You also flunk reasoning.
But you are unable to explain your statement about fraud? You could have explained yourself in the time you took to insult me.
Educate me, sir.
Is there anything fraudulent about this study? Yes or no.
You also flunk reasoning.
But you are unable to explain your statement about fraud? You could have explained yourself in the time you took to insult me.
Educate me, sir.
Is there anything fraudulent about this study? Yes or no.
You also flunk reasoning.
It almost certainly is a complete fraud, so it carries no weight with me unless someone I trust who is an expert at these sorts of things gets the data, goes over everything, and tells me that it looks legit.
Bret and Heather would be fine.
Where is the fraud in this study?
Where is the fraud in this study?
The reason you and other MAGA-its love Fox News is because it confirms your predetermined hate bias 24/7. Sucks to be you.
Zero for three, by the way, bitch.
No, I'm saying that this study is a crappy one that doesn't prove what the researchers claim. I showed why and how the methodology is flawed. If they had done a proper study and proved what they claim, sobeit. But that's not what they did.
Don't like the results? Attack the election.
Don't like the results? Attack the study.
So transparent.
Zero for three, Hawrthorne Blowmehard.
That is confusing correlation with cause. You can't be sure one caused the other because of the multiple sources.
Evidence does not require a court to exist. No court has authority to choose the electors for any State.And when are Republicans going to get serious about presenting that evidence in court?
Actually, it does.I mean they can bleat about forever but that doesn't mean much.
That's what's happening to the Democrats.Eventually even the sheep will stop believing them.
Argument of the Stone fallacy. Quite a bit of the evidence has already been shown to you. You can't wish it away.They have no evidence
The United States was never a democracy.They need to drag democracy down the hall and drown it in the bathtub first
Which is what YOU are doing. Inversion fallacy.Then they will invent “the facts” they need
The question, as asked, allowed multiple answers. How did the pollsters determine watching Fox would give the result they got if persons answered "yes" to multiple sources?
The reason you and other MAGA-its love Fox News is because it confirms your predetermined hate bias 24/7. Sucks to be you.
Zero for three, by the way, bitch.
Where is the fraud in this study?
Hey Idiot! You, Donald Trump, or Fox News have never presented any evidence of election fraud by any Democrats!
You have failed at reading comprehension.
They can't present it in court because they don't have enough evidence to get a court to accept their cases.
Then explain your post: "These kinds of "studies" are almost always straight up fraud."
If the studies are almost always "straight up fraud," what is fraudulent about this study?