
You are a living abortion...Ja Ja Ja...Why did you get booted off this Forum, because you were not on the Forum Member's list? What part of New York are you from, I bet LI? You are a first class example of a Lib girleyman, no huevos....Ja Ja Ja...The Feminazis give you your orders, don't they? I bet that you brush your teeth with Nair.....Ja Ja Ja


Wait, what's Ja Ja Ja Spanish for again?
Wait, what's Ja Ja Ja Spanish for again?
I had three years of Spanish in school and I got C's and D's, so I checked on it, and here it is... http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=jaja
How are you doing, I know a family on Long Beach Island and they were devastated by Sandy? Also, my Son had lived next to the canal down from Mama's Pizzaria and Italian Restaurant in Copiague, LI, that canal had to have flooded everything including that Restaurant.
I had three years of Spanish in school and I got C's and D's, so I checked on it, and here it is... http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=jaja
How are you doing, I know a family on Long Beach Island and they were devastated by Sandy? Also, my Son had lived next to the canal down from Mama's Pizzaria and Italian Restaurant in Copiague, LI, that canal had to have flooded everything including that Restaurant.

I'm fine, I am nowhere near Long Beach and it didn't do me any damage.
No wonder you went into the military, with Spanish being your best subject!


I was joking because he always writes "JA JA JA (spanish for HA HA HA), and I don't know I just thought it was funny to say, wait, what is that spanish for again? I amuse myself I guess. I love reading your back and forth with him.
Again, no one knows if the absorbed DNA had the necessary ingredients to become a human being. No one knows if the produced DNA was complete. While science does occasionally rely on assumptions in order to have a base from which to proceed I can't think of any scientific "truths" that rely on such flimsy evidence as when it comes to genetic material being a human being. We don't even know what is required (the number of genes, what they are supposed to do, etc) for something to be classified as a human being. How can anyone possibly say for certain a cell or clump of cells are a human being?

And your argument comes down to any and all differing genetic material is a human being when no one knows. The evidence against such an argument is 50% of unique genetic material (fertilized eggs) spontaneous abort while other unique genetic material becomes nothing more than an organ. While, in some cases, the remaining unique genetic material does progress into a human being it is obvious your argument rests solely on faith as it is devoid of logic.
A zygote has 46 chromosomes, a Sex, and its own unique DNA. Every piece of credible science in the U.S. on the subject states that an unborn is a Human being, because it's ridiculous to suggest it's anything else. Are you really suggesting that not knowing an unborn's exact DNA and number of genes constitutes proof that it's not a human being? Following that logic, we can't identify you as a Human being. Also, you have yet to provide an example where, with the influence of no other human being, one human being produces two genetic codes by himself, without operating under the assumption that an unborn is not a human being. And as to your egg example, an egg does belong to the same species as a chicken. I'm afraid it's quite a common practice to cook and eat scrambled chicken.

Also, fertilized egg is an inaccurate term used in simple biology.

If there is not sufficient evidence to prove that an unborn is a Human being, then you should be able to find at least one medical textbook or piece of credible science that backs up that claim. You will not, as it has been clear to science for decades that an unborn is a human being from conception, and it becomes more clear as science progresses.

You might refer to any of the following textbooks:
Langman's Medical Embryology
The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology
Developmental Biology
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Bottom line: Are YOU going to raise that kid? Are YOU going to give tax dollars to support orphanages, foster home facilities, day care centers? Are you advocating for free colleges so these kids can get a decent education and be productive members of society? Are YOU advocating to treat birth control and contraception in our educational system and at our local pharmacies with the same reverence this society holds for sports and car ownership? More-to-the-point, are YOU willing to back laws that BAN abortions and prosecute anyone who has one?

Please answer the questions logically and (if possible) based in fact, because philosophical/religious rhetoric doesn't cut it in the real world.
Bottom line: Are YOU going to raise that kid? Are YOU going to give tax dollars to support orphanages, foster home facilities, day care centers? Are you advocating for free colleges so these kids can get a decent education and be productive members of society? Are YOU advocating to treat birth control and contraception in our educational system and at our local pharmacies with the same reverence this society holds for sports and car ownership? More-to-the-point, are YOU willing to back laws that BAN abortions and prosecute anyone who has one?

Please answer the questions logically and (if possible) based in fact, because philosophical/religious rhetoric doesn't cut it in the real world.

