A simple question...

Can you share something with someone else that neither of you are in possession of?

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There you go again......

No, YOU are trying to argue that [1] I share a brain with ITN while simultaneously arguing that [2] neither one of us can find said brain.

If neither of us can find a brain, then neither of us can share a brain because THERE. IS. NO. BRAIN. TO. SHARE. It can't be both, MORON...

WOW you are fucking stuuuuuuupid...

Thanks for confirming you have no brain.
Thanks for confirming you have no brain.

He has a brain, but is limited. He's not stupid so, IMO, it's something else such as mental illness. Specifically schizophrenia.

Have you scanned through his manifesto that he links in the signature of every one of his socks?


Notice he deleted it for IBDaMann..who is seen here just like in gfm's signature = https://politiplex.freeforums.net/thread/2/global-warming-mythology-reference-manual

Now, perhaps, JPP's abstract thinkers have a better understanding of why I believe you are a paranoid schizo concrete thinker.
Continued paradox. Under your own reasoning, you as an abstract thinker (and JPP's abstract thinkers) can't ever fully understand what a concrete thinker is.

You are now approaching Poor Richard Saunders level of stupidity...
Continued paradox. Under your own reasoning, you as an abstract thinker (and JPP's abstract thinkers) can't ever fully understand what a concrete thinker is.

You are now approaching Poor Richard Saunders level of stupidity...
Thanks for admitting you're a concrete thinker, Sybil. Kudos! :thup:
He has a brain, but is limited. He's not stupid so, IMO, it's something else such as mental illness. Specifically schizophrenia.

Have you scanned through his manifesto that he links in the signature of every one of his socks?


Notice he deleted it for IBDaMann..who is seen here just like in gfm's signature = https://politiplex.freeforums.net/thread/2/global-warming-mythology-reference-manual


Yeah. I looked at that nonsense years ago. It certainly leads one to believe they are the same person since they all believe that shit and follow it religiously.
Thanks for confirming you have no rational argument.

My argument is completely rational. The problem is that your world view is so narrow you can't see anything outside your linear thought progression. You have no intuition. You have no ability to make leaps of logic or understand anything that isn't right in front of your nose.

By the way, Joe just remembered he had loaned the boat to Frank and Frank was going to be back in 1/2 hour. So did they no longer share the boat because Joe is forgetful? Only a fool would claim that was the case.
Yeah. I looked at that nonsense years ago. It certainly leads one to believe they are the same person since they all believe that shit and follow it religiously.

What piques my curiosity is that he continues to vehemently deny the obvious. If he was just a dumbass or retarded, I can see why, but he's not below average in intelligence IMO. That leads me to believe he actually believes he's three different people.
My argument is completely rational.
Not at all.

The problem is that your world view is so narrow you can't see anything outside your linear thought progression. You have no intuition. You have no ability to make leaps of logic or understand anything that isn't right in front of your nose.
Is that your final prognosis, doc? ;)

By the way, Joe just remembered he had loaned the boat to Frank and Frank was going to be back in 1/2 hour.

So did they no longer share the boat because Joe is forgetful?
Yes, but now that Joe has found the boat again, he and Brian can resume sharing it.

Only a fool would claim that was the case.
Only a fool would claim that Joe, after losing the boat, still had a boat to share with Brian.