An organism is supposed to be self-contained.
The fetus IS self-contained.
It's not just a matter of providing nutrition. The mother's body does the work of the fetus' lungs, of the fetus' intestines/waste removal.
No, it doesn't. The fetus doesn't need lungs, the organism hasn't advanced to that stage of living. It also doesn't need intestines, when it does, it will form them, just like a heart and brain. This doesn't change what it is. The stage of development changes, but the organism is a living human organism from the moment that fertilized cell reproduces something, because that is biology. It's not possible for it to be anything other than a living human organism. Does this organism depend on another organism to survive? SURE! I've not argued that. In fact, the organism will continue to need assistance well after it is born, an into the first several years of it's life... that doesn't change what it is.
Furthermore, if the mother who is breastfeeding the child dies the child does not die. Someone else is capable of providing nutrition. The point is after birth another human being is not doing the work a human being's body is supposed to do.
A newly developed fetus isn't supposed to provide its own nutrition or oxygen. You are trying to apply criteria to the fetus that it can't possibly meet. None of us would be alive today, if we had to meet your criteria, because none of us could have supported ourselves outside the womb before we were born. Let's take Siamese twins who share a liver, they can't be separated because they share the same liver, but are they one person or two? Does the fact they only have one liver, make them a single living organism?
Whatever one decides is the definition of independence, the ability to carry on the processes of life, it certainly isn't something which, up to that point, isn't and never was capable of doing so due to the incomplete developed organs, etc.
If cells reproduced ANYTHING, then either the laws of the universe stopped working and matter created matter, or it is a LIVING ORGANISM! Those are your
ONLY TWO OPTIONS! One single reproduction of a cell is all it takes to "carry on the process." If the cell is malformed, or no more cells are produced, and the organism stops "carrying on the process," it then becomes a non-living organism. If it reproduced one cell, it was a living organism, and if it never produced another cell, and stopped functioning, it was a living organism that died. There is no option for a living organism to live, grow and reproduce, but not be alive yet. This contradicts biology and physics.
But, if people choose to believe otherwise then simply remove it. There is no argument. No one is insisting on killing anything. Remove it and take it home with you if you want.
No can do. We lack the medical technology to be able to do this just yet. Perhaps there will come a day and time, where this 'option' could be an alternative to pregnancy, but for the time being, it's not an option. What we NEED to have, is an intelligent conversation on when it is moral and ethical to terminate human life. But we can't have that discussion because some of us want to remain juvenile, and ignorantly reject basic physics and biology.
It is the anti-abortionist who manipulates and misconstrues everything when it comes to a fetus. They twist everyday language whether it's classifying something solely by DNA (scrambled chickens for breakfast, anyone?) to saying something is a complete, self-contained human being when the blood and organs and metabolism of another human being is vital to it's survival. And as for something producing cells our liver produces cells and it's alive but it sure as hell isn't a human being.
A liver is not an independent living organism, a fetus is. A liver is part of an independent living organism, a fetus is it's own organism, and actually already contains the cells to grow it's own liver. A fetus is a self-contained living human organism in the state of being, therefore, it is a living human being. Is it a "sentient" human being? We're not having that argument, are we? Is it a "viable" human being? Again, not the argument we're stuck on, is it? The organism is defined in biology, and the fetus meets every criteria, it is a living human organism. A human being.
Now any argument you want to have from that point, I am fine with, Apple. If you want to argue that, well... it's a human being, but it doesn't feel pain... or it doesn't have awareness yet... or it hasn't developed a cerebral cortex... that's fine, I have no problem with those very valid and legitimate points being made, because those are arguable statements. But for nearly two years, we've gone over this same topic a hundred times, you repeat the same idiocy, you get debunked with the same facts, and we are getting nowhere. All I can say is, go read up on some biology books, you obviously didn't pass biology in high school, and it would probably be beneficial to you to gain some basic understandings before you attempt to carry on a conversation on this subject. I know you fancy yourself a know-it-all on every topic, but you are in way over your head on this.
Life begins at conception.