A goodby to Jade Dragon

Why do people do that? When I want time off from the Internet I just don't log in for awhile, I don't see the need in announcing it.

I think it is a liberal thing. By nature they are the ultimate narcissists.

It is like them proclaiming who they have on ignore.

Jade lives a very lonely, sad and isolated life. He is desperate for attention

He has very little outside of the inter webs
I came back to check my posts, and messages, to see if anyone else wanted to be friends elsewhere. When I saw Grumpy on the first post, I knew I got the wrong one. Let's be clear, I'm leaving because this place is too boisterous, boring, and depressing for me going into seasonal changes. That is the only reason. I'll just go back through my past posts, to find my discussion this time.

We all knew that you are not really leaving.
turns out its just like his leaving for vacation thread......three days later the little puke is still hanging around..........
I came back to check my posts, and messages, to see if anyone else wanted to be friends elsewhere. When I saw Grumpy on the first post, I knew I got the wrong one. Let's be clear, I'm leaving because this place is too boisterous, boring, and depressing for me going into seasonal changes. That is the only reason. I'll just go back through my past posts, to find my discussion this time.

Don't let them get to ya!
Someone reach out and help that poor Ocasio-Cortez woman get an apartment....throw her an "inauguration party-bring c$$$"...or set up a go fund me thing....;)

Let her work the pole like all self-respecting women do at some point in their lives when they need cash
If this is jade leaving he really sucks at it.

Here let me help.

“Oh Jade. Please don’t go. JPP will never be the same without you. Whatever will we do if you aren’t here to start your inane threads?”

Seriously get a fucking grip you self important douche
I agree.

I can distinguish between a woman and a hag. Apparently you cannot.
Your comments have been about women in general, perhaps it’s your poor communication skills you should hone to make yourself better understood.
I like Jade and will miss him. I felt the need to reply to the mysogyny I saw posted.

Oh Boy!
Look, once Jade finds out how much he annoys these Right-wing nut jobs, he'll probably decide to stay just so he can piss them off and irritate them on a daily basis. (I mean, that's what I'd do)
Oh Boy!
Look, once Jade finds out how much he annoys these Right-wing nut jobs, he'll probably decide to stay just so he can piss them off and irritate them on a daily basis. (I mean, that's what I'd do)
Yes, we’ve seen examples of your trolling. Your skills are wasted here, perhaps Harlequin would be interested?
Someone reach out and help that poor Ocasio-Cortez woman get an apartment....throw her an "inauguration party-bring c$$$"...or set up a go fund me thing....;)

Corrupt Scott Pruitt set up a legal defense fund for himself, wonder how much of it went to attorneys?