A woman's basic right over her body doesn't "belong w/ the states"

What are you even talking about?

Men don't have a say in this. A woman has to carry a fetus to term, in HER BODY. How is there any kind of disconnect on this?

It takes two to tango so-to-speak.

If it is a "woman's right to choose" from conception until birth why does that suddenly change if she unilaterally decides to have the child? Why should the man--who up to that point was nothing but a sperm donor with no rights or ability to choose the outcome of that pregnancy-- suddenly become responsible financially for 50% of the cost of the raising of the child? If she decides to have an abortion, the man has no say in that either. Maybe he would like to have the child and pay for it's birth and then pay to raise it. He is never given the choice with "It's a woman's right to choose."

That defies everything in Western law and contract law.
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I hope you don't mind - I'm going to completely ignore this baseless, silly comment.
Denial. You support the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime, and you justify your position with the quip that such killing is a personal matter of choice by the killer.

It's your position. I understand why you are ashamed to show your face in decent society.
What are you even talking about? Men don't have a say in this.
Your postion is that men don't get a say in the killing of their children. Got it. You are a shitty person, but I'm repeating myself.

A woman has to carry a fetus to term, in HER BODY.

People who sign up for a responsibility carry the responsibility of fullfilling their obligations.

People who sign up for a moral responsibility carry the moral responsibility of fulfilling their moral obligations.

How is there any kind of disconnect on this?
Bartender talks A LOT. Much if it untrue btw. Remember him proclaiming with a straight face that the Ukraine war was " the fight of our lifetime" or that he was strongly considering volunteering himself for foreign military service in Ukraine? :rolleyes: :laugh:
No, it's not with reproduction unless you consider men nothing more than sperm donors. If so, then women have ZERO--ZERO-- right to child support. It's their decision whether to have a child or not, and it's their responsibility to raise and care for it if they do.
Ah, so you're way behind on supporting your own spawn, it would seem.

So men have the freedom to run around implanting their seed wherever they can, like male deer or squirrels, but have zero responsibility for the outcome of that sexual encounter? Even if they are married to the mom? But women must be forced to give birth whether they want to or not, because you got a dick that gives you the right to dictate so? How very Neanderthalish of you. Wolves are more civilized than you. :laugh:
Bartender talks A LOT. Much if it untrue btw. Remember him proclaiming with a straight face that the Ukraine war was " the fight of our lifetime" or that he was strongly considering volunteering himself for foreign military service in Ukraine? :rolleyes: :laugh:

Are you still looking for the post where I was racist in any way?

That's gonna be a tough one.

See, I can say you're a misogynist - and all I have to do is link that Dana Bash thread. That was hate, for women. But have you found anything where I'm racist?
This is the right's mantra now: abortion is back w/ the states - "where it belongs."

Can anyone explain why such a sacred right "belongs w/ the states?" And we don't have to debate if abortion is "murder" here. Everyone is dug in on that, on both sides. And it's irrelevant to this discussion.

A woman's right to choose and to have that decision be between her & her healthcare provider shouldn't be something that's at the whim of whatever state she happens to live in. Freedoms are universal.
So do you think a Healthy woman has the right to abort her healthy baby at 38 weeks gestation.
Are you still looking for the post where I was racist in any way?

That's gonna be a tough one.

See, I can say you're a misogynist - and all I have to do is link that Dana Bash thread. That was hate, for women. But have you found anything where I'm racist?
Nice deflection. well,...not really.

Nice deflection. well,...not really.




DUDE - you brought up a Ukraine comment from YEARS ago. On a thread about ABORTION.

Pot, kettle, glass houses, the works. Jesus - you are lost.

And, you DID imply today that I was a racist. That's a serious accusation. I assume you're still looking for the verbiage.
Ah, so you're way behind on supporting your own spawn, it would seem.

So men have the freedom to run around implanting their seed wherever they can, like male deer or squirrels, but have zero responsibility for the outcome of that sexual encounter? Even if they are married to the mom? But women must be forced to give birth whether they want to or not, because you got a dick that gives you the right to dictate so? How very Neanderthalish of you. Wolves are more civilized than you. :laugh:
No, your statement implies rape. Sex between consenting adults can and often will result in pregnancy. That is a matter of biological and evolutionary science.

