Abortion: wrong or just sort of wrong?

then face up to it.....embrace your inner child strangler.....

Im sorry, I don't see it the way you do. But I am okay with my beliefs and not unsecure about it. I'm very glad to have never been a part of an abortion. Both responsibility and luck had to do with that... If I had been a part of one, I am sure I would suffer guilt for it.
Again, I think your point about contraception holds hope. But viability has not seen any significant change even with a wealth of new resources and technology. The fetus before about 22 weeks simply lacks the characteristics necessary for viability or human life. It might move up a week, maybe two over the next couple hundred years but I doubt it and there is no reason to suspect it will move beyond that. Technology might eventually advance where we could safely remove the fetus and put it in some sort of stasis or let it develop in an artificial womb but that would open a whole new can of worms and does not really seem to solve anything.

Contraception should be the focus.
Punishment for murder should be the focus. It's a human in development from the point of conception, on. Science backs this, and it doesn't really matter what you Obama disciples believe. It's no coincidence that Americans are STILL going to the mat over this.
Im sorry, I don't see it the way you do. But I am okay with my beliefs and not unsecure about it. I'm very glad to have never been a part of an abortion. Both responsibility and luck had to do with that... If I had been a part of one, I am sure I would suffer guilt for it.

why should you feel guilt over a clump of cells, a parasite, mere fingernail clippings from a woman's body......
Im sorry, I don't see it the way you do. But I am okay with my beliefs and not unsecure about it. I'm very glad to have never been a part of an abortion. Both responsibility and luck had to do with that... If I had been a part of one, I am sure I would suffer guilt for it.

Why would you suffer guilt? Do you suffer guilt when you get your pedicures and they cut you toe nails?
If I had been a part of one, I am sure I would suffer guilt for it.
We know, Jarod. We know. I feel the intensity of your guilt. But in the end, we understand that your suffering will be washed away because you know women, everywhere, have the right to murder their unborn.
We know, Jarod. We know. I feel the intensity of your guilt. But in the end, we understand that your suffering will be washed away because you know women, everywhere, have the right to murder their unborn.

Hey dummy didn't you say a zygote was a developing human? So um, if a woman takes the RU-486 pill she is murdering a non-human?
Granule is an arrogant dick who is begging the question in the logical sense from the outset since he claims at the outset in a sentence that also contains its share of meaningless drivel that "This thread is for those who feel that analyzing legalized murder is something that might need to be revisited or even overturned." Or in other words those who already believe as I do that abortion is legalized murder. Since he admits that it is only a "feeling" that this is the case he is leaving himself a pretty big opening. The problem is that if he believes or "feels" that abortion is wrong he doesn't have to get one. So the next time you are pregnant Granule don't get an abortion, problem solved. Now, to the more tricky question of what you get to say to others based on what you "feel" I say go fuck yourself. If you want to populate the earth go for it. Others might not feel you have a right to tell them what they can do with their bodies. I like you am never going to need an abortion and I am never going to need to deal with it, because unlike you I would leave that decision up to the mother. And I would not advise her one way or the other. Even though it is our pregnancy it is her body and I don't feel I have the right to ask her to do anything with that body including have sex with me if she does not want to do so. But I am a fucking freak and actually believe in giving people including women their individual freedom instead of being a damn hypocrite who harps on and on about individual freedom while constantly working to take freedom of choice away from women at every turn. It is not up to me to dictate in any way or other wise convince a woman to do anything she does not want to do with her body period! And I never have!
Hey dummy didn't you say a zygote was a developing human? So um, if a woman takes the RU-486 pill she is murdering a non-human?
She's murdering a developing human. In other words, she's murdering her unborn.

Good Lord. You perverts will stop at nothing to confuse this issue, won't you?
Granule is an arrogant dick who is begging the question in the logical sense from the outset since he claims at the outset in a sentence that also contains its share of meaningless drivel that "This thread is for those who feel that analyzing legalized murder is something that might need to be revisited or even overturned." Or in other words those who already believe as I do that abortion is legalized murder. Since he admits that it is only a "feeling" that this is the case he is leaving himself a pretty big opening. The problem is that if he believes or "feels" that abortion is wrong he doesn't have to get one. So the next time you are pregnant Granule don't get an abortion, problem solved. Now, to the more tricky question of what you get to say to others based on what you "feel" I say go fuck yourself. If you want to populate the earth go for it. Others might not feel you have a right to tell them what they can do with their bodies. I like you am never going to need an abortion and I am never going to need to deal with it, because unlike you I would leave that decision up to the mother. And I would not advise her one way or the other. Even though it is our pregnancy it is her body and I don't feel I have the right to ask her to do anything with that body including have sex with me if she does not want to do so. But I am a fucking freak and actually believe in giving people including women their individual freedom instead of being a damn hypocrite who harps on and on about individual freedom while constantly working to take freedom of choice away from women at every turn. It is not up to me to dictate in any way or other wise convince a woman to do anything she does not want to do with her body period! And I never have!
This might be the biggest steaming pile of enlightenment that I've seen yet. First off, we have a typical liberal's misquote (no surprise there) we have a dash of absurdity, an obscene gesture, a tired argument, and mindless blather about population control (an argument best suited for the third-world).

Don't you people ever get tired of skewing reality?
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