abortion providers are not human beings.........
Neither are the people who are taking Babies from their Mothers ...
abortion providers are not human beings.........
I'm sure this Baby will appreciate your FULL support when it needs Healthcare, a Job and Eventually Social Security![]()
It will have my full support when it graduates from school, gets a job and becomes a productive member of society.
It will have my full support when it graduates from school, gets a job and becomes a productive member of society.
Nah, that's not support, that's parasitic.
And forcing others to take care of it isnt? No one should have child until they want one and are able to take care of it.
Think of the poor hanger companies and their children.
is that your preferred method of killing chlldren?.....
I'm sure FL and the other bored liberals prefer their killing up front, personal and hand-crafted......
No one's forcing you to do anything hon, calm down.
We usually just bomb them. Doing that in 8 nations now, bombing every 12 minutes somewhere. Gaza and Yemen are hot right about now; up to our eyeballs in and profiteering from both.
Yes they are. Ever hear of something called wellfare? Who pays for that? How many illegal aliens come to this country to have their babies and not only get citizenship, but all kinds of government freebies? Who pays for that?
Someone needs to cut down the rag head population. No one else is doing it.
Ha ha, yeah sure, that's what you're doing on an anonymous chat board, a real warrior ain'tcha. Your empire is in decline, look around.
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha, sure, ok, ignore this one too then.I hope you're not replying to me. That would be pretty stupid, since I'm ignoring what you say.