ABC, CBS Downplay Antifa Terror as Just ‘Foolishness,’ Spin Shooting


This ain't Europe retard!

There is no organized ANTIFA movement here in America.

ANTIFA is one of those TRUMPTARDED CONSPIRACY THEORIES, basically a catchphrase, that you retards blame for anytime someone stands up to the organized KKK or Nazi demonstrations in the streets!

In other words you, TRUMP DICK SUCKERS LIKE YOU are BAT-SHIT-CRAZY- and nuttier than squirrel POOP!

You show how you believe the lies of democrats
Anyone with a black t-shirt is antifa.

Well, these guys certainly are...


They're well organized too...

Or maybe these organized Antifa...


Wearing their uniforms, carrying their flags, and proudly displaying their organization's symbols...

Or, these in the heart of a red state, Nebraska...

If you rightys would quit talking about ANTIFA and actually look, you would not be able to find it. Your crying keeps the idea alive. I guess an anti-fascist organization is bad. So you guys are pro fascist. Your love of Trump proves that is the case.
Fascism is wrong. It is correct to oppose fascism.

Violence is wrong. It is correct to oppose violence.

Antifa is messed up. But it is nowhere near the problem that right wing domestic terrorism is. Like, 1% of it.

Hatred and stereotyping are wrong. It is correct to promote understanding and peaceful meaningful dialog.

The main stream media is more informative than extremist media. The main stream media is not liberal. It is real. It has a credible reputation.

Right wing media is particularly offensive and dehumanizing to different cultures. It feeds hatred. And it is often wrong.

Fox News has lost all credibility. They openly lied even when they knew the truth. They openly admitted that ratings were emphasized over the truth. Fox was literally afraid if they told the truth they would lose viewership. Hateful right wing viewers got really mad at Fox for correctly and scientifically calling Arizona for Biden in the days after the 2020 election. Fox tried to make up for it by spinning lies they knew were false. Tucker Carlson even admitted he hated Trump passionately.

Tucker Carlson on Trump: ‘I hate him passionately’

" Tucker Carlson said, “We’re all pretending we’ve got a lot to show for it, [ 4 years of Trump ] because admitting what a disaster it’s been is too tough to digest. But come on. There really isn’t an upside to Trump.” "
If you rightys would quit talking about ANTIFA and actually look, you would not be able to find it. Your crying keeps the idea alive. I guess an anti-fascist organization is bad. So you guys are pro fascist. Your love of Trump proves that is the case.

Antifa IS the fascists, and I have no trouble at all finding their photos on line in mass quantities as I did above. Antifa is an organization on a global scale, and they are terrorists.
Antifa IS the fascists, and I have no trouble at all finding their photos on line in mass quantities as I did above. Antifa is an organization on a global scale, and they are terrorists.

Antifa are the fascists, the Anti-Defamation League are the jihadists, and the NAACP are the Ku Klux Klan. Got it.
Who are Antifa?

Antifa is a decentralized, leaderless movement composed of loose collections of groups, networks and individuals.
Persistent disinformation campaigns about antifa distort public perception of the movement.
Antifa’s professed purpose is to vigorously oppose fascism. While some extreme actors who claim to be affiliated with antifa do engage in violence or vandalism at rallies and events, this is not the norm.
Because there is no unifying body for antifa, it is impossible to know how many adherents are currently active. Different localities have antifa populations of different strengths, but antifa adherents are also sometimes willing to travel hundreds of miles to oppose a white supremacist event.
The antifa movement is a loose collection of groups, networks and individuals. It began in the 1960s in Europe, and had reached the US by the end of the 1970s. The movement’s ideology is rooted in the belief that the Nazi party would never have been able to come to power in Germany if people had more aggressively fought them in the streets in the 1920s and 30s.