They measure, don't they, I always wondered and now we know that some males actually measure. Lmao
I could not find any statistics on how many men measure.
They measure, don't they, I always wondered and now we know that some males actually measure. Lmao
I am not fat. 185 lbs. 5'11" and 6.25 inches = average.
I'm not old. I am actually 10 years younger than Jeff Bridges (The Dude)
I am not white. I am less "white" (European) than anything. I am Choctaw, Cherokee, Creole, Asian, Black Dutch.
I am not a hillbilly. I am a redneck. Hillbillies are from the Carolina's and West Virginia, in Alabama, we're Rednecks.
And I've not said that I am "against abortion." No debate has been engaged about that. We're still working on educating Apple in basic biology and science. I am on record as saying, we need to have this discussion as a society, we need to come together on what is "acceptable" and what is not, in how we live our daily lives, but we can't get to that reasoned discussion when we have to educate morons first. There are going to have to be some basic understandings on the table, when we have this discussion, because we can't have a reasonable discussion otherwise.
Women shouldn't have the "right" to kill their babies, but "rednecks" shouldn't have the right to protect every living human organism ever created 'cuz of gawd.' There IS a reasonable and ethical middle ground to this. But before we can have this debate, we have to come to the understanding we are discussing human life, and our justifications for terminating it should be compelling, because human life is important. As long as our society is filled with mindless nitwits like Apple, who refuse to acknowledge basic biological facts, and recognize the fetus as a living human organism, we can't have any kind of further debate about this.
Dixie the racist Indian
As funny as the blind black racist
Well, I'm not racist or Indian either.. so far you are batting .000
I am Choctaw and Cherokee, tribes of indigenous people.... Indians are from India.
It's not possible for me to have racist views because of my diverse heritage. You see, I can't ever pick a race to be superior, because whatever I pick, I am not 100% of that race. I can't ever pick one to be inferior, because I probably have some in me, so it's quite the dilemma. I've always found it best to avoid racial labels and stereotypes, but I understand your type has to constantly do this to feel adequate.
Wait'll you read my email!
They measure, don't they, I always wondered and now we know that some males actually measure. Lmao
I could not find any statistics on how many men measure.
Wait'll you read my email!
There's been a reasoned discussion. It's referred to as Roe vs Wade. The best and brightest whom society appointed to positions of authority discussed it, ad nauseum. The reasonable and ethical ground is birth. No birth, no baby. If, and it's a big "if", the time comes when a fetus can be safely removed then we can raise the discussion again. Of course, if an operation is involved and the people decide the fetus should be removed and supported then let's be sure the taxpayer is covering the expenses and not the woman. We don't want to see some anti-abortion law cloaked as a financial hurdle placed in front of women as a condition of abortion.
We know how those anti-abortion folks think!![]()
Wait'll you read my email!
They measure, don't they, I always wondered and now we know that some males actually measure. Lmao
I could not find any statistics on how many men measure.
I bet they all do.
I am still laughing. I sent you the average stats, the three of us should have a great conversation about them! LOL
Wow... What a bunch of cock-obsessed sluts! I never realized you were all so interested in my dick. For clarification (and the record), I never measured my own penis, the measuring was conducted by an independent agent with a vital interest. I merely passed the information on here, to The Dude, who seems to be obsessed with my size as much as you three sluts.
So... Whenever people are being killed, we should shut up and butt out unless we are willing to take care of them? If we can't guarantee a perfect society, where every person is cared for and provided for, we shouldn't advocate against people who are killing other human beings, because they are merely clearing out the 'undesirables.'Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Bottom line: Are YOU going to raise that kid? Are YOU going to give tax dollars to support orphanages, foster home facilities, day care centers? Are you advocating for free colleges so these kids can get a decent education and be productive members of society? Are YOU advocating to treat birth control and contraception in our educational system and at our local pharmacies with the same reverence this society holds for sports and car ownership? More-to-the-point, are YOU willing to back laws that BAN abortions and prosecute anyone who has one?
Please answer the questions logically and (if possible) based in fact, because philosophical/religious rhetoric doesn't cut it in the real world.
