A Growing Volume Of Evidence Undercuts ‘Consensus’ Climate Science



Never heard of this obscure website.

I generally go to reputable, internationally-recognized, and highly prestigious scientific sources, aka NASA, NOAA, UK MET, ESA, etc.
I really don't think "NoTrickZone.com" is in the same league.
This is an old article but it coincides with what an old college friend, a PhD Physicist, who worked for NASA once told me about how any studies concerning anything to do with climate had to be massaged to get continued funding. He wouldn't touch climate topics for anything (so he said). It had gotten to be more about politics than science and that was about 20 yrs. ago.
49 former NASA scientists go ballistic over agency's bias over climate change

I know 25 rocket scientists, atmospheric physicists and earth sciences and solar terrestrial physicists from NASA mit the skunk works general dynamics Yale Lockheed and cal tech who all say climate science is the most respected hard science ever, beyond reproach, apolitical and they jump at any chance to be involved in anything affiliated with it, and hat was 32 years ago through the present day.
I know 25 rocket scientists from NASA mit the skunk works general dynamics Lockheed and cal tech who all say climate science is the most respected hard science ever, beyond reproach, apololitical and they jump at any chance to be involved in anything affiliated with it, and hat was 32 years ago through the present day.

So you say, McSlobber. Maybe somebody believes you, but I don't.
notrickszone.com??? Seriously?? Never heard of this obscure website. I generally go to reputable, internationally-recognized, and highly prestigious scientific sources, aka NASA, NOAA, UK MET, ESA, etc. I really don't think "NoTrickZone.com" is in the same league.

What you think doesn't seem to matter. Trump is dismantling your warmist agenda, and you can't do a thing about it.
Tell that to the coal miners who are still out of work

Why should I, anchovies?

I'll understand if you can't explain.

I'd rather laugh at the unfunded research grants that will kick politically-motivated climate charlatans off the taxpayers' teat.

You are powerless to prevent it.
I am now totally convinced that he is truly full of shit, Sailor has the measure of him.

I wish you had been on dcj.
1. Claimed he has a degree in Economics
Fact: doesn't understand the concept of 'marginal utility', the most basic concept in microeconomics.
2. Indirectly claimed (or claims) he has the equivalent of a B.S. in Biology and B.A. in Chemistry with graduate credits in Radiology, Pathology, and Pharmacology.
Fact: can't discern the difference between a dependent and independent variable in a scientific experiment. Can't even regurgitate the definition of the two.
3. Claims to be a lawyer
Fact: thought a stone sober designated driver who was stopped by the police was let off from driving drunk only because he was white.
4. Claimed or claims he took calculus.
Fact: Stated a simple algebraic equation was invalid because it wasn't written on a chalk board with chalk (obsolete these days except maybe in developing countries).

I can't make this shit up.
I wish you had been on dcj.
1. Claimed he has a degree in Economics
Fact: doesn't understand the concept of 'marginal utility', the most basic concept in microeconomics.
2. Indirectly claimed (or claims) he has the equivalent of a B.S. in Biology and B.A. in Chemistry with graduate credits in Radiology, Pathology, and Pharmacology.
Fact: can't discern the difference between a dependent and independent variable in a scientific experiment. Can't even regurgitate the definition of the two.
3. Claims to be a lawyer
Fact: thought a stone sober designated driver who was stopped by the police was let off from driving drunk only because he was white.
4. Claimed or claims he took calculus.
Fact: Stated a simple algebraic equation was invalid because it wasn't written on a chalk board with chalk (obsolete these days except maybe in developing countries).

I can't make this shit up.

He is truly a weird fuck and no mistake.
I wish you had been on dcj.
1. Claimed he has a degree in Economics
Fact: doesn't understand the concept of 'marginal utility', the most basic concept in microeconomics.
2. Indirectly claimed (or claims) he has the equivalent of a B.S. in Biology and B.A. in Chemistry with graduate credits in Radiology, Pathology, and Pharmacology.
Fact: can't discern the difference between a dependent and independent variable in a scientific experiment. Can't even regurgitate the definition of the two.
3. Claims to be a lawyer
Fact: thought a stone sober designated driver who was stopped by the police was let off from driving drunk only because he was white.
4. Claimed or claims he took calculus.
Fact: Stated a simple algebraic equation was invalid because it wasn't written on a chalk board with chalk (obsolete these days except maybe in developing countries).

I can't make this shit up.

Oh yes you can! LMFAO
I know 25 rocket scientists, atmospheric physicists and earth sciences and solar terrestrial physicists from NASA mit the skunk works general dynamics Yale Lockheed and cal tech who all say climate science is the most respected hard science ever, beyond reproach, apolitical and they jump at any chance to be involved in anything affiliated with it, and hat was 32 years ago through the present day.

This post made cornholio groan, it was so worth it.