So... Whenever people are being killed, we should shut up and butt out unless we are willing to take care of them? If we can't guarantee a perfect society, where every person is cared for and provided for, we shouldn't advocate against people who are killing other human beings, because they are merely clearing out the 'undesirables.'

I bet you would have made a great General under Hitler!
Bottom line: Are YOU going to raise that kid? Are YOU going to give tax dollars to support orphanages, foster home facilities, day care centers? Are you advocating for free colleges so these kids can get a decent education and be productive members of society? Are YOU advocating to treat birth control and contraception in our educational system and at our local pharmacies with the same reverence this society holds for sports and car ownership?

we're already doing those things....
Bottom line: Are YOU going to raise that kid? Are YOU going to give tax dollars to support orphanages, foster home facilities, day care centers? Are you advocating for free colleges so these kids can get a decent education and be productive members of society? Are YOU advocating to treat birth control and contraception in our educational system and at our local pharmacies with the same reverence this society holds for sports and car ownership?

we're already doing those things....
If cells reproduced ANYTHING, then either the laws of the universe stopped working and matter created matter, or it is a LIVING ORGANISM! Those are your ONLY TWO OPTIONS! One single reproduction of a cell is all it takes to "carry on the process." If the cell is malformed, or no more cells are produced, and the organism stops "carrying on the process," it then becomes a non-living organism. If it reproduced one cell, it was a living organism, and if it never produced another cell, and stopped functioning, it was a living organism that died. There is no option for a living organism to live, grow and reproduce, but not be alive yet. This contradicts biology and physics.

No can do. We lack the medical technology to be able to do this just yet. Perhaps there will come a day and time, where this 'option' could be an alternative to pregnancy, but for the time being, it's not an option. What we NEED to have, is an intelligent conversation on when it is moral and ethical to terminate human life. But we can't have that discussion because some of us want to remain juvenile, and ignorantly reject basic physics and biology.

As you've stated we've been over this many times so I'll spare you a lengthy reply. If science wants to classify a reproducing cell or two cells, if you will, as a living organism and anti-abortionists want to run with that and claim it's a human being there's no hope for an intelligent conversation. As for ignorantly rejecting physics and biology I reject the absurd notion two cells or a reproducing cell is a human being. The average human being is composed of 10 trillion to 100 trillion cells (http://ask.yahoo.com/20020625.html) so to say 2 cells are equivalent morally, spiritually, physics-ly or biologically to a human being really doesn't deserve consideration. People, human beings, can classify anything any way they want and we've been over that before. (Recall the Grand Jury/ham sandwich era?)

a cerebral cortex... that's fine, I have no problem with those very valid and legitimate points being made, because those are arguable statements. But for nearly two years, we've gone over this same topic a hundred times, you repeat the same idiocy, you get debunked with the same facts, and we are getting nowhere. All I can say is, go read up on some biology books, you obviously didn't pass biology in high school, and it would probably be beneficial to you to gain some basic understandings before you attempt to carry on a conversation on this subject. I know you fancy yourself a know-it-all on every topic, but you are in way over your head on this.

And now to lighten things up you brought back a cherished memory. High school biology. There were 28 students in the class and 26 were girls. Then there was my friend and I. The teacher quickly decided my friend would sit at the front of the class and I would sit at the back, as far apart as possible.

One day my friend was not paying attention and the teacher told him, "If you don't want to be here you can leave." At that point my friend slowly closed his books, methodically gathered them up, the tension building, then got up and walked out of the class closing the door behind him. Silence followed. You could have heard a pin drop. Then the teacher asked, "Is there anyone else who wants to leave?" (You know what's coming, don't you?) :) What could I do? 26 girls watching me. Me! A healthy, 16 year old male pumping with testosterone. My character, my reputation, my very manhood was on the line! A decision had to be made.

I raised my hand. When the teacher called my name I politely asked if I could take him up on that offer? All he uttered was a curt "Yes" and I exited the classroom. I saw my friend so we met up and started to walk towards our lockers and who should come around the corner? None other than the Principal. The situation was looking tense.

After a few words we were instructed to go downstairs to the main office office. The Principal then proceeded to the biology class.

A short while later the Principal and the biology teacher showed up and we all went into the Principal's Office. The story unfolded and my friend told the Principal about the offer to leave so he left. What was the problem? The Principal looked at my friend and angrily said, "You wouldn't walk out of my class!"

