A good question

Kinda depends on state laws about alimony and such and the judges interpretation of them. Like I say sort of new ground. Unlike other debts bankruptcy does not get you out of Alimony so there are differences.

Really? I had no idea. How does that work? IF you have no money how can you be expected to pay alimony and get yourself on your feet?
Like Child support you go to jail till is is paid, I know it makes no sense, but that is the way it seems to be.

Maybe that will work out for the prisioners replacing the illegal migrant workers, they might be able to buy their way out of child support debtors prison.
Like Child support you go to jail till is is paid, I know it makes no sense, but that is the way it seems to be.

Maybe that will work out for the prisioners replacing the illegal migrant workers, they might be able to buy their way out of child support debtors prison.

Interestingly enough, the fathers I've seen go to jail are exhorbantly delinquent on their child support yet somehow seem to dress fairly nicely and have decent cars. If its proven that the father is working under the table and trying to avoid paying for their child, I completely support such actions. But if they are legitimately having a tough time getting on their feet for various reasons, I think some slack should be allowed and as a tax payer I have no problems stepping up to the plate in helping them.
But Alimony from someone who's flat broke to someone who's perfectly able to work for themselves rubs me the wrong way.
Interestingly enough, the fathers I've seen go to jail are exhorbantly delinquent on their child support yet somehow seem to dress fairly nicely and have decent cars. If its proven that the father is working under the table and trying to avoid paying for their child, I completely support such actions. But if they are legitimately having a tough time getting on their feet for various reasons, I think some slack should be allowed and as a tax payer I have no problems stepping up to the plate in helping them.
But Alimony from someone who's flat broke to someone who's perfectly able to work for themselves rubs me the wrong way.

I agree with your post on all counts Tiana.
Interestingly enough, the fathers I've seen go to jail are exhorbantly delinquent on their child support yet somehow seem to dress fairly nicely and have decent cars. If its proven that the father is working under the table and trying to avoid paying for their child, I completely support such actions. But if they are legitimately having a tough time getting on their feet for various reasons, I think some slack should be allowed and as a tax payer I have no problems stepping up to the plate in helping them.
But Alimony from someone who's flat broke to someone who's perfectly able to work for themselves rubs me the wrong way.

Part of the welfare reforms made it mandatory to lock em up if the mother was getting welfare and the father was behind on Child support.
I literally lived on bread from theoutlet store and cheap peanut butter to pay my child support while the ex always had a nice new car, vs my beater....
My only option was to go to jail.
Nope :) Was too niave , led an over rpotective childhood my holy roller parents, and those nasty girls took advantage of me :D

The last one turned into a spendthrift lazy slug. who liked to live in filth and clutter.

she was fine for 10 years and then....
IHG, I do great with the ladies as long as I don't marry them :) Plan on staying loose till I die. I get more home cooked meals since my divorce than I did in the last 8 years of my marriage.
I literally lived on bread from theoutlet store and cheap peanut butter to pay my child support while the ex always had a nice new car, vs my beater....
My only option was to go to jail.

She did say that if the man was having a hard time, he should be given slack.

You have had a bad experience, but statistically, it is usually the woman who gets screwed on child support, and so they need to be protected, by law.
And statistically it is the man who gets screwed on custody.

children are mommas little paychecks in many ways.
And statistically it is the man who gets screwed on custody.

children are mommas little paychecks in many ways.

Wow, usc, you are bitter!

Don't be like that, it closes you off to the wonder if new love. Love is, well, let's face it, if they could bottle it up and sell it, everyone would buy it. And you can't really ever love, if you're that cynical. Because love isn't cynical.

anyway, that's how I look at it. I never let one jerk get me down. I've met one or two you know! But so what, I've met plenty of bitches too. I just don't let it bother me.
Ohh I treat my lady friends nice, just no more hooks into me.
ladies always come first, and second, and third....
Ohh I treat my lady friends nice, just no more hooks into me.
ladies always come first, and second, and third....

Oh well, I am no one to talk about that. I've never made it down the aisle myself, and I am the one who broke my engagement off.

I'm a serial monogamist I guess they call me, and an incurable romantic, and I think being in love is the best feeling in the world. But, I am a monogamist, and can't have "men friends". But that is me, and to each their own. I am a lib after all! :)
Yep being in love is great, but the price can be high...too high...

You have read the articles about love working on the brain in the same way as some forms of insanity....
CLEARWATER, Florida (AP) -- A woman's sex change operation does not free her ex-husband from his alimony obligation, a judge said Wednesday.

Attorneys for Lawrence Roach, 48, had argued his 55-year-old ex-wife's decision to switch genders and change her name from Julia to Julio Roberto Silverwolf voided their 2004 divorce agreement.

"It's illegal for a man to marry a man and it should likewise be illegal for a man to pay alimony to a man," said John McGuire, one of Roach's attorneys.

Circuit Judge Jack R. St. Arnold, however, ruled that in the eyes of the law, nothing changed significantly enough to free Roach from his $1,250-a-month obligation.

The judge said since Florida courts have ruled sex-change surgery cannot legally change a person's birth gender, Roach technically is not paying alimony to a man.

Everywhere, as far as I know. The DNA counts in these cases.
I'm not sure but I don't believe that would work in California. When someone here changes gender, they change gender. A transgendered female would NOT be able to marry another woman, for example.
I'm not sure but I don't believe that would work in California. When someone here changes gender, they change gender. A transgendered female would NOT be able to marry another woman, for example.
I know it would work here. I know two women who are married, legally.