A good question


Villified User
Man Says Sex Change Should End Alimony

Associated Press Writer

CLEARWATER, Fla. (AP) -- Lawrence Roach agreed to pay alimony to the woman he divorced, not the man she became after a sex change, his lawyers argued in an effort to end the payments.

But the ex-wife's attorneys argued Tuesday that the operation doesn't alter the agreement.

Less than a week after commissioners in nearby Largo drew national attention by firing the city manager after he announced he was a transsexual, lawyers for Roach and his ex-wife grappled in another transsexual rights case that delves into relatively uncharted legal territory.

Only a 2004 Ohio case has addressed whether or not a transsexual can still collect alimony after a sex change, those involved say.

"There is not a lot out there to help us," Circuit Judge Jack R. St. Arnold said.

Roach and his wife, Julia, divorced in 2004 after 18 years of marriage. The 48-year-old utility worker agreed to pay her $1,250 a month in alimony. Since then, Julia Roach, 55, had a sex change and legally changed her name to Julio Roberto Silverwolf.

Not all that familiar with alimony law but I would be surprised if it dealt specifically with the fact that the recipient is a woman. There are cases of men receiving alimony.
In this case, it appears to be voluntary. He agreed to pay the alimony. Now he feels there has been a breach of faith in the agreement.
In this case, it appears to be voluntary. He agreed to pay the alimony. Now he feels there has been a breach of faith in the agreement.
I certainly hope that the courts don't agree with him. His agreement was with an individual. That individual still lives, only his gender has changed.

Besides, I kind of like the image of some schmuck having to pay alimony to a guy. Must be kind of embarrassing, you know? That's assuming he's a schmuck, of course. Kindly leave me my little fantasies, okay?
I certainly hope that the courts don't agree with him. His agreement was with an individual. That individual still lives, only his gender has changed.

Besides, I kind of like the image of some schmuck having to pay alimony to a guy. Must be kind of embarrassing, you know? That's assuming he's a schmuck, of course. Kindly leave me my little fantasies, okay?

Ornot, in fairness, something like 98% of men would be embarrassed about this. Even leftists I've known. Even leftists I've lived with.
Man Says Sex Change Should End Alimony

Associated Press Writer

CLEARWATER, Fla. (AP) -- Lawrence Roach agreed to pay alimony to the woman he divorced, not the man she became after a sex change, his lawyers argued in an effort to end the payments.

But the ex-wife's attorneys argued Tuesday that the operation doesn't alter the agreement.

Less than a week after commissioners in nearby Largo drew national attention by firing the city manager after he announced he was a transsexual, lawyers for Roach and his ex-wife grappled in another transsexual rights case that delves into relatively uncharted legal territory.

Only a 2004 Ohio case has addressed whether or not a transsexual can still collect alimony after a sex change, those involved say.

"There is not a lot out there to help us," Circuit Judge Jack R. St. Arnold said.

Roach and his wife, Julia, divorced in 2004 after 18 years of marriage. The 48-year-old utility worker agreed to pay her $1,250 a month in alimony. Since then, Julia Roach, 55, had a sex change and legally changed her name to Julio Roberto Silverwolf.


We all know what this is really about.

It's not about some high-minded interpretation of State law.

Its about a utility worker, who is embarrased to death to be paying money to a transgendered male.

It's about personal embarrasment.
We all know what this is really about.

It's not about some high-minded interpretation of State law.

Its about a utility worker, who is embarrased to death to be paying money to a transgendered male.

It's about personal embarrasment.

Cypress, do you think that most men would be embarrassed about this? Or not?
Cypress, do you think that most men would be embarrassed about this? Or not?

I think so.

To be honest, I might probably be personally embarrased to hand over part of my wages to a transgendered male. Depends on the circumstances. I don't know if I'd try to get a civil court to bail me out though. Embarrassment is something I can live with.
I think so.

To be honest, I might probably be personally embarrased to hand over part of my wages to a transgendered male. Depends on the circumstances. I don't know if I'd try to get a civil court to bail me out though. Embarrassment is something I can live with.

