A Good Ron Paul article...

Don't get in my face because I am CALMLY and RATIONALLY speaking about what is and is not racist.

The idea that you can equivocate "Those black teens who mug people can be very fleet footed" with "Blacks are barbarians and terrorists who can be identified by the color of thier skin." shows that you are far less capable to judge what is or is not racist, than I am.
Don't get in my face because I am CALMLY and RATIONALLY speaking about what is and is not racist.

The idea that you can equivocate "Those black teens who mug people can be very fleet footed" with "Blacks are barbarians and terrorists who can be identified by the color of thier skin." shows that you are far less capable to judge what is or is not racist, than I am.

I'm assuming this wasn't aimed at me, I've been polite. In any case, it's not just the 'right' having problems with Ron Paul, seems kos kids have been on him quite a bit, for mostly the same reasons:


Ron Paul, In His Own Words
by phenry
Tue May 15, 2007 at 06:57:29 PM PST

As tonight's Republican presidential debate winds down, I expect to see the diaries humming with praise for Texas Rep. Ron Paul, whose forceful, eloquent anti-war rhetoric sticks out like a sore thumb from the undifferentiated conservative yammerings of the other candidates. The Simi Valley debate earlier this month was many Kossacks' first exposure to Paul, and many of them liked what they saw. Before any other well-meaning liberals decide that we and Ron Paul were made for each other, I think it's important that we dig a bit deeper and learn more about exactly who, and what, he is: a vicious, contemptible racist who comforts the radical right wing like no presidential candidate since David Duke.

We need jump to no conclusion to arrive at this judgment. His own words convict him.

* phenry's diary :: ::


1. Ron Paul, In His Own Words
2. Ron Paul: The Radical Right's Man in Washington
3. Ron Paul: Dude is Wack
4. Ron Paul Hates You

After his 1979-85 service in Congress as a Republican and his 1988 campaign for the presidency as the nominee of the Libertarian Party, Ron Paul returned home to Surfside, Texas and devoted himself to a variety of pursuits, one of which was his self-published newsletter, The Ron Paul Political Report. Founded in 1985, the eight-page newsletter featured Paul's extreme libertarian perspective on a number of different issues, notably crackpot theories about the Federal Reserve and the money system and a tireless advocacy of a return to the gold standard—a longtime Ron Paul hobby horse. The Ron Paul Political Report would come to feature in the stable of "underground" publications and photocopied "zines" that fed the nascent "patriot movement" that arose in the early 1990s, spurred by anger over federal government actions in Waco, Texas and Ruby Ridge, Idaho, and by fear of a supposed "New World Order." Indeed, Paul changed the name of the newsletter to the Ron Paul Survival Report around 1993 in what we may presume to be an effort to tap into the survivalist sentiments then peaking among the radical right wing.

It is extremely difficult to track down content from the Ron Political/Survival Report today. The Report only had about 7,000 subscribers, and Paul has—unsurprisingly—refused to release copies to the media. Lexis/Nexis is of no help, as the obscure publication largely escaped the notice of major media publications during Paul's hiatus from electoral politics. What remains to us today comes almost entirely from secondary sources, such as quasi-samizdat publications and contemporaneous Usenet postings from sources like Google Groups. These few fragments of a much larger body of work—almost all of which have been preserved by Paul's supporters, not his opponents—give us an illuminating and frightening look into his demented, racist worldview.

The only complete article from the Ron Paul Political Report on the Internet that I am aware of is a 1992 piece titled "LOS ANGELES RACIAL TERRORISM," on the subject of the so-called Rodney King riots in South Central Los Angeles in 1991. It is available to us today because it was posted to the talk.politics.misc newsgroup on July 30, 1993 by Dan Gannon, a notorious white supremacist and Holocaust denier, and archived by the Nizkor Project, an anti-revisionism organization that was active in cataloging hate speech on the early public Internet. You can read Nizkor's copy of the article here, and see a reposted version on Google Groups here. Some relevant passages from the article (emphasis mine):

Ron Paul is right about the Federal reserve and fiat currency. The whole system keeps our societies priorities perverted.

Oh, and the most racist people on here are you people who believe in racial discrimination as a tool of justice.
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Notice how the two most important crucial factors for the creation of the NWO, the continuance of the strangling and elitist fiat currency system, and the passification of the traditional western majority cultural group, white people, are being paired together in this propagandistic hit piece. They're trying to hit two birds with one stone, because they're getting desperate. The nature of their propaganda slip ups reveals their agenda, naked for all to see and reject.
]It doesn't matter what he screams, he IS being judged on HIS ACTIONS.]

What actions are these? What has Ron Paul done that can be reasonably construed as racist?

Let me preface my remarks by saying that when Paul first announced his run for the presidency, I said to friend that he was a republican I could support, based on his antiwar position.

Then I went digging to find out who he was ...

1. Whether he wrote the articles on his newsletters (plural) which contained vile and racist comments about blacks or not, he didn't disavow himself from those comments until 5 years after they were distributed in a newsletter with his name on it .. comments which he had earlier called his "tongue in cheek academic writings." But when they became an issue in the middle of a campaign, they became the words of an "aide/ghostwriter." The comments in his newsletter on the LA Riots called for a race war.

Race war .. 5 years

What sane politician would allow mindlessly racist comments to go unchallenged in anything in their name for 5 years?

2. Coupled with the knowledge of the racist newsletters, one only need to look at his legislative record to see the bigger picture. Start with the fact that he says the Civil Rights Act "didn't work" and he was the only member of Congress to vote against honoring the CRA and Rosa Parks. If he thinks the CRA didn't work then he's either a racist or he's completely stupid. Given that he's a doctor I'll discount the stupid defense. Add to these stupid votes, he has also voted against any and every piece of legislation that supports any attempt at ensuring racial justice in America.

Feel free to use the "he was standing on principle" excuse .. if that's good enough for you, no problem .. but his actions say something entirely different.

3. He participates .. let me rephrase that .. he PARTICIPATES with these vile racist hate groups that his supporters wnat to claim are just latching on to him. He frequents their hate radio and attends their hate events. They support him because he's one of them.

Adding 1, 2, and 3 and this man is smelling like a racist.

4. MANY have been trying to get Paul to denounce these hate groups for a lot of years. Medved is just the latest attempt to get him to do only what sane non-racist people would expect. He denounced groups like the NAACP who he thinks only "interferes." He's distanced himself from 9/11 truthers when he was being tied to them.

But he does not now nor will he ever repudiate or distance himself from racists .. because he's one of them. These are HIS ACTIONS. You are judged by the company you keep and when you lie down in shit you don't get up smelling like roses.

You can call him what you want, but I'm thinking about 13 year-old black children who can run real fast.
The meetup post is from a former member and repudiated by several other posters.

How difficult would it have been to research the associations for yourself?

There were a host of questions and truths there that you completely ignored, didn't challenge, and skipped right to attacking the messenger.

I'm not trying to convince you of anything sir. I'm responding to obvious bullshit and posting a diffrent perspective .. let's call it "reality."

I understand that you are a Paul supporter which means the man has never done or said anything wrong in his life. He is the coming of Jesus.

But given that you and I both know this is much ado about nothing and there isn't a chance in hell this racist creep will ever get nominated .. shit, I win.

Feel free to do the "confederate" thing and bask in the knowledge that you're a loser while I bask in the knowledge that no matter how blind you may chose to be, on the non-issue of Ron Paul, those of us who smell him, America, and planet earth will never have to endure his stench in the Oval Office.

Ron Paul .. Much ado about nothing
I'm going with he's completely stupid.
Every election needs its comical millionaire to take a stab.
This go reound we have Paul "Uncle of Larry Bird" and Deniss the transformer.
I'm going with he's completely stupid.
Every election needs its comical millionaire to take a stab.
This go reound we have Paul "Uncle of Larry Bird" and Deniss the transformer.

His being completely stupid should make sense.

Where'd he get his medical degree from?
I bet he's against institutionalized racial disrimination, unlike you. How can you be in such denial re: your own stunning hypocisy?

Because you're dumb, I'm not.

Did you somehow miss what I posted about HIS ACTIONS? .. Make that documented and proven actions. I'm supposed to make judgements based on what something that calls itself AssHat thinks might be the case as opposed to documented evidence?

Are you serious?

See if you can dispute what I posted and post credible counters to what is already proven. If not, your comments are a waste of time.

I CHALLENGE you to do so.

I DEFY you to do so.

I DARE you to do so.

C'mon rude boy, have at it.

