Abortion: wrong or just sort of wrong?

I can disagree with an issue even if it doesn't directly effect me, it's called having a fucking opinion. Just like you think all black people are a certain way well, that is your opinion and it's your right to have that opinion under the U.S Constitution.

But aren't you the one that think all the young Hispanic men, in your neighborhood, are Surenos? :palm:
I'm still trying to figure out how libtards can deviate from a developing human being to a sperm cell. Can't you skank holes ever stop confusing the issues?
But aren't you the one that think all the young Hispanic men, in your neighborhood, are Surenos? :palm:

Fuck this again? Man you're fucking stuck on stupid. I made explanation after explanation...Christie was right, you don't let shit go even when the shit if spelled out in sign language.
Fuck this again? Man you're fucking stuck on stupid. I made explanation after explanation...Christie was right, you don't let shit go even when the shit if spelled out in sign language.

Why do you get so upset when you attempt to point out that someone else is profiling and you're own hypocrisy is exposed?
Fuck this again? Man you're fucking stuck on stupid. I made explanation after explanation...Christie was right, you don't let shit go even when the shit if spelled out in sign language.

Well.... those dark triad members.... they're not the sharpest knives in the drawer.... but they have a cool club name, don't they. No gurlz allowed, I'd wager... and there's gotta be a secret password and special handshake involved. "dark triad" why.... it sounds so creepy and ominous, somehow, doesn't it?

me spin?....you folks are the ones who spent five pages panicking at the thought you might bear some blame for these 56 million deaths.....lets be honest....it isn't because you're concerned about what I think of you.....its your own feelings of guilt that motivated that........

I am not panicked, I was illustrating to you the fallacy of your argument. I know you wont admit it, but you do understand what I proved to you. That is why you backed up and tried to change your claim. Dishonesty for the sake of ego harms your argument, it does not help. If you want to persuade anyone to your point of view, and as you would put it, save children, you are harming your goal by protecting your ego.
I see a future where technology has rendered the abortion question moot and thus access to legal abortion will decrease.

If birth control becomes passive instead of active, meaning you turn on fertility as opposed to turning it off, and if viability of unborn advances to an earlier stage in pregnancy then the balance of a woman's rights verses those of the "life" will tip against legal abortion.

Those times are changing and will be here one day.

The fundamental constitutional freedom that R. v. W. confirmed will remain in tact, but abortion could be illegal.
I know the colloquialism. But prefered tides.

Laughing at legal decisions might make you feel better, but it doesn't change the fact that abortion mills are going out of business.
I see a future where technology has rendered the abortion question moot and thus access to legal abortion will decrease.

If birth control becomes passive instead of active, meaning you turn on fertility as opposed to turning it off, and if viability of unborn advances to an earlier stage in pregnancy then the balance of a woman's rights verses those of the "life" will tip against legal abortion.

Those times are changing and will be here one day.

The fundamental constitutional freedom that R. v. W. confirmed will remain in tact, but abortion could be illegal.

Again, I think your point about contraception holds hope. But viability has not seen any significant change even with a wealth of new resources and technology. The fetus before about 22 weeks simply lacks the characteristics necessary for viability or human life. It might move up a week, maybe two over the next couple hundred years but I doubt it and there is no reason to suspect it will move beyond that. Technology might eventually advance where we could safely remove the fetus and put it in some sort of stasis or let it develop in an artificial womb but that would open a whole new can of worms and does not really seem to solve anything.

Contraception should be the focus.