☪ Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, it's a Muslim. Again. ☪

"First of all, it must be clearly understood that there is no place in the Holy Quran in which Muslims are commanded to kill ‘infidels of the world’ as the person asserted. This is totally false, and a blatant lie and misinterpretation of the teachings of Islam. It seems that the Muslim to whom the other person was speaking, was not a scholar of Islam nor was he aware of the true teachings of Islam.
"Kill them wherever you find them" is PRECISELY that command. WHEREVER YOU FIND THEM. Anywhere in the world. Anywhere you find them, kill them. That's what your precious Quran says.

But, if all you have is quoting some retarded ass apologist for Islamic violence, then it's clear you have no argument.
Non sequitur, huh?

No. He's a Jew.

I never thought I'd see the day ...

"Kill them wherever you find them" is PRECISELY that command. WHEREVER YOU FIND THEM. Anywhere in the world. Anywhere you find them, kill them. That's what your precious Quran says.

But, if all you have is quoting some retarded ass apologist for Islamic violence, then it's clear you have no argument.

Words are one thing.

Their actions are another. :nodyes:
"Kill them wherever you find them" is PRECISELY that command. WHEREVER YOU FIND THEM. Anywhere in the world. Anywhere you find them, kill them. That's what your precious Quran says.

But, if all you have is quoting some retarded ass apologist for Islamic violence, then it's clear you have no argument.
You're an idiot. Suicide is forbidden to Muslims, just like it is to Christians.

"Suicide is haram and a major sin in Islam. The word ‘Haram’ in the Quran refers to something that is prohibited and forbidden by Allah. Those who commit suicide will go to Hell and Allah will punish them.

Prophet (S.A.W.) said: “.... Whoever kills himself with something, then Allah will punish him with whatever he killed himself with on the Day of Judgement.”
(Tirmidhi: 2636)

Remember one thing Allah has granted us this life and it is His right to take it. When we do commit suicide, we are leaving it without permission from Allah. This is why it is haram in Islam.

Allah Says in Quran:
"And do not kill yourselves [or one another]. Indeed, Allah is to you ever Merciful."
(Surah An-Nisa 4:29

You're new at this. I was making a rebuttal. If you have no intention of showing that I am mistaken, I'm willing to leave my statement stand as it is.

The burden of proof lies with the claimant. That would be Y O U.

It's not my responsibility to prove your claim. It's yours.
You're an idiot. Suicide is forbidden to Muslims, just like it is to Christians.

"Suicide is haram and a major sin in Islam. The word ‘Haram’ in the Quran refers to something that is prohibited and forbidden by Allah. Those who commit suicide will go to Hell and Allah will punish them.

Prophet (S.A.W.) said: “.... Whoever kills himself with something, then Allah will punish him with whatever he killed himself with on the Day of Judgement.”
(Tirmidhi: 2636)

Remember one thing Allah has granted us this life and it is His right to take it. When we do commit suicide, we are leaving it without permission from Allah. This is why it is haram in Islam.

Allah Says in Quran:
"And do not kill yourselves [or one another]. Indeed, Allah is to you ever Merciful."
(Surah An-Nisa 4:29

More Muslim apologists? :palm:
You don't judge Christians by their deadly deeds. You don't refer to killers by their religion unless they're Muslims.
Christians by definition do not perform deadly deeds. That's because Jesus' teachings are to love
You're an idiot. Suicide is forbidden to Muslims, just like it is to Christians.

"Suicide is haram and a major sin in Islam. The word ‘Haram’ in the Quran refers to something that is prohibited and forbidden by Allah. Those who commit suicide will go to Hell and Allah will punish them.

Prophet (S.A.W.) said: “.... Whoever kills himself with something, then Allah will punish him with whatever he killed himself with on the Day of Judgement.”
(Tirmidhi: 2636)

Remember one thing Allah has granted us this life and it is His right to take it. When we do commit suicide, we are leaving it without permission from Allah. This is why it is haram in Islam.

