliminal racists remarks has he made to date. Seriously, maybe I just missed it in the papers or forgot.

Why is bigotry from whites about blacks such a huge deal to you? It seems to come up in most of your discussions.
So then anyone on this site who refers to another as "f***ing retarded" is a bigot?
It would depend on the manner and pattern of the "insult". This particular administration consistently uses this particular phraseology and although they are very sorry afterwards seem to do little to correct the issue.

The manner they use it is stereotyping a whole group that they feel superior to, rather than an individual they want to insult or mock. Any person can mock an individual without clearly indicating they feel superior to an entire group (bigoted against that particular group).

Say, if I said that all liberals were psychotic children who can't get past jealousy of what others earn... that would be an indication of bigotry. If I said it consistently and chose people to be among me that said it I would have a clear pattern and then be clearly indicated as bigoted against liberals (and their psychotic and childish behavior)... I would then be "insulting" psychotic people by using that label as an insult, as well as indicating my belief of superiority.
Huh? I don't know why some folks have such difficulty with basic comprehension.

"A" pays taxes for schooling. "B" gets a voucher for the XYZ School. That voucher was partially paid for by the taxes from "A" yet "A's" child is denied admittance so why should someone's taxes go for a school which will not allow their child admittance?

Yes, private schools have been around since time began. The problem is the same schools have not been around. Like any business they open and close as they please. Are we to play around with our child's education? Maybe there will be a private school nearby next year and maybe not. Doesn't sound too responsible to me.
Part of what bothers me is that the success of Charter Schools is often over stated as most Charter School students test below the national average.
Part of what bothers me is that the success of Charter Schools is often over stated as most Charter School students test below the national average.
Charter schools are the teachers union's substitution for vouchers and are largely overrated because the union does not want people to choose a different path for school choice.

In places where vouchers are in place the poor who qualify for them are better off for the actual choice of schools. What is most missing is information as to which schools to go to, too often people mistake the teachers union as being "for" kids, it isn't. They advocate for TEACHERS not students and are often overrun by those who aren't even in the classroom. Some of the unions that teachers belong to have a majority of members that do not even work in schools.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Really? I know about the recent remark about the Dems opposing the administrations policies, but what subliminal racists remarks has he made to date. Seriously, maybe I just missed it in the papers or forgot.

Why is bigotry from whites about blacks such a huge deal to you? It seems to come up in most of your discussions.

:palm: What is the subject title of this thread, genius? Who is the author?
What did Damo say that I responded to? Did you follow the chronology of the posts?

Once again, your petty need for revenge prevents your cognitive reasoning skills from having you READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY, and then making rational assessments. Get a life....or wise up...or both!
:palm: What is the subject title of this thread, genius? Who is the author?
What did Damo say that I responded to? Did you follow the chronology of the posts?

Once again, your petty need for revenge prevents your cognitive reasoning skills from having you READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY, and then making rational assessments. Get a life....or wise up...or both!
So you joined in on race baiting. My question still stands.
Now, if the Government wants to start with the poorest families in a district and first offer them vouchers so they can choose a better school, then I wouldn't have a problem.

But if the wealthy are allowed to buy their way to the front of the line as usual, then vouchers just become about shipping the poor kids to some under-performing school no one wants to attend.

You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. I have worked with three school districts, their boards and with the state legislature regarding educational options. A voucher for a predetermined amount would even-up the playing field. Even if secondary schools require GPA's for entrance, then that is a color-blind, class blind, and therefore a fair requirement. In elementary school a GPA is not relevant. As to elite schools such as those sectarian programs you might find in NYC, they are not relevant either. They are always only going to be available for the very famous and or wealthy. Perhaps some people might be interested in them and might have the additional financial means, but I would say most people would be pleased to just have the option of the typical private school program.

An accredited private school education typically costs less than the nearest public school to it. These are the private schools that are under discussion. There are also charter school programs in like 35 states. The point again is choice. The idea that we have to “save our public schools” by not allowing real competition is ridiculous. Public schools in the US are an abysmal failure. We have thrown money at them and still we fail to raise test scores while our drop-out rate climbs year after year.
You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. I have worked with three school districts, their boards and with the state legislature regarding educational options. A voucher for a predetermined amount would even-up the playing field. Even if secondary schools require GPA's for entrance, then that is a color-blind, class blind, and therefore a fair requirement. In elementary school a GPA is not relevant. As to elite schools such as those sectarian programs you might find in NYC, they are not relevant either. They are always only going to be available for the very famous and or wealthy. Perhaps some people might be interested in them and might have the additional financial means, but I would say most people would be pleased to just have the option of the typical private school program.

