A woman's basic right over her body doesn't "belong w/ the states"

Again retard - what exactly do you think "Federal" means?

Rub both those brain cells together.

The Continental Congress was Confederated - a confederation. They had to go through the states for all things. When the Constitution was formed we turned into a federation where powers were enumerated directly to the FEDERAL government and could be exercised independent of the states.
At least you admit you lied about the Constitution referring to a "federation."
Anecdotal data is always hard to deal with in cases like this because it is a tragedy for someone. What we need to be mindful of is: yes there are bad people in all groups. Do we let the tiny fraction of a minority of truly evil people in this group define the ENTIRE group for us?

This is what the Germans did in the 1930's. They needed a scapegoat so they chose one and attributed ALL the problems to that one. The scapegoats were demonized as "poison mushrooms" that grew up within their society that poisoned their society. The attendant blood libels that rode along helped move people toward solutions that were quite horrible.

All of this anti-immigrant stuff reeks of that. Like a rotting corpse.

Yes it IS a tragedy that occasionally an undocumented alien does something truly horrible. But as a nation of Americans the statistics still show WE are far more dangerous and law breaking than the "illegals".

Yeah, let's secure the border. No, let's not make the Mexicans into our own "Giftpilz"
Illegal immigration is a crime, dumbass. Inviting invasion of the United States, as Kamala and Joe have done is an act of treason.
This is NOT what the Germans did in the 1930's.

These illegal immigrants are NOT from Mexico. Many of are criminals in their own nation of origin.
The statistics speak for themselves. This is NOT scapegoating. These are criminals, with many of them conducting further acts of crime such as robbery, rape, assault, and murder.

All because of Kamala and Joe.
Oh, that's simple. It's her body. The only thing he had to do with it was drop off some sperm. If he did not want to be a father and/or on the hook for child support, he should have refrained from sex or used protection. He has no right to force her to either abort or give birth, any more than she has the right to force him to get a vasectomy.

The end.
The human life being killed is NOT her body.
Murder is not a right.
DtM is a hypocrite and a liar....and that's his good features. :)

IMO, a man shouldn't have a say in whether a woman to whom he isn't married should be forced to carry his baby. If they are married, that's a conundrum. Did both agree to the child? Are there health reasons on why the woman shouldn't carry the baby? Are they splitting up?

If an unmarried woman decides to carry a man's child and the man is against it, that's also a conundrum. Did she tell him as soon as she found out? Did he protest and opt to split abortion costs, if not pay for all of it if she couldn't? There is an element of unfairness that a woman conceives, hides it from the man and then sues him for child support.
Special pleading fallacy.

Abortion for convenience is murder for convenience. There is no getting around that, Sybil.
You. like all democrats hate democracy.
So do I. I'm a conservative.

A democracy is an unstable form of government, usually dissolving into an oligarchy or dictatorship before long (Athens dissolved into a dictatorship, CHAZ dissolved into a brutal oligarchy.
The idea of people voting offends you. Only the rulers of your party are qualified to decide important issues.
What you just saw at the DNC was the implosion of the Democrat party.

It was obvious proof the Democrat party does NOT represent their own constituents. It only represents some Elites that don't give a damn about anything else but themselves, then tell their constituents what they're supposed to believe.
If you live in a state you live in the US. If you want to secede, then do it. We are citizens of the US, not the state we reside in.

Citizens of the State are also citizens of the United States, Hugo.

Calilfornia and New York have already effectively seceded, but still have representation in Congress (illegally).
Neither recognizes the Constitution of the United States nor their own State constitutions.

This reason alone is enough to disqualify Kamala from the Presidency or Vice Presidency.
She has also committed treason.

Until the citizens of the SDTC (Socialist Dictatorship of the Territory of California) or the SOTNY (Socialist Oligarchy of the Territory of New York) take back their government (which will probably only happen through a violent revolt now), they will continue to suffer under these regimes unless they can flee and immigrate back to the United States.
You know utterly nothing of the United States.

We are 50 sovereign states that have formed a federation for mutual protection and a system of courts to resolve interstate disputes.

Read the Constitution - it isn't difficult or confusing. And perhaps you'll stop trying to destroy the Republic that you don't have any knowledge of.
About 46 now.

California, New York, Colorado, and Hawaii have all effectively left the Union. None of these places recognize the Constitution of the United States nor the constitution of their own State.

The current form of government in California is a dictatorship.
The current form of government in New York, Colorado, and Hawaii is oligarchy.
The current form of government at the federal layer is in question between an oligarchy or a republic.

You've been exposed as an ignoramus with zero grasp of how the United States works. You think this is a central dictatorship like China - it is not. We are a collection of independent states in a federation.

Your fellow Maoists are trying to stir up support for their party by attacking democracy.

37 states have virtually unrestricted abortion. Only 13 have restrictions. What gives you Communists the right to impose your beliefs on those states?

Because you are offended by every live birth?
The United States was never a democracy. It was organized as a federated republic.