How utterly fascinating is it, that this miraculous functioning of the brain, genes, chemicals, etc., is a result of sheer happenstance?
So what? Are unlikely things not supposed to happen, or something?
How utterly fascinating is it, that this miraculous functioning of the brain, genes, chemicals, etc., is a result of sheer happenstance?
Didn't say you tried to interpret it. I said one of us must have the wrong interpretation, and I was correct.
I didn't say we weren't social animals, just that we are not genetically predisposed to be productive members of groups... we're NOT.
Again... dispelling the myth that we are predisposed to be productive members of a group. If this was our predisposition, our group would become part of their group, and we'd all drink Coca-Cola and sing together on a hillside. We're NOT predisposed to do this, genetically or otherwise.
im happy for ya bro![]()
Narlothotep would wholly approve.
Well, you are entitled to think what you want. I really don't give two shits if you EVER tap into your spirituality, it is YOU who is missing the benefit of that, not me.
Wow, then there is some comfort in not being one of your favorite people!![]()
hitchens was the most perfect awesome human that ever lived. His voice is like magic, his words pierce like something very sharp through something not usually meant to be pierced. His intelligence was beyond everything, he was a genius and could outdebate the shit out of anyone. Some called him dangerous because he could take any viewpoint and defend it, he was that good. He was the best most awesome coolest superdude of all time. RIP hitchens![]()
New atheists essentially confine their criticisms of Christianity to some small southern US denominations of the religion, while failing to attack most of the major tenets of the religion itself, while, on the other hand, Muhammad is the spawn of Satan, and all Muslims are terrorists who should be collectively impaled for the good of the species.
If objective morality means that morality has an objective, does subjective morality mean that morality has a subjective? Is subjective morality a term without meaning, a fact which our resident scholar, Dixie, has just recently unearthed, to the chagrin of the many millions who've used the term throughout history with the opposite impression?
So what? Are unlikely things not supposed to happen, or something?
Unlikely things happen all the time, but this goes to a whole new level of unlikeliness.
First of all, it's about a hundred thousand unlikely things happening at precise times or intervals and over the course of time, in perfect order, some happening quickly, some happening gradually, but all happening... unlikely things... one after another... chemicals reacting, elements coalescing, coming together in perfect harmony to first create a planet precisely capable of sustaining something yet unknown, called life. Then the process of the life advancing and evolving and more life abounding to support the already extent life...not knowing it had to be... none of it knowing it needed to exist... just by happenstance... unlikely as it is, all these many things came together.
It stats with a bang which has yet to be explained.. but what existed before that moment? What caused that moment? And all the matter that comprises the things which come together in miraculous harmony to form life, what was it before?
No, I've unearthed that some pinheads don't know how to express their thoughts. Objective morality, as Damo points out, does have an objective. Subjective morality would me morality that is subjective. If you believe all morality is subjective, you should say that, and not that you "don't believe in objective morality."
It's unlikely anyone would ever know what it was before.
But, all of the improbable things you refer to aren't nearly as improbable as an all-powerful, omniscient being just existing to make it all happen.
Uh, try googling "objective morality" and see if that's what you get, Dixie. Because I'm getting something completely different.
Most people are dumb to their enemies. I also suffer from not reading my own posts. (the 'R' and the 'T' are side by side on my keyboard and too close for fingers like elephant feet. .... now, shall I close that bracket? .... OK, I will.).
Anyway your post got a 'Thank you' even if it was only from the king of Dumb.
hitchens was the most perfect awesome human that ever lived. His voice is like magic, his words pierce like something very sharp through something not usually meant to be pierced. His intelligence was beyond everything, he was a genius and could outdebate the shit out of anyone. Some called him dangerous because he could take any viewpoint and defend it, he was that good. He was the best most awesome coolest superdude of all time. RIP hitchens![]()
Look idiot, I don't have time to play silly third grader word games. "Objective" means there is an "object" or "point" of it. Damo explained it best:
Damo: Objective Morality is a description of why the moral code was made...
The Objective: To create a self-perpetuating or growing society to allow for the continuing species.
To that end a set of moral "values" became popular. Not eating each other, for instance, or feeding the young and helping them learn, even not interbreeding in most places...
Dumbass Grind says he doesn't believe in "objective morality" then proceeded to give a list of objectives for morality. What he should have said is that he believes all morality is subjective, not that he doesn't believe in 'objective' morality. He could have also more appropriately said, he doesn't believe in "moral objectivism."
But see... here's the thing with Grind... he flies by his own set of rules. There are Grind Rules, and then there are the rules the rest of us are expected to follow. No need in questioning Grind Rules, because they are infallible, since Grind created them. For instance, did you know, if you are ever confused about who you are talking to here, what with "Trinity" continually switching out screen names... all you have to do is look at the 'location' in the upper right corner, and THAT tells a new person who visits here, who everyone really is. Grind told me this himself, therefore, it must be so!