Allah Says in Quran:
"And do not kill yourselves [or one another]. Indeed, Allah is to you ever Merciful."
(Surah An-Nisa 4:29

Surah At-Tawbah (9:111)​

“Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah, so they kill and are killed…”

Surah An-Nisa (4:74)​

“So let those fight in the cause of Allah who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter. And he who fights in the cause of Allah and is killed or achieves victory – We will bestow upon him a great reward.”
  • Fondapol, a French think tank, reported that between 1979 and May 2021, there were at least 48,035 Islamist terrorist attacks worldwide, according to their study.
  • The Global Terrorism Database (GTD) at the University of Maryland documents over 200,000 terrorist incidents since 1970, with Islamist groups being responsible for a significant portion of these incidents, although exact numbers specifically for Muslim terrorists aren't delineated in a straightforward manner.


Is suicide as form of terrorism allowed in Islam?​

These days more and more Muslims are committing suicide as a form of terrorism, therefore ‘is suicide allowed in Islam?

There is no place for terrorism in Islam and that suicide bombings are a flagrant contradiction of the Quranic injunctions. We will now further explain this.

The practice of suicide bombing is seen in many parts of the world and attempts have been made to legitimise such conduct. A careful study of the sources of Islam shows that there is no basis for such action and that these tactics are absolutely out of the question for true followers of Islam. Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran

– And kill not your own selves. Surely Allah is Merciful to you. (Ch. 4.- v. 30)
– …and cast not yourselves into ruin with your own hands… (Ch. 2.- v.196)
– Islam strictly forbids the killing of innocent, non-aggressive people: no hostility is allowed except against the aggressors. (Ch. 2.- v.194)
These three verses alone should have been sufficient to prevent Muslims from crashing airplanes into buildings or from sending suicide bombers to blow up innocent civilians. So why do they do it? Unfortunately, the Muslims are encouraged to do these unIslamic acts through the promise that if they do it; then they will be regarded by Allah as being martyrs and will go straight to Heaven. But this is a false promise and such acts will only lead a person to Hell. We see an example of this in the Ahadith.

Furthermore, when such acts are committed, innocent people are killed. The Holy Quran teaches us in Chapter 5, Verse 33
“Whosoever killed a person – unless it be for killing a person or for creating disorder in the land – it shall be as if he had killed all mankind“

Therefore whoever commits suicide or any form of terrorism which takes innocent lives is totally against the teachings of Islam.


Is suicide as form of terrorism allowed in Islam?​

These days more and more Muslims are committing suicide as a form of terrorism, therefore ‘is suicide allowed in Islam?

There is no place for terrorism in Islam and that suicide bombings are a flagrant contradiction of the Quranic injunctions. We will now further explain this.

The practice of suicide bombing is seen in many parts of the world and attempts have been made to legitimise such conduct. A careful study of the sources of Islam shows that there is no basis for such action and that these tactics are absolutely out of the question for true followers of Islam. Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran

These three verses alone should have been sufficient to prevent Muslims from crashing airplanes into buildings or from sending suicide bombers to blow up innocent civilians. So why do they do it? Unfortunately, the Muslims are encouraged to do these unIslamic acts through the promise that if they do it; then they will be regarded by Allah as being martyrs and will go straight to Heaven. But this is a false promise and such acts will only lead a person to Hell. We see an example of this in the Ahadith.

Furthermore, when such acts are committed, innocent people are killed. The Holy Quran teaches us in Chapter 5, Verse 33
“Whosoever killed a person – unless it be for killing a person or for creating disorder in the land – it shall be as if he had killed all mankind“

Therefore whoever commits suicide or any form of terrorism which takes innocent lives is totally against the teachings of Islam.

Al Islam The Official Website of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community


Al Islam The Official Website of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

Are you drunk? If people want to learn about Islam they go to Muslim scholars; if they want to learn about Christianity, they go to Christian scholars. Same applies to Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, or whatever.