"A Republic, if you can keep it."

Hello Dutch Uncle,


I didn't mean to take over your thread. I began a new thread to talk about the tweetstorm.

Thanks. No worries. I replied on the Tweet Thread.

BTW, when Trump says "We have just begun to fight" it means he's hiding in his toilet Tweeting and hoping others will risk their lives on the streets. In some ways, I do home hundreds of armed Trump supporters take to the streets so the military can round them up and put them in Trump's cages on the border. Take their kids and put the kids in foster homes with no paperwork to show who their real parental idiots used to be. It'd be Karmic.

he will stop twitter and facebook from censoring at gunpoint. it's an easy concept if you're not dumb.

Of course. That's what dictators and tyrants do. What will you do, Legion? Grab a gun and start supporting the dictatorship or will you be back in the closet...again?
Speaking of social media, have we seen the much anticipated tweet storm yet? I haven't checked...

Yes, Twittler has been rage-posting for hours. Screenshot, just now:

All it takes is one dumbass who actually believes that bullshit to do something supremely stupid and get himself shot down by police. The nation may see that happen once or twice if Trump keeps spreading his bullshit on Twitter and Fox News.

He just tweeted that the rubes are "forming in Washington DC" to "Stop the Steal." Let's see how long till the shooting begins.

He just tweeted that the rubes are "forming in Washington DC" to "Stop the Steal." Let's see how long till the shooting begins.


A few deaths is always a good way for many Americans to realize this shit is serious and to hold the appropropriate people accountable.

Unfortunately, Trump still holds the "Trump card" (<--see what I did there?) of Executive Privilege. It's doubtful he can be held criminally liable for any of this.

The fucking morons in the streets? Yeah, they'll be arrested and sent to prison...if not shot dead where they stand as domestic terrorists.
explain how it's not possible.

Why? Stone and I had this same argument a few days ago. Unlike a few "vets" here, I take my oath seriously and consider it binding. He does not. You? You never took it, but will be treated just the same as if you did and willfully violated it.
Asshat is not legion............what gave you that idea?

How do you know? His behavior. Legion is never consistent except about his love for himself. Asshat is the same. Besides, where do you think Asshat Legion came from?

Do you believe your oath is binding even today?