An accredited private school education typically costs less than the nearest public school to it. These are the private schools that are under discussion. There are also charter school programs in like 35 states. The point again is choice. The idea that we have to “save our public schools” by not allowing real competition is ridiculous. Public schools in the US are an abysmal failure. We have thrown money at them and still we fail to raise test scores while our drop-out rate climbs year after year.

These are all reasons why liberals don't want vouchers. They want kids to be stupid, since dumb folk vote dumb-o-crat.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Really? I know about the recent remark about the Dems opposing the administrations policies, but what subliminal racists remarks has he made to date. Seriously, maybe I just missed it in the papers or forgot.

One can be bigoted for reasons other than race. He clearly believes he is above others, specifically those he labels "f--king retarded"...

Good point.
While I think the "above others" stuff is supposition and conjecture on your part....we're no longer in high school and he's on the public forum, so he should know better than to call someone 'retarded' just because they disagree with him. Yeah, people say things out of frustration and anger....when all is said and done, it's just another 'got'cha' point for the opposition.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
What is the subject title of this thread, genius? Who is the author?
What did Damo say that I responded to? Did you follow the chronology of the posts?

Once again, your petty need for revenge prevents your cognitive reasoning skills from having you READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY, and then making rational assessments. Get a life....or wise up...or both!

So you joined in on race baiting. My question still stands.

:palm: See folks, this clown answers his own question first, then he repeats the question.....obviously he doesn't need my input.

As I demonstrated how his original attack/inquery was based on either ignorance or a willful denial of the chronological posts and what they contain, Southie does what he does best....ignores, lies, and denies what others write, and then stubbornly repeats his blatherings. The man is sad.
:palm: See folks, this clown answers his own question first, then he repeats the question.....obviously he doesn't need my input.

As I demonstrated how his original attack/inquery was based on either ignorance or a willful denial of the chronological posts and what they contain, Southie does what he does best....ignores, lies, and denies what others write, and then stubbornly repeats his blatherings. The man is sad.
Are you admitting your racism here?
You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. I have worked with three school districts, their boards and with the state legislature regarding educational options. A voucher for a predetermined amount would even-up the playing field. Even if secondary schools require GPA's for entrance, then that is a color-blind, class blind, and therefore a fair requirement. In elementary school a GPA is not relevant. As to elite schools such as those sectarian programs you might find in NYC, they are not relevant either. They are always only going to be available for the very famous and or wealthy. Perhaps some people might be interested in them and might have the additional financial means, but I would say most people would be pleased to just have the option of the typical private school program.

An accredited private school education typically costs less than the nearest public school to it. These are the private schools that are under discussion. There are also charter school programs in like 35 states. The point again is choice. The idea that we have to “save our public schools” by not allowing real competition is ridiculous. Public schools in the US are an abysmal failure. We have thrown money at them and still we fail to raise test scores while our drop-out rate climbs year after year.

Just as I thought. You were just spouting the standard RightWing talking point that you want vouchers to help the poorest get a decent education.

You keep squawking that the point is "choice"...except you don't want to allow the poor and those attending the worst public schools to choose FIRST.

"But that's unfair" you whine...

Let's say there are two students. One from a well to do family and one from a poor family. Both would like to use a voucher to pay for attendance, but the parents of one of the students can offer moderate financial support to the booster club and the parents of the other child can't. Which student do YOU think the school will select for enrollment?

Nope...you don't REALLY care about getting the poor out of under-performing schools, all you care about is Y-O-U.
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Just as I thought. You were just spouting the standard RightWing talking point that you want vouchers to help the poorest get a decent education.

You keep squawking that the point is "choice"...except you don't want to allow the poor and those attending the worst public schools to choose FIRST.

"But that's unfair" you whine...

Let's say there are two students. One from a well to do family and one from a poor family. Both would like to use a voucher to pay for attendance, but the parents of one of the students can offer moderate financial support to the booster club and the parents of the other child can't. Which student do YOU think the school will select for enrollment?

Nope...you don't REALLY care about getting the poor out of under-performing schools, all you care about is Y-O-U.

????....and by making sure the poor student has absolutely no chance of getting into ANY private school, you are demonstrating your care for whom?.....