????....dude, the sky is falling!.....but in reality, I'm pretty sure no parent is going to give his voucher to a school that denies her child admittance.....ya think? you say, private schools have been around since time began, yet your main complaint against them is that they may not stick around....doesn't that seem a bit lame to even you?.....
Huh? I don't know why some folks have such difficulty with basic comprehension.
"A" pays taxes for schooling. "B" gets a voucher for the XYZ School. That voucher was partially paid for by the taxes from "A" yet "A's" child is denied admittance so why should someone's taxes go for a school which will not allow their child admittance?
Yes, private schools have been around since time began. The problem is the same schools have not been around. Like any business they open and close as they please. Are we to play around with our child's education? Maybe there will be a private school nearby next year and maybe not. Doesn't sound too responsible to me.