Women aren't "forced to give birth," but rather it's a matter of whether the man has any say in the pregnancy or not. The way the Left wants it (you) is "It's a woman's right to choose." It is her decision and hers alone to make whether the child is aborted or born. If she chooses to have the child then suddenly upon birth it's now the man's responsibility to pay 50% of the child's upbringing even though he had no say in the decision to have the child to begin with.

It is YOU that is a moron. Contract law holds that there are two parties involved and each has rights and responsibilities. You want to twist this in favor of the woman and essentially fucking the man over by giving him NO RIGHTS and EQUAL RESPONSIBILTY. That is a childish, stupid, and contrary to ALL contract law way to handle this situation.

But that's the Left for you. Not a rational, logical thought among them. Instead, it's a childish, selfish wanting of what they want without regard to fairness, equality, or equity.
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Off the subject a bit but I have a question for you that pertains to your thoughts on the rights of others. How do you feel about the big push taking place across several states regarding paternity? Many of the states want mandatory DNA testing at time of birth. Others want paternity fraud laws with stiff penalties put in place as well. What are your thoughts on this since these new laws are more for protecting men and children from the predatory nature of " some" women? I think its a good idea considering the fact that in some states they have begun finding that around 25% of the time the male in question was NOT the father. Paternity fraud is IMO actually much more serious than other types of fraud due to the emotional damage that can be inflicted upon the "acting" father and child. Its fraud,...plain and simple. Jail them, fine them, force them to pay back every cent of wrongfully collected child support WITH INTEREST by attaching to their paycheck or tax returns if need be. Women want and demand equality which I am all for,.....these new laws will help give them the equality they demand.
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A woman's basic right over her body doesn't "belong w/ the states"​

Why would any decent person even have to be told this?
It's beyond my comprehension and stomach turning as well.

Anti-choice is deplorable misogyny,
plain and simple, no reasonable argument possible.

A woman's basic right over her body doesn't "belong w/ the states"​

Why would any decent person even have to be told this?
It's beyond my comprehension and stomach turning as well.

Anti-choice is deplorable misogyny,
plain and simple, no reasonable argument possible.
Your opinion means nothing. You come from the absolute pigshit hole of Boston which has warped any sense of right and wrong you ever had.

No, your statement implies rape. Sex between consenting adults can and often will result in pregnancy. That is a matter of biological and evolutionary science.

Women aren't "forced to give birth," but rather it's a matter of whether the man has any say in the pregnancy or not. (snipped nonsense)

So men can run around sticking their dicks in women and causing pregnancies to occur but "have no say" about it? What are you saying, that you men are not in control over your own bodies? You're FORCED to have sex? :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

Mind your own business. You say you don't want government telling you what to do, how to be safe on a work site, telling companies not to pollute, telling males they must financially support any children they've helped produce, mandating minimum wage, etc. etc. Yet you're just fine with letting govt. interfere in people's very private business -- whether or not to be a parent.

A woman's basic right over her body doesn't "belong w/ the states"​

Why would any decent person even have to be told this?
It's beyond my comprehension and stomach turning as well.

Anti-choice is deplorable misogyny,
plain and simple, no reasonable argument possible.
Absolutely true. :hand: :hand: :hand:

These strict forced-birther laws have nothing at all to do with "protecting innocent life." They have everything to do with controlling women and forcing them to reproduce. If the forced-birthers really cared about "innocent life," they'd be picketing in DC and state houses to enact strict firearms regulations. They'd be writing their congress critters to expand social welfare programs to help low-income families.
It takes two people to procreate. When the mother chooses to terminate without the consent of the father , " which nowa
days may or may not even be accurate :unsure: " the fathers rights are not being taken into consideration at all. Yet if the female chooses to bring the pregnancy to full term the father is demanded to pay child support among other things. In this current flawed system the rights of the father are not considered at all.