Now, bear in mind my friend ran a farm with his uncle. His mom and dad had passed away. They has 100+ head of cattle and my friend had chores to do at night plus milk the cows either before or after school and.....well, he took no sh!t from anyone. Plus he was a bit older than I. He quickly shot back to the Principal, "You think so? Let's go upstairs and try it."

Well, I really didn't want to laugh but my friend responded in such a matter-of-fact, dead-pan way I couldn't help myself. Now, you also have to remember corporal punishment was the fashion in those days so my friend took the Principal's remarks as a physical threat and my friend more or less implied if the Principal wanted his ass kicked he'd oblige him. And he could.

The Principal then told my friend he was expelled from the class. My friend couldn't have cared less. He walked out of the ofice. Then the Principal turned to me. (The story is almost over.)

"Are you going to apologize to the teacher", the Principal asked of me.
I doubt that", I replied.
"Fine", you're expelled, as well", was the Principal's retort.
"No problem but I insist on being able to write the high school exam next June", I countered. "I have no need for an instructor of such low caliber."

Well, winter and spring came and went, exams were written and a few days before the end of the school year I was walking through the classrooms taking a last look at things. As I passed through the empty biology class the teacher, sitting at his desk, called out, "I see you passed the exam."

"Yes, I did", I replied as I exited the other door.

I hope you enjoyed the story and being set straight on my passing high school biology. :)

Life begins at conception.

Depends on what you call life. A liver is alive. If you mean all conceptions are human beings you have no proof of that and evidence points to the contrary as I explained before. We see babies born with missing and/or malfunctioning parts. In other words they are not and never were able to carry on the processes of life. I suppose one could argue if the fetus remained inside the mother it would have kept living but, then again, human beings do not live inside other human beings.

An organism has to have the ability to carry on the processes of life and in some cases once it is detached from the mother (born) and the mother is no longer carrying on the processes of life for it, it dies. Was it alive? Of course, just like any other part of the woman which the woman's body supports. Was it independent and capable of carrying of the processes of life after the mother stopped doing so? No, it was not. Spin that any way you want.
No, livers are PART of human beings. The liver is an organ OF a human being. The human being is an organism, the liver is an organ OF the organism. A fetus is an organism, and already has the cells to form it's own liver, and in time, will do so all by itself. All the fetus needs is time, nutrients and environment of a womb. Just as a newborn baby needs time, nutrients an environment... just as a 3 month old needs time, nutrients and environment... etc. A fetus isn't a baby, just like a baby isn't a toddler and a toddler isn't an adolescent. But they are ALL human beings at different stages of development.

Wrong. We don't know if the fetus has the ability to form a liver. We do know there are fetuses that didn't have the ability to form a brain or an arm or a hand or a proper operating heart or ......well, the list goes on.

As for, "All the fetus needs is time, nutrients and environment of a womb", wrong, again. Many fetuses afflicted with the examples noted above spent the normal amount of time in the womb. Time was not a factor.

Perhaps you might be wise to learn about things before you question the education of others.
lol.....you mean the guy might think the liver came from a duck......keep dumbing things down.....it seems to be a natural talent for you....

Obviously, I didn't dumb it down enough for you. Two people. Two unique DNA samples. One from the skin. One from the liver. The person doing the test determines the skin sample is human and concludes there is a human being in the next room. He then analyses the liver sample and determines it's human. If he concludes there are a total of two people in the next room he would be wrong as the samples were taken from a chimera.

Ergo, DNA can not determine the existence of a human being.

I hope that helps because I can't dumb it down any further.
You're wrong, Apple. And I don't believe your story.

Biology defines what an organism is, and when it begins being an organism. We have no scientific debate or question regarding this. When a cell is reproduced, the process of life has been carried on. From that moment, a living organism exists. The organism may cease to carry on the process at any time after this, and it will never change the fact it was a living organism until it died. If it was a living organism, it can't be anything other than a living human organism. No one has made the argument that it is "equivalent to" any other living human organism, just that it is, in fact, a living human organism in the state of being. Or, a human being.

You can pretend that it's NOT a human being. You can redefine "being" to include sentience or brain function, or the ever-popular "personhood," but you can't say that science and biology support that it's not a living human organism. If it weren't a living human organism, there would be no need to "abort" it, there would be nothing to "abort" from. The fact that you advocate a process of "abortion" indicates something is in process, in this case, the process of life is happening. The organism exists and is carrying on the process, and you wish to "abort" that process.