T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
We could start by it not being a "right" but a medical procedure. A Right is universal. Rights also don't have a price tag attached. Everyone has it. Since it is a medical procedure, it occurs at the point of service, it isn't interstate commerce.This is the right's mantra now: abortion is back w/ the states - "where it belongs."
Can anyone explain why such a sacred right "belongs w/ the states?" And we don't have to debate if abortion is "murder" here. Everyone is dug in on that, on both sides. And it's irrelevant to this discussion.
A woman's right to choose and to have that decision be between her & her healthcare provider shouldn't be something that's at the whim of whatever state she happens to live in. Freedoms are universal.
Next, if it's a "woman's right to choose," then men shouldn't have to pay child support.
So, it's now a "freedom" and not a "Right?" Okay, you seem to flippantly use whatever term you like without regards to definition or meaning.