A troubling observation

As far as the rest of this goes, who cares? So much whining. A lot of people left here. I know for a fact some of them left because of ice and loyal, they wrote me and told me outright. Others left because of jpp people. Us citizen, one of my fav posters ever left and I don't know why, I have never been able to get a straight answer. Blackascoal, another fav was hounded off by racists, some of them jpp some of them aol, none of them libs.

As far as the who calls who out debate, again, who cares? Yurt is always starting this shit and others make the mistake of falling into his shit. I don't know about you guys, but I can take care of myself and the day I need a con to protect me they will be reading the bible in hell. If you're tight with someone on the other side personally and feel hurt if they don't say something, tell them about it. If not, just shut up already. Let's talk about fucking politics and not who calls who out.
As far as the rest of this goes, who cares? So much whining. A lot of people left here. I know for a fact some of them left because of ice and loyal, they wrote me and told me outright. Others left because of jpp people. Us citizen, one of my fav posters ever left and I don't know why, I have never been able to get a straight answer. Blackascoal, another fav was hounded off by racists, some of them jpp some of them aol, none of them libs.

As far as the who calls who out debate, again, who cares? Yurt is always starting this shit and others make the mistake of falling into his shit. I don't know about you guys, but I can take care of myself and the day I need a con to protect me they will be reading the bible in hell. If you're tight with someone on the other side personally and feel hurt if they don't say something, tell them about it. If not, just shut up already. Let's talk about fucking politics and not who calls who out.

USCitizen? Yurt.
Just my opinion but I don't think the AOLers are necessarily thinner-skinned, it's just that a lot of personal stuff (i.e. not political opinions) was brought over; then when some of us suspected illegal actions, which I'm not going to rehash, it ramped up the animosity tenfold. I'm perfectly fine with being called a libtard, etc. but keep my family out of it. I don't think you had that particular problem before the AOLers got here.

I have to agree with that assessment.

When I first got here, the AOL bunch started right in on me like usual, and then when I got some static from the JPP'ers, I responded the same as I did with the cows.

I've since learned that most of the JPP crowd aren't out to be assholes for the sake of being assholes, and I can have a reasonable discussion with them...but as I've said in the past, if you can't speak to me with some semblance of civility, don't cry when you get the same back.
Nah. I don't think you know rana much at all. She's a class act and non violent. I'm a Brooklyn bitch when it comes down to it with way too much street Irish and Sicilian in me to ever be that classy. Any blood spilt would be by me.

I was mostly thinking about you and Loyal, you are both feisty and of Irish descent.
As far as the rest of this goes, who cares? So much whining. A lot of people left here. I know for a fact some of them left because of ice and loyal, they wrote me and told me outright. Others left because of jpp people. Us citizen, one of my fav posters ever left and I don't know why, I have never been able to get a straight answer. Blackascoal, another fav was hounded off by racists, some of them jpp some of them aol, none of them libs.

As far as the who calls who out debate, again, who cares? Yurt is always starting this shit and others make the mistake of falling into his shit. I don't know about you guys, but I can take care of myself and the day I need a con to protect me they will be reading the bible in hell. If you're tight with someone on the other side personally and feel hurt if they don't say something, tell them about it. If not, just shut up already. Let's talk about fucking politics and not who calls who out.

how am i "always" starting this shit? that is such a lie and typical of you and zappa's bullshit. you guys whine about insults, yet turn around and insult others frequently....yet...somehow it is my fault.


Looks just like you.
Are you now going to release some more information from Poet's personal site?
Excuse me? You need to look into the nearest mirror, because there is where you'll find a vile bigot. Disgusting behavior? Have you lost your mind? What disgusting behavior?
Just because I call you racist white mf'ers out, in no way, means that I'm a racist or a bigot. You just can't take the heat, and so you lash out in the only way you know how, by "projecting". The "left" is not "bending"...they agree with me, for the most part. That's why we're all "left".
Criticism? You righties criticize, 'incessantly"...and you don't call out your own for "disgusting behavior". Why should anyone on the left reciprocate?
Ice Dancer, Damn Yankee and Freedom and Webbway are the most vile, racist and bigoted forum members on the right. I have never witnessed you chastising them ever.
Let's talk about your hypocrisy, then.

"...white mf'ers..."

What makes you think we even know your mother, let alone that we've fucked her?
Nah. I don't think you know rana much at all. She's a class act and non violent. I'm a Brooklyn bitch when it comes down to it with way too much street Irish and Sicilian in me to ever be that classy. Any blood spilt would be by me.

I guess you flopping around on the ground, could cause you to harm yourself enough to cause blood flow; because you float like a rock and sting like a feather.
I am going to try and not paint people with a broad brush, but I don't think it's a matter of name calling as opposed to how quickly either side moves on from the apparent insult, how long each side holds grudges, how personally people take things, etc. By and large, from my observations, (and I dont know why this is . .) the politics->fp->jpp crew seem to have thicker skin, tend to be more forgiving, and are the type to hand out insults one moment and laugh about something with each other the next.

Additionally, I would say the people that report stuff overwhelmingly are from the AOL group. or at least, not the politics->fp>jpp group.

It's just personality differences, and it really is quite interesting. I don't know if it's just coincidence or what.

But I also enjoy plenty of the Aolers. Some of them are my favorite posters and people here. So they shouldn't have to feel slighted. I just feel that I have to be more discerning when talking to some of them.

I know you're talking about me grind. Don't worry I don't need constant reassurance. I know I'm your favorite. You're my favorite mod too.
Drop the I fucked your mother act usf. No one here believes you have a dick.

Touche'. Spoken by a woman. Now watch as he drops the "holier-than-thou-never-hit-a-woman" act, and turn on you, misogynistic and all, and call you every whore in the book.
When he's afraid to go to work, everyday...because the inmates have him "pegged" as a snitch, and a "daddy girl"...who wouldn't be caught "dead", one-on-one, without his firearm, taking Bubba to the infirmary. Dickless.
Originally Posted by Darla

Drop the I fucked your mother act usf. No one here believes you have a dick.

Posted by USFreedom911:
Then you drop the woman act; because you can't really call that dusty dried up hole a vagina.

What did I tell you? I love it when I'm right.
Touche'. Spoken by a woman. Now watch as he drops the "holier-than-thou-never-hit-a-woman" act, and turn on you, misogynistic and all, and call you every whore in the book.
When he's afraid to go to work, everyday...because the inmates have him "pegged" as a snitch, and a "daddy girl"...who wouldn't be caught "dead", one-on-one, without his firearm, taking Bubba to the infirmary. Dickless.

UH - I know you're stupid and all; but Youth Corrections Employees don't wear sidearms, carry tasors, mace, night sticks, flash lights, or any other kind of weapon.
For someone supposedly so educated, you continue to show that you are the stupidest person around.
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