A troubling observation

As I pointed out to you before, most of that shit came from the wicked witches. You finally managed to excise the cancer of their vituperative attacks.

And we know you just want to be one of the gurls, which you've got a good start on.
How are those pink leotards doing for you?
Tom and Apple are cool. I also like Rana. It's the never-ending Christie/USLoyal/Yurt/USF/Zappa shit that tires me. The quality of this site has plummeted thanks to their personal feuds. Seriously folks, get a fucking life. Why is it so hard to let bygones be bygones? As Grind said, on the old sites we all insulted each other at one time or another, but at the end of the day, it's just a message board and we ended up on civil terms again.

And the problem has only gotten worse since Poet showed up, as many on the left bend over backwards to defend his bigotry and vile, disgusting behavior. They have decided that he is exempt from criticism. I wonder why?
Tom and Apple are cool. I also like Rana. It's the never-ending Christie/USLoyal/Yurt/USF/Zappa shit that tires me. The quality of this site has plummeted thanks to their personal feuds. Seriously folks, get a fucking life. Why is it so hard to let bygones be bygones? As Grind said, on the old sites we all insulted each other at one time or another, but at the end of the day, it's just a message board and we ended up on civil terms again.

And the problem has only gotten worse since Poet showed up, as many on the left bend over backwards to defend his bigotry and vile, disgusting behavior. They have decided that he is exempt from criticism. I wonder why?

Poet describes himself as an activist, but at times he reminds me of the Black Knight.

And we know you just want to be one of the gurls, which you've got a good start on.
How are those pink leotards doing for you?

Don't pick on Tommy; he's scared he's going to be arrested any day now.

Besides, it's a tutu.

Tom and Apple are cool. I also like Rana. It's the never-ending Christie/USLoyal/Yurt/USF/Zappa shit that tires me. The quality of this site has plummeted thanks to their personal feuds. Seriously folks, get a fucking life. Why is it so hard to let bygones be bygones? As Grind said, on the old sites we all insulted each other at one time or another, but at the end of the day, it's just a message board and we ended up on civil terms again.

And the problem has only gotten worse since Poet showed up, as many on the left bend over backwards to defend his bigotry and vile, disgusting behavior. They have decided that he is exempt from criticism. I wonder why?

Please spare me your so-called insights. usloyal hasn't been on this board for almost 8 months and I've had usfreedom on ignore for at least 6 years on two forums. And now that yurt decided he's "maybe going to call me the c-word", I'm done with him also.

Get back to me when somebody hacks your email and decides to post the content on this forum, then maybe you'll understand why I, Darla and Rana spent so much time fighting those two skanks.
Please spare me your so-called insights. usloyal hasn't been on this board for almost 8 months and I've had usfreedom on ignore for at least 6 years on two forums. And now that yurt decided he's "maybe going to call me the c-word", I'm done with him also.

Get back to me when somebody hacks your email and decides to post the content on this forum, then maybe you'll understand why I, Darla and Rana spent so much time fighting those two skanks.

True dat!
What kind of whining pussy bullshit is this? I am sure you were much happier when your mom did all your cooking and laundry for you Volt.
Maybe you need a commiteed girlfriend or a wife.
I've known the core group of this site (Damocles, Grind, 3D, Watermark, SF, and a few others) for nine years. We started out on politics.com, migrated to FullPolitics.com, and eventually wound up here.

Throughout it all, I don't think anyone truly hated each other...that is, until the AOL crowd shuffled in. I'm not singling out liberals here - they're basically all the same. Vicious motherfuckers.

It perplexes me as to how people can hate each other so passionately without even having met each other in person. I can honestly say that I don't even hate Poet. I think he's a lying, hypocritical piece of garbage, but that's another story. This is a message board for Christ's sake. If posting here only fills you with rage, you need to consider whether it is healthy for you to continue participating. Seriously, get some fucking help people.

How I long for the days when things were so simple and innocent.

I can't believe how badly you've misjudged our feelings toward WaterMark.......
in conclusion, lets stop being emo. I realized long ago that some people, for whatever reason, just aren't going to appreciate my presence. And that feeling is mutual, for a select few on here. Nothing we can do about it, lets just try and stay out of each others way and debate politics. And occasionally watch the supertards from the sidelines while eating popcorn. The way we've always done it.
And we know you just want to be one of the gurls, which you've got a good start on.
How are those pink leotards doing for you?

You never were very original with your insults, you haven't used your "writing cheques that your arse can't cash" line for a while though. Maybe you were saving it up?
You never were very original with your insults, you haven't used your "writing cheques that your arse can't cash" line for a while though. Maybe you were saving it up?

Nah, just figured that your recent stupidity didn't warrent anything original.

I do remember you saying that every British man always remembers his first Head Master. :)
I've known the core group of this site (Damocles, Grind, 3D, Watermark, SF, and a few others) for nine years. We started out on politics.com, migrated to FullPolitics.com, and eventually wound up here.

Throughout it all, I don't think anyone truly hated each other...that is, until the AOL crowd shuffled in. I'm not singling out liberals here - they're basically all the same. Vicious motherfuckers.

It perplexes me as to how people can hate each other so passionately without even having met each other in person. I can honestly say that I don't even hate Poet. I think he's a lying, hypocritical piece of garbage, but that's another story. This is a message board for Christ's sake. If posting here only fills you with rage, you need to consider whether it is healthy for you to continue participating. Seriously, get some fucking help people.

How I long for the days when things were so simple and innocent.

Really? How nice. I don't hate you, either, Volty...but you really are pretentious, naming yourself "Voltaire", as if you bore any resemblance to the famed French writer. What a laugh. I believe in the first amendment, but you just can't say anything and expect to get away with it, with no consequences. And I'm here to give them to you.
Tom and Apple are cool. I also like Rana. It's the never-ending Christie/USLoyal/Yurt/USF/Zappa shit that tires me. The quality of this site has plummeted thanks to their personal feuds. Seriously folks, get a fucking life. Why is it so hard to let bygones be bygones? As Grind said, on the old sites we all insulted each other at one time or another, but at the end of the day, it's just a message board and we ended up on civil terms again.

And the problem has only gotten worse since Poet showed up, as many on the left bend over backwards to defend his bigotry and vile, disgusting behavior. They have decided that he is exempt from criticism. I wonder why?

Excuse me? You need to look into the nearest mirror, because there is where you'll find a vile bigot. Disgusting behavior? Have you lost your mind? What disgusting behavior?
Just because I call you racist white mf'ers out, in no way, means that I'm a racist or a bigot. You just can't take the heat, and so you lash out in the only way you know how, by "projecting". The "left" is not "bending"...they agree with me, for the most part. That's why we're all "left".
Criticism? You righties criticize, 'incessantly"...and you don't call out your own for "disgusting behavior". Why should anyone on the left reciprocate?
Ice Dancer, Damn Yankee and Freedom and Webbway are the most vile, racist and bigoted forum members on the right. I have never witnessed you chastising them ever.
Let's talk about your hypocrisy, then.
I would point out that if Darla, Rana, Ice Dancer and USloyal actually ever met there would be probably be much blood spilt.

Nah. I don't think you know rana much at all. She's a class act and non violent. I'm a Brooklyn bitch when it comes down to it with way too much street Irish and Sicilian in me to ever be that classy. Any blood spilt would be by me.