I can totally understand it. And emabarrassment is something we would all do well to learn to live with...because life has its moments of it.
I'm glad Colorado doesn't have alimony. Well, glad for those who have divorces and might have to go through this. It would be embarrassing. I'd get over it. I don't think I'd take it to the news so that everybody in the world can access such embarrassing information....

Honestly. The assumption is that this guy is somehow some sort of pig. The woman lied to him all those years about who she was. She then left him and, by choice, decided to become that which she had wished. Now he is a man.

So this man lied to another for years about this. Even up to and including the time of divorce, then changed into what they had been wishing for all that time. Do they have no fault in this?
I can totally understand it. And emabarrassment is something we would all do well to learn to live with...because life has its moments of it.

I think it would depend on individual circumstances. If it was an ex-wife who I had divorced on good friendly terms, and I had no reason resent alimony payments, I could probably live with it. I'm not uncomfortable around trangendered males. I don't really care that much about it.
I'm glad Colorado doesn't have alimony. Well, glad for those who have divorces and might have to go through this. It would be embarrassing. I'd get over it. I don't think I'd take it to the news so that everybody in the world can access such embarrassing information....

Honestly. The assumption is that this guy is somehow some sort of pig. The woman lied to him all those years about who she was. She then left him and, by choice, decided to become that which she had wished. Now he is a man.

So this man lied to another for years about this. Even up to and including the time of divorce, then changed into what they had been wishing for all that time. Do they have no fault in this?

I consider it all the man's fault! I am certain that he drove her to it. I think the facts speak for themselves Damo.

Think about it, married for 18 years, and she not only divorces him, she changes gender so that it can never happen again.

Where did anyone assume he was a pig? I said, 98% of men, including out and out leftists (not your version of liberals, I'm talking real men here), would feel the same way.
I think it would depend on individual circumstances. If it was an ex-wife who I had divorced on good friendly terms, and I had no reason resent alimony payments, I could probably live with it. I'm not uncomfortable around trangendered males. I don't really care that much about it.

I am. I'm terribly ashamed to admit it, but it's true. I love gay men, and I'm not the slightest bit uncomfortable around lesbians, even in gym locker rooms. I don't even get uncomfortable if I feel one of them is checking me out.

But I skeeve the whole transgendered thing. I don't know what to do about it, because I know it's a prejudice, and I don't like it about myself. But my skin goes, eccch when I think about it, and I can't help it!
I am. I'm terribly ashamed to admit it, but it's true. I love gay men, and I'm not the slightest bit uncomfortable around lesbians, even in gym locker rooms. I don't even get uncomfortable if I feel one of them is checking me out.

But I skeeve the whole transgendered thing. I don't know what to do about it, because I know it's a prejudice, and I don't like it about myself. But my skin goes, eccch when I think about it, and I can't help it!

Really? I don't think if I was around Ru Paul, I would be uncomfortable. Ru Paul is pretty funny. I had a dentist who had a transgendered female, who was his medical assistant. It didn't really freak me out.

But, I know what you mean: some of them are so flamboyant and over the top, that it is a little disconcerting.
I consider it all the man's fault! I am certain that he drove her to it. I think the facts speak for themselves Damo.

Think about it, married for 18 years, and she not only divorces him, she changes gender so that it can never happen again.

Where did anyone assume he was a pig? I said, 98% of men, including out and out leftists (not your version of liberals, I'm talking real men here), would feel the same way.
Up above somebody stated that he was some sort of blue-collar worker solely embarrassed because of this. Personally, regardless of embarrassment, I look to the fact that two were there. One of them lied about even their personal identity, one did not.
I am. I'm terribly ashamed to admit it, but it's true. I love gay men, and I'm not the slightest bit uncomfortable around lesbians, even in gym locker rooms. I don't even get uncomfortable if I feel one of them is checking me out.

But I skeeve the whole transgendered thing. I don't know what to do about it, because I know it's a prejudice, and I don't like it about myself. But my skin goes, eccch when I think about it, and I can't help it!
Wow. I have a lifelong friend that did this. I have no qualms about it myself.
Alimopny usually continues untill the ex spouse getting it remarries, will this she/he be able to marry now ?