Hmmm, I'm sensing similarities between certain posters and George Zimmerman, hence the support for him. Err'body wanna be a wanna be cop. LOL
You're kidding right?
no. but claiming i'm the one always starting it proves you're a dishonest moron. i can't count the threads i start that end up full of insults from dune, onceler, zappa, gatorman (who came after me from day one), sometimes you etc....yeah...i really am the one who starts it all.
Do you see how far gone you are? I'm not talking about who starts the insults - that differs. I was very clear I'm talking about who starts these boring and stupid whinefests about who "calls who out". And that's you. That's pretty much all you do here.
UH - I know you're stupid and all; but Youth Corrections Employees don't wear sidearms, carry tasors, mace, night sticks, flash lights, or any other kind of weapon.
For someone supposedly so educated, you continue to show that you are the stupidest person around.
Yeah, because the whole world knows all the details of your sordid life. So you can only beat the kids with your fists huh?
No; but I am interested in how you were able to arrive at your failed conclusion?
Do you see how far gone you are? I'm not talking about who starts the insults - that differs. I was very clear I'm talking about who starts these boring and stupid whinefests about who "calls who out". And that's you. That's pretty much all you do here.
I've known the core group of this site (Damocles, Grind, 3D, Watermark, SF, and a few others) for nine years. We started out on, migrated to, and eventually wound up here.
Throughout it all, I don't think anyone truly hated each other...that is, until the AOL crowd shuffled in. I'm not singling out liberals here - they're basically all the same. Vicious motherfuckers.
It perplexes me as to how people can hate each other so passionately without even having met each other in person. I can honestly say that I don't even hate Poet. I think he's a lying, hypocritical piece of garbage, but that's another story. This is a message board for Christ's sake. If posting here only fills you with rage, you need to consider whether it is healthy for you to continue participating. Seriously, get some fucking help people.
How I long for the days when things were so simple and innocent.
I wuz there too.
It is much simpler to just hate everyone.
And who the fuck might you be?![]()
ouchPost the evidence that "the AOLers and Legion/Gatorman" chased "the good posters" away...BTW, if the good posters have been chased away, and you're still here....
Ahh what a nice friendly hello.
I might be anyone or no one at all.
I might just be lil ol occupant.
Why so CONfrontational?