Lare bare the awesome power of your vast intellectual prowess and show the world how easily you can prove how false my arguments are. Take this opportunity to demonstrate how a superior mind illuminates the hypocrisy of an argument.

Please take up this challenge grasshopper .. so I can smack your silly-ass illogic right back inside your head.
Because you're dumb, I'm not.

Did you somehow miss what I posted about HIS ACTIONS? .. Make that documented and proven actions. I'm supposed to make judgements based on what something that calls itself AssHat thinks might be the case as opposed to documented evidence?

Are you serious?

See if you can dispute what I posted and post credible counters to what is already proven. If not, your comments are a waste of time.

I CHALLENGE you to do so.

I DEFY you to do so.

I DARE you to do so.

C'mon rude boy, have at it.

Lare bare the awesome power of your vast intellectual prowess and show the world how easily you can prove how false my arguments are. Take this opportunity to demonstrate how a superior mind illuminates the hypocrisy of an argument.

Please take up this challenge grasshopper .. so I can smack your silly-ass illogic right back inside your head.

I've done so on several occasions. You support institutionalized raced based preferences. Ron Paul does not.
I've done so on several occasions. You support institutionalized raced based preferences. Ron Paul does not.

Bawk, bawk, bawk ..

C'mon chicken little, do so now. You've never been able to intelligently dispute shit.

Prove it

Wiggle, wiggle ..

Take the bait

Don't make me beg :)
Bawk, bawk, bawk ..

C'mon chicken little, do so now.

Wiggle, wiggle ..

Take the bait

Don't make me beg :)

ive already isolated and illustrated your penchant for racially discriminatory policy on other threads. There is no need to do it again, Especially when you won't even discuss it and resort to puerile taunting and inanity.
ive already isolated and illustrated your penchant for racially discriminatory policy on other threads. There is no need to do it again, Especially when you won't even discuss it and resort to puerile taunting and inanity.

You must be joking. This from the king of insults on this board?

OK, I'll play.

PLEASE Mr. AssHatZombie, can we have a civil and sane conversation about what I posted about Mr. Ron Paul's actions that label him as a racist?

I promise not to use any bad words or call you anything but Mr. AssHatZombie.


C'mon ..
I cannot support Ron Paul until Paul himself sits down and actually disavows the hate-mongers that support him, like Bush the first did Duke, and until he sits down with someone and EXPLAINS these comments attributed to him that appear in the Ron Paul survival report:

"If you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be."

"We don't think a child of 13 should be held responsible as a man of 23. That's true for most people, but black males age 13 who have been raised on the streets and who have joined criminal gangs are as big, strong, tough, scary and culpable as any adult and should be treated as such."

These statements were made in a publication that bears his name. Now he has attributed some of them to an assistant that wrote for the news letter. Did he not read his OWN publication? I can't vote for someone that even passively accepts the support of and endorsement by people who are members of Groups like EURO, and NOFEAR (look em up. Google them along with the words White Nationalism) and says nothing while Stormfront endorses him as well. I've done some volunteer work with the Southern Poverty Law center in my past and I KNOW these people well. They scream about Racial Holy War (RaHoWa) and engage in violent but cowardly attacks on minorities. If I was running for dog catcher I would not want these people to support me and I would NOT accept their money. Paul doesn't need it that bad.
I cannot support Ron Paul until Paul himself sits down and actually disavows the hate-mongers that support him, like Bush the first did Duke, and until he sits down with someone and EXPLAINS these comments attributed to him that appear in the Ron Paul survival report:

"If you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be."

"We don't think a child of 13 should be held responsible as a man of 23. That's true for most people, but black males age 13 who have been raised on the streets and who have joined criminal gangs are as big, strong, tough, scary and culpable as any adult and should be treated as such."

These statements were made in a publication that bears his name. Now he has attributed some of them to an assistant that wrote for the news letter. Did he not read his OWN publication? I can't vote for someone that even passively accepts the support of and endorsement by people who are members of Groups like EURO, and NOFEAR (look em up. Google them along with the words White Nationalism) and says nothing while Stormfront endorses him as well. I've done some volunteer work with the Southern Poverty Law center in my past and I KNOW these people well. They scream about Racial Holy War (RaHoWa) and engage in violent but cowardly attacks on minorities. If I was running for dog catcher I would not want these people to support me and I would NOT accept their money. Paul doesn't need it that bad.

Thank you, and well said.