A goodby to Jade Dragon

when someone says "something just begun" you know it was a fizzle. No conservative was saying things "just begun" when they shellacked democrats in 2016 or 2010
when someone says "something just begun" you know it was a fizzle. No conservative was saying things "just begun" when they shellacked democrats in 2016 or 2010
No, in this case it’s building. Women aren’t like men, we have endurance. We build on our successes. The Resistence is already making plans for 2020, they aren’t going away.
jade realized the blue wave failed. he was flabbergasted how conservatives weren't sad. his hopes and dreams for november 2018 didn't pay off, so he's left no where. he is still a resistor and mad, and has no joy in his life, so he's a had a break from reality.

Plus he made all those "prickdictions".
You have to wonder about someone who feels so 'threatened' by a different political opinion they ban them from a recipe thread. That takes thin-skinned to a new level. Sad, really.
You have to wonder about someone who feels so 'threatened' by a different political opinion they ban them from a recipe thread. That takes thin-skinned to a new level. Sad, really.

Yeah, it is sad. People who can't take it shouldn't dish it out. Don't complain about the tone of the board when you're contributing to it.
I am amused by Democratic claims on all women voters.

Most women are risk averse. You need to only look at their 401K's. Even comparable contribution employees demonstrate that men significantly out perform women as the men go for highest returns and women go for least chance of loss investments. The DNC is their sugar daddy. They will be content on the plantation with the blacks.
Most women are risk averse. You need to only look at their 401K's. Even comparable contribution employees demonstrate that men significantly out perform women as the men go for highest returns and women go for least chance of loss investments. The DNC is their sugar daddy. They will be content on the plantation with the blacks.
Lol, it’s why women live longer, slow and steady wins the race.
Most women are risk averse. You need to only look at their 401K's. Even comparable contribution employees demonstrate that men significantly out perform women as the men go for highest returns and women go for least chance of loss investments. The DNC is their sugar daddy. They will be content on the plantation with the blacks.

I know a lot of women who take risks...and hate progressives.
jade realized the blue wave failed. he was flabbergasted how conservatives weren't sad. his hopes and dreams for november 2018 didn't pay off, so he's left no where. he is still a resistor and mad, and has no joy in his life, so he's a had a break from reality.

um oversite is back

the republican party is now truly fucked
Someone reach out and help that poor Ocasio-Cortez woman get an apartment....throw her an "inauguration party-bring c$$$"...or set up a go fund me thing....;)
I came back to check my posts, and messages, to see if anyone else wanted to be friends elsewhere. When I saw Grumpy on the first post, I knew I got the wrong one. Let's be clear, I'm leaving because this place is too boisterous, boring, and depressing for me going into seasonal changes. That is the only reason. I'll just go back through my past posts, to find my discussion this time.