Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
You are the same as the company you keep. Both of you are advocating violent overthrow of the US government and capitalism (code word: "globalism"). Why should I treat either of you differently?your mistake is assuming I hate the constitution just because i'm brothers with someone who you THINK hates the constitution.
the oath keepers became the oaf keepers when they decided that cops killing unarmed people was better than people rising up against the machine, choosing instead to hope that they could join in with that machine and start killing people for doing the same things that the founders did when they finally had enough
again, you have a right to believe whatever, no matter how wrong you are.
might be difficult for you to accept, but i'd hand asshat a gun to cover my back before i'd trust someone I don't know, even if he calls me brother because we wear the same uniform....given some of the things they've said about me
Fictional scenario: if I ran around in a pink pussy hat screaming "defund the police", wouldn't you assume I was a "1980s Liberal" or a LW looney? Why are you claiming I'm wrong when you are advocating overthrowing the Constitution and imposing a martial law? Under martial law, wouldn't der Fuhrer be authorized to declare all the top Democrats, including AOC, as Chinese traitors and line them up against a wall outside Congress? Are you smart enough to recognize the wisdom in one of President Gerald R. Ford's favorite sayings?:
"a government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."