A good question

Oh so you already knew that. I thought that I was alone in having discovered that the penis, does not actually tilt to the left.
I think a big part of humor, at least for me, is to recognize one's own failings in someone else. Like "oh gods, I'm glad that's not me" sort of thing.
Wow. I have a lifelong friend that did this. I have no qualms about it myself.

I don't know, I just freak. I think it's the surgical part. I mean, cross-dressers don't bother me. But actual trans-gendered do. It makes me clench up my thighs, and hold my stomach. I don't know why.
Up above somebody stated that he was some sort of blue-collar worker solely embarrassed because of this. Personally, regardless of embarrassment, I look to the fact that two were there. One of them lied about even their personal identity, one did not.

Well, you don't know that this person knew about it themselves, or was able to come to terms with it Damo. Plenty of people live lives of self-deception, before being able to admit these sorts of things even to themselves. Look at how many gays marry and have children, and then finally, come out.

I don't think it's that cut and dried.
Well, you don't know that this person knew about it themselves, or was able to come to terms with it Damo. Plenty of people live lives of self-deception, before being able to admit these sorts of things even to themselves. Look at how many gays marry and have children, and then finally, come out.

I don't think it's that cut and dried.
I agree. It's unreasonable to expect that everyone be totally honest with themselves and the world when so few of us are actually able to do so.

We don't know that the ex-wife understood her (now his) gender identity during the marriage.
Let me ask this. We generally know that alimony is paid because of the nature of a marriage one partner may have been inhibited from working.

However the partner receiving the alimony can work to remedy the situation that calls for that need. Getting a sex change is certainly an impediment to the remedy as being a transgendered person makes discrimination more likely and gainful employment less so.

Do you think it is right for the husband to continue to pay alimony when his former wife has worked to undermine his ability to obtain self sufficiency.
Wow. I have a lifelong friend that did this. I have no qualms about it myself.

Just think about this for a minute. You have no qualms about it, ok.

well, this woman had her clitoris cut off. She had her clitoris cut off! That is the part right there, that makes me clench my thighs together, hold my stomach, and start to feel really weak. If I thought about it for long enough, I could probably make myself pass out. It just makes me naseous.
I have a question to pose....

If a state does not allow gay marriages... how could it force the man to continue to pay alimony to another man?
I agree. It's unreasonable to expect that everyone be totally honest with themselves and the world when so few of us are actually able to do so.

We don't know that the ex-wife understood her (now his) gender identity during the marriage.

It's really hard to be honest. If you think about it, many of us probably even hold back our deepest sexual fantasies out of fear.

I mean you know, not me, I'll post them on message boards. Which is why I've been called a dyke and a whore, among other things. lol.

No, but seriously, it's a hard thing to do.
Let me ask this. We generally know that alimony is paid because of the nature of a marriage one partner may have been inhibited from working.

However the partner receiving the alimony can work to remedy the situation that calls for that need. Getting a sex change is certainly an impediment to the remedy as being a transgendered person makes discrimination more likely and gainful employment less so.

Do you think it is right for the husband to continue to pay alimony when his former wife has worked to undermine his ability to obtain self sufficiency.

I don't know, I'd have to know a lot more than I do. What was the marriage like, were there kids, who raised them, who put whom through college, there are a ton of variables. Most of which I think are far more important than her having this operation.
Just think about this for a minute. You have no qualms about it, ok.

well, this woman had her clitoris cut off. She had her clitoris cut off! That is the part right there, that makes me clench my thighs together, hold my stomach, and start to feel really weak. If I thought about it for long enough, I could probably make myself pass out. It just makes me naseous.
Um... They use the clitoris to expand it to the new sexual organ. They don't just cut it off.
Just think about this for a minute. You have no qualms about it, ok.

well, this woman had her clitoris cut off. She had her clitoris cut off! That is the part right there, that makes me clench my thighs together, hold my stomach, and start to feel really weak. If I thought about it for long enough, I could probably make myself pass out. It just makes me naseous.

Yeah, it's totally freaky when you think about it from a clinical perspective. Way freaky.
Just think about this for a minute. You have no qualms about it, ok.

well, this woman had her clitoris cut off. She had her clitoris cut off! That is the part right there, that makes me clench my thighs together, hold my stomach, and start to feel really weak. If I thought about it for long enough, I could probably make myself pass out. It just makes me naseous.

Thats weird. Most FtoM operations keep the clitoris. In fact the testosterone tends to enlarge it to the point it can operate like a small penis. It is probably the only remaining way he could receive sexual pleasure.

Cutting off the clitoris seems to be indicatative of a larger issue going on here.
to be honest Darla, I've always avoided reading about how exactly, people get clinically transgendered. I've never wanted to know. Because it sounds like it could be really freaky. And I just don't want to know about it. :shock:
I mean you know, not me, I'll post them on message boards. Which is why I've been called a dyke and a whore, among other things. lol.

Braver than me ;)
Just think about this for a minute. You have no qualms about it, ok.

well, this woman had her clitoris cut off. She had her clitoris cut off! That is the part right there, that makes me clench my thighs together, hold my stomach, and start to feel really weak. If I thought about it for long enough, I could probably make myself pass out. It just makes me naseous.

Thats weird. Most FtoM operations keep the clitoris. In fact the testosterone tends to enlarge it to the point it can operate like a small penis. It is probably the only remaining way he could receive sexual pleasure.

Cutting off the clitoris seems to be indicatative of a larger issue going on here.

No no, I just assumed that's how they turned them into men. I haven't read books about it, nor plan to.

I'm sure you and Damo are right. That they enlarge the extremely, extremely, nearly painfully sensitive clitoris into the size of a penis, and now I really am going to pass out.
to be honest Darla, I've always avoided reading about how exactly, people get clinically transgendered. I've never wanted to know. Because it sounds like it could be really freaky. And I just don't want to know about it. :shock:

Yes, it's too much info already!
No no, I just assumed that's how they turned them into men. I haven't read books about it, nor plan to.

I'm sure you and Damo are right. That they enlarge the extremely, extremely, nearly painfully sensitive clitoris into the size of a penis, and now I really am going to pass out.
The other direction is just as hard to describe. They use the current organs to make the new ones. Sexual gratification is definitely possible after a transgender change.