Abortion wasn't always taboo in America

The ones you want to force to have children? Those the ones you talking about? You gave a good argument for abortion.

Currently, abortion is legal. That means if someone has a child, they did so by choice. If they are pregnant, unless it was rape, the action they took that produced the pregnancy was by choice. Why, when they don't like the results of that choice do they believe it's OK to kill what they produced? If you use that same logic, if someone is in a house they no longer like, it would be OK to burn it down.

If you claim that the choice of what a woman does with her body is hers alone and others should butt out, why is it when she chooses to have children she can't afford, those she told to butt out are the ones forced to support HER children?
The ones you want to force to have children? Those the ones you talking about? You gave a good argument for abortion.

idiot...pay attention......these aren't people who didn't want children.....they wanted their children, abused them and had to have their parental rights stripped by the courts against their will before the kids could be put up for adoption........there is a waiting list for infants for those parents who DON'T want to keep their children......foster homes are not for unwanted children......they are for those being abused by parents who want children they can abuse......
we should make the call for men AND women everywhere, for the sake of children everywhere.......

Abortion is none of your fucking business and what it really boils down to is that you are resentful that people have casual sex and you can't....because you're an ugly person...inside and out.
I'm curious Owl, if the woman doesn't want a child why doesn't she release it for adoption?......

I'm curious; are you resentful of casual sex because you can't get any yourself? And since you can't get any, you don't think anyone else should? Because that's what it looks like to an outside observer.
Because not all children put up for adoption are actually adopted you fucking idiot.

I didn't see PIMP's question to me because he's on ignore. Evidently he's a forced-birther. There are many reasons that an unwanted pregnancy should not go to term -- medical, emotional, financial. But the biggest one is that it's not of his or anyone else's business. The decision properly belongs, as decided by the U.S. SCt., between the woman and her physician.
I didn't see PIMP's question to me because he's on ignore. Evidently he's a forced-birther. There are many reasons that an unwanted pregnancy should not go to term -- medical, emotional, financial. But the biggest one is that it's not of his or anyone else's business. The decision properly belongs, as decided by the U.S. SCt., between the woman and her physician.

Bolded for significance.

That is ultimately what it is; none of anyone's business.

So anyone who makes abortion their business is doing so because of (likely) resentment they have towards people who have casual sex. Most anti-abortion nutcases are sexually repressed, ugly (inside and out) losers who simply can't get casual sex. So because they think they're entitled to everything, anyone that gets to enjoy something they don't is judged in order to make the sexually-deprived (and depraved) anti-abortion zealot feel better about being so horrific, unattractive, and undesirable.
So because abortion once was common in the US that makes it ok. Is that what you idiots are saying? He'll it was once common to hang horse and cattle thieves without a trial. Shoot native Americans and a multitude of other things. So using your abortion logic all the things I mentioned should all be legal also.
Bolded for significance.

That is ultimately what it is; none of anyone's business.

So anyone who makes abortion their business is doing so because of (likely) resentment they have towards people who have casual sex. Most anti-abortion nutcases are sexually repressed, ugly (inside and out) losers who simply can't get casual sex. So because they think they're entitled to everything, anyone that gets to enjoy something they don't is judged in order to make the sexually-deprived (and depraved) anti-abortion zealot feel better about being so horrific, unattractive, and undesirable.

I don't know if I'd describe them *that* badly. lol But to some extent there is truth in there.... people who are happy with their own lives and personal relationships seldom feel the need to tell others how to run their own lives. Some anti-choice ppl are sincere and have religious reasons for their POV. That still does not, however, give them the right to force those beliefs onto another person. If you 1) don't have a uterus, 2) have not adopted an unwanted child, and 3) are against public assistance, then you need to STFU about it.
Poor Toxic, still trying desperate for my attention. Here you go. Enjoy! Oh, and before I leave you... did you ever get that itchy rash looked at? </Purina attention whore chow>
Bolded for significance.

That is ultimately what it is; none of anyone's business.

So anyone who makes abortion their business is doing so because of (likely) resentment they have towards people who have casual sex. Most anti-abortion nutcases are sexually repressed, ugly (inside and out) losers who simply can't get casual sex. So because they think they're entitled to everything, anyone that gets to enjoy something they don't is judged in order to make the sexually-deprived (and depraved) anti-abortion zealot feel better about being so horrific, unattractive, and undesirable.

he literally is a graduate of jerry fartwells university
Abortion is none of your fucking business and what it really boils down to is that you are resentful that people have casual sex and you can't....because you're an ugly person...inside and out.

/shrugs......I'm the one against killing children.....in my opinion, that makes you a lot uglier than me......
I'm curious; are you resentful of casual sex because you can't get any yourself? And since you can't get any, you don't think anyone else should? Because that's what it looks like to an outside observer.

just because you don't have a child of your own to kill you want to encourage other people to kill theirs......
Abortion was illegal for a few years in America. It was tough times. desperate girl gathered up money to find a back alley abortionist. it was usually somebody, who knew somebody else who knew a person who could do it. The terrified girl went to where she was told with a pocket full of money. She might get robbed. might get beaten. Could get raped. She might get someone unqualified botch the job. Many girls wound up in emergency rooms. Some died . But they were desperate enough to try.

Many girls tried self abortion. That also turned out badly.

Girls with means went on a short vacation and came back 4 lbs 3 oz lighter. Laws don't impact the wealthy the same as they do poor people.

You cannot stop young people with raging hormones from having sex. Parents have been trying to stop that forever.

The Romans had ways to induce abortion. This problem is not new and you are not solving it today. But ending legal abortion does not work. If you do not believe in abortion, we will not force you to have one. But outlawing it, just drives it underground where it is dangerous .
Abortion was illegal for a few years in America. It was tough times. desperate girl gathered up money to find a back alley abortionist. it was usually somebody, who knew somebody else who knew a person who could do it. The terrified girl went to where she was told with a pocket full of money. She might get robbed. might get beaten. Could get raped. She might get someone unqualified botch the job. Many girls wound up in emergency rooms. Some died . But they were desperate enough to try.

Many girls tried self abortion. That also turned out badly.

Girls with means went on a short vacation and came back 4 lbs 3 oz lighter. Laws don't impact the wealthy the same as they do poor people.

You cannot stop young people with raging hormones from having sex. Parents have been trying to stop that forever.

The Romans had ways to induce abortion. This problem is not new and you are not solving it today. But ending legal abortion does not work. If you do not believe in abortion, we will not force you to have one. But outlawing it, just drives it underground where it is dangerous .

you make it sound as if you had to be incredibly stupid to have an abortion.........thanks.......