I bet you would have made a great General under Hitler!
we're already doing those things....Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Bottom line: Are YOU going to raise that kid? Are YOU going to give tax dollars to support orphanages, foster home facilities, day care centers? Are you advocating for free colleges so these kids can get a decent education and be productive members of society? Are YOU advocating to treat birth control and contraception in our educational system and at our local pharmacies with the same reverence this society holds for sports and car ownership?
I am not fat. 185 lbs. 5'11" and 6.25 inches = average.
I'm not old. I am actually 10 years younger than Jeff Bridges (The Dude)
I am not white. I am less "white" (European) than anything. I am Choctaw, Cherokee, Creole, Asian, Black Dutch.
I am not a hillbilly. I am a redneck. Hillbillies are from the Carolina's and West Virginia, in Alabama, we're Rednecks.
And I've not said that I am "against abortion." No debate has been engaged about that. We're still working on educating Apple in basic biology and science. I am on record as saying, we need to have this discussion as a society, we need to come together on what is "acceptable" and what is not, in how we live our daily lives, but we can't get to that reasoned discussion when we have to educate morons first. There are going to have to be some basic understandings on the table, when we have this discussion, because we can't have a reasonable discussion otherwise.
Women shouldn't have the "right" to kill their babies, but "rednecks" shouldn't have the right to protect every living human organism ever created 'cuz of gawd.' There IS a reasonable and ethical middle ground to this. But before we can have this debate, we have to come to the understanding we are discussing human life, and our justifications for terminating it should be compelling, because human life is important. As long as our society is filled with mindless nitwits like Apple, who refuse to acknowledge basic biological facts, and recognize the fetus as a living human organism, we can't have any kind of further debate about this.
Wow... What a bunch of cock-obsessed sluts! I never realized you were all so interested in my dick. For clarification (and the record), I never measured my own penis, the measuring was conducted by an independent agent with a vital interest. I merely passed the information on here, to The Dude, who seems to be obsessed with my size as much as you three sluts.
Redneck infers poor WHITE, uneducated farmers and such from the regions you infer.
If we are to believe what you say, then YOU are NOT physically "white".... also, given that in the past you have given us info such as belonging to some groups that note the history of the "confederacy", then it seems YOU are in some serious denial as to how that mindset screwed over and looked down upon the very lineage you profess here.
As for abortion....NO ONE IS ASKING YOU FOR THE MONEY, AND NO ONE IS ASKING YOU TO STICK YOUR NOSE INTO THE BUSINESS OF A DOCTOR AND HIS PATIENT. Answer my questions honestly, and there might be a basis for dialogue. If not, then you'll just be blathering on the usual theocratic BS that our democratic gov't keeps voting down. Carry on.
Nope, sorry, Roe was not a "reasoned discussion" of anything. It was a SCOTUS ruling on an individual set of circumstances. Why is it, whenever the topic of abortion is debated, it always eventually ends up with some idiot waving Roe v Wade around? We're not arguing whether or not abortion is legal in America. IF we were having THAT debate, Roe v. Wade proves you win! But if the topic is, whether or not abortion is ethical or wrong, you haven't won by pointing out a SCOTUS ruling. In fact, I can point to a whole lot of SCOTUS rulings that turned out to be very wrong, and were eventually overturned by the people through the constitutional amendment process. The fact the SCOTUS has made a ruling, doesn't mean something is right or wrong.
Ironically enough, the very same "right to privacy" the SCOTUS found to justify their ruling in Roe, apparently doesn't exist when it comes to Obamacare. But NONE of this has a thing in the world to do with when something becomes a living organism. Human life, still begins at conception. The SCOTUS has not ruled otherwise.
Wow... What a bunch of cock-obsessed sluts! I never realized you were all so interested in my dick. For clarification (and the record), I never measured my own penis, the measuring was conducted by an independent agent with a vital interest. I merely passed the information on here, to The Dude, who seems to be obsessed with my size as much as you three sluts.
Wow... What a bunch of cock-obsessed sluts! I never realized you were all so interested in my dick. For clarification (and the record), I never measured my own penis, the measuring was conducted by an independent agent with a vital interest. I merely passed the information on here, to The Dude, who seems to be obsessed with my size as much as you three sluts.