A goodby to Jade Dragon


Well-known member
Goodbye. For whatever reason he always banned me from every thread, including recipe threads, although I never said one unkind word to him.

Guess he just hated anyone with a different opinion. Maybe running with the mean girl clique of Fowlwoman was a security blanket.
jade realized the blue wave failed. he was flabbergasted how conservatives weren't sad. his hopes and dreams for november 2018 didn't pay off, so he's left no where. he is still a resistor and mad, and has no joy in his life, so he's a had a break from reality.
Fucker is still trolling here though. I wish liberals would actually leave, especially the country, when they say they are going to. But we know they are all mostly liars.
Goodbye. For whatever reason he always banned me from every thread, including recipe threads, although I never said one unkind word to him.

Guess he just hated anyone with a different opinion. Maybe running with the mean girl clique of Fowlwoman was a security blanket.

Dishonest low IQ liberals prefer echo chambers to actual debate. ;)
he says owl woman left too?....when did that happen.....next you'll be telling Mason has deleted dozens of his accounts......
jade realized the blue wave failed. he was flabbergasted how conservatives weren't sad. his hopes and dreams for november 2018 didn't pay off, so he's left no where. he is still a resistor and mad, and has no joy in his life, so he's a had a break from reality.

Honestly I was worried we'd never take back the house due to gerrymander, just breaking through the gerrymandering wall was amazing. That took a huge advantage in the popular vote. We've got this in the bag.

Losing in Florida and Georgia? Bitch we shouldn't even be competitive there! Who cares! It's like topping on your ice cream.
jade realized the blue wave failed. he was flabbergasted how conservatives weren't sad. his hopes and dreams for november 2018 didn't pay off, so he's left no where. he is still a resistor and mad, and has no joy in his life, so he's a had a break from reality.
The blue wave didn’t fail, it’s only just begun. We are all excited and encouraged by the number of women elected. There is more to come. :laugh: