The spirit in which you post reminds me of an old leftist saying!
All property is theft!!
That's a strange thing to say considering I owned two tri-plexes and had tenants.
The spirit in which you post reminds me of an old leftist saying!
All property is theft!!
That's a strange thing to say considering I owned two tri-plexes and had tenants.
So your main concern is not human life. It is the "degree" of human life. The "amount" of human life. The quantity. The measure. Pick a word. Human life, to you, has varying degrees of value. Otherwise, you would be equally against an abortion at six days or six weeks or six months.
You raise a number of points. First, abortion is not killing a human being.
It's preventing a potential/possible human being from unnecessary suffering.
Geriatric conservatards are against abortion!
Is that even 1 percent
A lot of poor white trash men rail against abortion!
It's not just you conservatards!
I'm for three dee getting laid before he goes sandy hook!Ude is a member of Daytraders for Fetus Mutilation.....
Bottom line: Are YOU going to raise that kid? Are YOU going to give tax dollars to support orphanages, foster home facilities, day care centers? Are you advocating for free colleges so these kids can get a decent education and be productive members of society? Are YOU advocating to treat birth control and contraception in our educational system and at our local pharmacies with the same reverence this society holds for sports and car ownership? More-to-the-point, are YOU willing to back laws that BAN abortions and prosecute anyone who has one?
Please answer the questions logically and (if possible) based in fact, because philosophical/religious rhetoric doesn't cut it in the real world.
I personally think Abortion is the Left's biggest flaw overall.
But after talking to the Right Wing and telling them they don't have to listen to their media and you CAN be a smart Conservative and getting spit in my face, I'm about to justify Abortion and stand with the Blacks and Gays on the grudge train. Because heaven forbid I disagree with Fox News on a point that specific lighters aren't anything at all like a fkin gun.
Enemy of the people!
Maybe you aren't hearing me, I AM AGAINST ABORTION AT 6 DAYS OR 6 MONTHS, or 6 MINUTES! My personal stance hasn't changed. It's still the taking of innocent human life, and unfortunate. It's still a choice I would never make, that hasn't changed. It still has value and is every bit as much human as any other time, that hasn't changed. The difference, as I said, is stage of development, sentience, awareness, and ability to distinguish pain. I can accept that adult humans should have the right to make their own moral decision regarding a human life that has not developed to a certain point, I don't agree with that option, I wouldn't personally make that decision, but I am tolerant enough to allow the decision for others who may feel differently, in that limited circumstance.
Yes, it most certainly IS. You can fool yourself into thinking something else, but the fetus is a living human organism in the state of being, it is a human being. Abortion is the willful termination (killing) of that human being.
No, it's already a human being at point of conception, nothing else happens to make it human life. There is also absolutely NO WAY to determine the outcome of ANY human life before it is born. Many great and successful people rose from poverty and miserable conditions, overcame all sorts of adversity and hardship. I would say the vast majority of these people are glad they weren't subjected to abortion. "Preventing potential suffering" is a scary and dangerous criteria for ending human life. Civilized people don't do this. It's actually akin to eugenics.
Honestly, I skipped the rest of your long-winded stupidity, you need to learn to distill your idiotic thoughts more, so I can read them without becoming too pissed off to reply.
I'm for three dee getting laid before he goes sandy hook!
A human life that's just a little bit less human is what you're implying. You think you're taking the moral high road by saying there is a human being at conception and then negating or qualifying that by stipulating a certain point.
If the fanatical left would agree on a specific point where life begins, the abortion issue could easily be resolved.
With beliefs ranging from 12 weeks pregnant until 3 or more days after the infant is fully delivered and no liberal prepared to draw a line and say, here! This is where life begins.
Clarity is needed!
A conception is no more a human being than a egg is a chicken or an acorn is an oak tree.
Still waiting!![]()
This is where you are absolutely wrong, incorrect, inaccurate, and have no scientific, biological, or logical support for your argument. Eggs and acorns are not unique living organisms, unless the egg was fertilized and begins growing into a chicken, or the acorn falls from the tree and begins growing into an oak tree. At that point, these are unique living organisms.
A human liver is not a unique living organism, and it will never be one, it's biologically impossible for this to happen. A fetus is a unique living human organism in the state of being, or a "human being." It is at the earliest stage of development and will continue to develop and grow until such time it ceases to be a living organism.
