Abortion: wrong or just sort of wrong?

You are moving the goalposts.

You claimed that supporting the legality of an act was the same as promoting it. You added in these other conditions only after you realized how untenable and stupid the position you had stake out was.

Nobody has argued that it is a good thing or that we should teach children that it is. Your claims are absurd.

Isn't it our constitutional right to reject religion? Would you not fight any attempts to limit this right? Are you promoting that others should do that by acknowledging that such a right exists?

His goalposts move so fast he cant keep up.

Your hypocracy has shown to much for you to be taken seriously for a while.
If I support the constitutional right for people to smoke cigarettes, does that necessarily mean that I condone and/or promote their use?
as much as you wish it were so, abortion is still not considered murder in the USA. sorry.

I don't condone or promote abortion... I don't condone or promote smoking cigarettes, but they both are legal activities.
If one does not consider aborting a fetus to be an act of murder, then one cannot be said to support a woman's right to murder her fetus.

I guess that logical little tidbit just doesn't seem to fit in your pea sized brain.

No sweat... I'll try to talk down to you from now on.... and I - will - go - slowly - and - use - tiny - words.
If one does not consider aborting a fetus to be an act of murder, then one cannot be said to support a woman's right to murder her fetus.

I guess that logical little tidbit just doesn't seem to fit in your pea sized brain.

No sweat... I'll try to talk down to you from now on.... and I - will - go - slowly - and - use - tiny - words.

Kind of like when someone (you) does not consider smuggling a gun, into Mexico, to be illegal; then one cannot be said to believe that smuggling a gun into Mexico is illegal.

Your hypocracy has shown to much for you to be taken seriously for a while.
me spin?....you folks are the ones who spent five pages panicking at the thought you might bear some blame for these 56 million deaths.....lets be honest....it isn't because you're concerned about what I think of you.....its your own feelings of guilt that motivated that........
So what? Not your business right? Isn't hurting you right? No negative consequences to abortion right?

I can disagree with an issue even if it doesn't directly effect me, it's called having a fucking opinion. Just like you think all black people are a certain way well, that is your opinion and it's your right to have that opinion under the U.S Constitution.
I guess the conservatives here have forgotten about the U.S judges who have thought over the issue of Roe v. Wade and have forgotten that despite the issues regarding the "right to life," it remains clear that these lawmakers side with the people. In the best interest of protecting the Constitution it is clear that the government should not infringe on the rights of citizens. It is a woman's right, whether it is rational or irrational to have an abortion. The government has set clear limits on when a woman can have an abortion (such as late term abortions). These things are clear and to argue about it in circular fashion is rendering this discussion pointless now.

I'm willing to bet some of these lawmakers share some of these conservatives religious beliefs and with that said, these men and women of law also understand that they must separate their spiritual convictions from their legal duty to uphold the law. So sorry righties, I don't think many justices agree with what you are saying here. If abortion was truly murder quite obviously it would be legal despite the constitution.