Into the Night
Verified User
Again, you show your inability to speak or understand English.
The term 'confederacy' first appeared in the English lexicon around the 1500's, taken directly from French, which in turn took it from Latin; meaning a contract between two or more persons, or two or more states (as in governments), forming a union or joint action.
The term 'federal' is a shortened version of 'confederacy'. A federation is the government so created by that contract, or constitution; just as a confederation is the government created by that constitution, or contract, forming the confederacy.
The federal government is a federation formed by the Constitution of the United States. That Constitution is created by the States. They own it. Only they can modify it. Only they can destroy it, and thus dissolve the federal government (or the federation). This type of government is a republic, or government by law (a constitution).
Each State is also a republic, AND a federation (made up of the people of that State that own the constitution forming the federation known as the name of their State.
I already know you despise the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.
You can't redefine words to escape your problem.