A member here informed of the happenings on JPP and all I could was laugh

That is the strange thing

Darla did it because I am a rape apologist, according to her, it is used in much the same way as when people accuse someone of racism for broaching the subject of immigration. Daring to suggest that some women have been known to lie is enough to initiate a call to man woman the battlements.

Rune did it because he is a tit and considers me in the pay of Big Oil, frankly I should be so lucky.
Darla did it because I am a rape apologist, according to her, it is used in much the same way as when people accuse someone of racism for broaching the subject of immigration. Daring to suggest that some women have been known to lie is enough to initiate a call to man woman the battlements.

Rune did it because he is a tit and considers me in the pay of Big Oil, frankly I should be so lucky.

Yeah I get all of that, but if they wanted to get banned why not invoke their ire at the guy who got it all started? Me?

That is what doesn't make sense. At least Monty did that. It is amazing how the feminists have turned against helping women and have focused on pushing left wing causes that only make women dependent on government. They know that single women are more likely to vote for the democrat party, therefore they do everything in their power to create more single women.

How seriously do people take this Internet shit?

I take it very seriously.

sites like this are the New town hall.

people discussing what they believe and how this country should procede.

if you look at any time how many visitors there are to the site you would have to realize LOTS of people look in at the discussion.

when people LIE and there are people listening someone needs to counter the lies.

I am here to counter the lies.

I am DAMNED serious about that.

Its a thankless endless job but I love the truth and this country