A good question

The testicles are removed and the penis is hollowed out and inverted. The scrotum is modified to from a labia and the sensitive tissue on the head is moved to the point of entry in the newly fashioned vagina.
I always found that more information helps in the whole "squeamish" issue, Darla. When my friend said he was going to change to a girl at first you think about cutting off the organ and start getting all squeamish. If you learn what they will go through, while termporarily painful, it doesn't change that they can actually get sexual gratification...

I don't know, it certainly helped with me in at least being able to understand what "he" was willing to do to feel "right".
Are people that have this surgery allowed to marry under current laws ? And is disclosure to the prospective spouse required ?
Are people that have this surgery allowed to marry under current laws ? And is disclosure to the prospective spouse required ?

You can marry. I don't know about the second issue.
I always found that more information helps in the whole "squeamish" issue, Darla. When my friend said he was going to change to a girl at first you think about cutting off the organ and start getting all squeamish. If you learn what they will go through, while termporarily painful, it doesn't change that they can actually get sexual gratification...

I don't know, it certainly helped with me in at least being able to understand what "he" was willing to do to feel "right".

You're right. Information is always better than ignorance on any subject. Maybe knowing all of this will help, I don't know.

I give you an awful lot of credit for handling your friend's news so well. I don't mean to sound condescending, but I just don't think that the majority of men would. That doesn't mean that a lot of men wouldn't, but I have my doubts about the majority. Anyway, he's lucky to have such a good friend.
I saw a good movie about a married man who late in his life decides he wishes to be a woman. I forget the actors name its the guy who plays Jun Tao in Rush Hour.
I've no problem either. To me gender is not a binary as many think but a continuum.

Honestly I think it would be an interesting experience to live a day as the opposite sex. Nothing permanent of course just a thought exercise.
Ihate... kind of goes along with the question I asked....

If a state does not allow gay marriages... how could it force the man to continue to pay alimony to another man?
"Honestly I think it would be an interesting experience to live a day as the opposite sex. "

I agree... just as long as the day isn't one of their "special" days.... no way could I handle that. :D
If a state does not allow gay marriages... how could it force the man to continue to pay alimony to another man?

Interesting question I suppose one could argue it in court. However they are no longer married and I think the law is less clear about same sex marriage when it involves a transgendered person. The alimony could be seen as nothing more than a contractual obligation that he is still bound to.