Now, if we are having an argument over what is currently legal in America, and allowed by the Courts as a matter of Constitutional Law, then it's a nonsensical argument, because the law is verifiable by everyone. You continue to think parading this around is "proof" of something, and it's not, it's just what the law currently says. The Court and the Law have been historically wrong a number of times, like when they deemed black people were property and not people, or when they relegated women to sub-human status. The same can be said for the rights of the unborn. What is fascinating to me, is how LIBERALS (of all people) can't find the balls to stand up for the most innocent and precious human lives of all. You'll defiantly stand up for the rights of gays, blacks, women, Hispanics, illegal aliens, terrorists, but not the unborn.
People who live on family farms eat fertilized chicken eggs. We've been over this before. They virtually all have a rooster to keep the chickens happy. (I hope I don't have to explain the rationale behind that!) In those cases one does not say they had scrambled chickens for breakfast. A squirrel will still eat/store a recently germinated acorn. We do not say the squirrel is eating an oak tree.
As for a human liver it has the same DNA as the unique living organism. Exactly the same. Obviously, you never watched or understood the video I posted in Msg. #366. On top of the DNA there sits small chemical tags that instruct the gene/DNA to do certain things AND the mother can send signals that tell the chemical tag to activate the gene. Do you understand what is being said and implied here? The mother can send signals to tell a cell to grow a certain way. Every cell has the necessary DNA to be any part of the human body. That means, in theory and with the right instructions, a liver cell could “build” a human body.
Do you understand what I’m saying? There is no magic cell that makes a human body a human being. Whatever it takes to make something a human being is present in the DNA of every cell. Something turns the cell on (no, I’m not talking about that kind of “turn-on”) and we know the mother can turn on certain cells by turning on certain genes. Taking that into consideration just how independent and separate is a fetus?
I’m not arguing what’s legal. What I am arguing is you want to take a classification system/procedure, one that 10 short years ago was used to justify taking a woman’s biological children “proving” they were not her children, and using that same classification system/procedure to strip a woman of her most basic right. That clearly shows the complete and utter disregard, if not contempt, you have for women. And children.
As for standing up for people’s rights that’s exactly what I’m doing. I’m standing against the absurd idea, the nothing short of vile suggestion, that a clump of human material has any right or authority to challenge a woman’s rights. I’m standing up (well, actually sitting down right now) against people who despise women to such a degree they not only want to shove probes in their vaginas but devalue their life to that of a clump of cells the contents and capabilities of which science knows so little using a form of classification that has resulted in a woman having to have witnesses in the delivery room when she gave birth so as to prove the conclusion arrived at by using said classification was wrong. That may be a run-on sentence but no sentence can run on long enough to adequately express my outrage at such an atrocity. Vile, disgusting. An act of barbarism committed by one sex against another and the Governor of New York is trying his best to prevent such hideous practices and other perverted ideas from taking root by leaving abortion decisions solely up to the woman and her doctor.
Now there’s a man we can all be proud of.
People who live on family farms eat fertilized chicken eggs. We've been over this before. They virtually all have a rooster to keep the chickens happy. (I hope I don't have to explain the rationale behind that!) In those cases one does not say they had scrambled chickens for breakfast. A squirrel will still eat/store a recently germinated acorn. We do not say the squirrel is eating an oak tree.
As for a human liver it has the same DNA as the unique living organism. Exactly the same.
Obviously, you never watched or understood the video I posted in Msg. #366. On top of the DNA there sits small chemical tags that instruct the gene/DNA to do certain things AND the mother can send signals that tell the chemical tag to activate the gene. Do you understand what is being said and implied here? The mother can send signals to tell a cell to grow a certain way. Every cell has the necessary DNA to be any part of the human body. That means, in theory and with the right instructions, a liver cell could “build” a human body.
Do you understand what I’m saying? There is no magic cell that makes a human body a human being.
I’m not arguing what’s legal. What I am arguing is you want to take a classification system/procedure, one that 10 short years ago was used to justify taking a woman’s biological children “proving” they were not her children, and using that same classification system/procedure to strip a woman of her most basic right. That clearly shows the complete and utter disregard, if not contempt, you have for women. And children.
As for standing up for people’s rights that’s exactly what I’m doing.
I’m standing against the absurd idea, the nothing short of vile suggestion, that a clump of human material has any right or authority to challenge a woman’s rights.