
Your initial assertion is one of ignorance, so the rest of your diatribe is already stained with your stupidity.

People who live on farms DO NOT eat fertilized chicken eggs.
Eggs are candled and the fertilized ones are not eaten.

Bullshit. Unless one wants to raise more chickens the fertilized ones are eaten. Did you ever raise chickens? Do you think farmers candle every egg if they're not interested in hatching them? And, yes, I did raise chickens. I grew up on what is today described as a "hobby farm". One summer, chickens. One summer, rabbits. One summer, ducks. Actually, a few summers of ducks. And, yes. Duck eggs!!

My mother was a stay-at-home mom until my mid-teens and we all contributed to making the best cake with duck eggs. The ducks laid the eggs, I picked them up and my mother baked the cake. Some were blue and some were white. The eggs, not the cakes. The blue ones were from the mallards or "wild" ducks. They would fly over our two-story farm house.

We had a small pond at the back of the house for the ducks but they sometimes preferred the creek a little further away so mommy duck would take the family on a pik-nik like this duck is doing.


From abortion to chicken eggs your ignorance knows no bounds. :(
We're not talking about what people on farms eat or what squirrels do. We are talking about living organisms and when they exist. Biological facts don't have to make sense to you, they are still biological facts.

Yes, but human life and living organisms are not defined by DNA, you've made this argument yourself. Now you want to run back to DNA to support your argument? Wow, talk about desperation time? DNA is Deoxyribonucleic acid, it is a molecule which contains the genetic coding for every living organism and some viruses. The only thing the presence of DNA signifies, is that something is from a living organism or virus. The liver is from a living organism.

Wow, you sure can spin things. Human life and living organisms are not defined by DNA which means DNA can not determine a living human being. That is what I have said all along. As far as “The only thing the presence of DNA signifies, is that something is from a living organism or virus. The liver is from a living organism.” WRONG! The organism could be dead. There is no way a DNA test can determine if the subject is still alive or dead.

As I said before a person doing DNA testing can be given two pieces of human material to run tests on. If two distinct sets of DNA show up that does not mean those samples are from two different people. They could both be from the same person, a chimera. Try to grasp that.

No, a human liver could never "build" anything other than more liver cells. In fact, the liver itself, is incapable of doing this without the host organism, because the liver is not a living organism. You are very confused. Stop watching YouTube videos and pick up a Biology book.

It’s you who needs to put down last century’s biology book and learn. Just like those who declared a woman’s biological children were not her own you are drawing conclusions that are being proved wrong. Watch the video I posted. Learn.

No, there are TWO cells, the egg cell and the sperm sell. When they fuse and begin reproducing cells, they have met the criteria of a unique living organism. That organism is a human being.

And that’s precisely the problem. No one knows if the reproduced cells have the necessary material and/or instructions to become a human being. They can use any criteria they wish but people are not accepting the nonsense that a reproducing cell is just as human as a woman. It’s absurd and outrageous regardless of how someone wishes to classify it.

Try to understand it’s merely human beings making a classification. That’s all it is. It’s like saying 18 is the age of majority. Or 21 is the age of majority. There’s no universal truth involved. 19 and 20 could just as easily be the ages of majority. It’s the same thing with classifying what is and what isn’t a human being. When a fetus is physically connected to a woman and that woman can instruct the genes in the fetus to do certain things such as “grow” or “don’t grow” it stretches credulity to claim said fetus is a separate human being.

I am the one defending the unborn human. I am not taking any "classification system" and doing anything with it. I am taking basic biology and our scientific understanding of living organisms, and trying to educate your stupid ass.

Yes, just like Santorum claiming to be defending a fetus when neither he nor you have a clue. I know you’re talking basic biology and that’s the problem. We’ve progressed and science knows a lot more than your knowledge of basic biology. It’s your ass that requires educating and I mean that quite literally as that’s where your head and, assumedly, your brains are located.

No, you simply aren't. You continue to deny the fetus is even a living organism.

If the definition of an organism is something self-contained that can carry on the processes of life then a fetus isn’t an organism. Of course, one can always prove me wrong by removing it from the woman. A rather simple way to falsify my claim.

But it's not an absurd idea or vile suggestion the "clump of human material" is a living human organism in the state of being, or a human being. You want to keep denying this simple biological fact, in order to bestow upon women, the right to take the life of another human being

Biological fact? It’s a determination made by human beings. People just like you and me. Well, certainly not like me. In any case, it isn’t a “fact”. Try to grasp that. We’ve seen so-called “biological facts” used to mistakenly take a woman’s children. We’ve seen “biological facts” used to force a woman to bear a child in front of government witnesses. So, you know what you can do with your biological facts. The designation and, especially, the use of it is nothing more than a way to humiliate and dehumanize women whether it be shoving instruments in their vagina or placing them on the same level as a clump of cells and you and your Neanderthal buddies will not succeed.

As Old Reilly said the world has changed and he can bet this ass on that. Finally, a Governor, Cuomo, is getting the ball rolling. It’s time to make some changes. Like ObamaCare, it’s time for abortion rights to be shoved down people’s throats. (That term sounds kind of kinky when used within an abortion discussion but I digress.)

Anyway, as Darla said, “Keep pushing.” Pro-choice are starting to push back. After 40 years, enough is enough. Every straw has been grasped at. It’s all been said and done, twice over. But, like Rove, you won’t believe the numbers.

Look, Dix. We don’t want to see another PTED-type occurrence. It appears you’ve finally worked your way through that and I have to say, “Congratulations!” I believe you sincerely believe what you write about abortion but further research has raised a whole new batch of questions. Check out the video. Also, there’s more discussions on that topic if you want further info. Greater understanding will help you come to a more reasonable conclusion without having to compromise your beliefs because you’ll discover your current beliefs are incorrect. There is no human being.
Bullshit. Unless one wants to raise more chickens the fertilized ones are eaten. Did you ever raise chickens? Do you think farmers candle every egg if they're not interested in hatching them? And, yes, I did raise chickens. I grew up on what is today described as a "hobby farm". One summer, chickens. One summer, rabbits. One summer, ducks. Actually, a few summers of ducks. And, yes. Duck eggs!!

My mother was a stay-at-home mom until my mid-teens and we all contributed to making the best cake with duck eggs. The ducks laid the eggs, I picked them up and my mother baked the cake. Some were blue and some were white. The eggs, not the cakes. The blue ones were from the mallards or "wild" ducks. They would fly over our two-story farm house.

We had a small pond at the back of the house for the ducks but they sometimes preferred the creek a little further away so mommy duck would take the family on a pik-nik like this duck is doing.


From abortion to chicken eggs your ignorance knows no bounds. :(

Well I didn't grow up on a "hobby farm" and yes we did candle every egg that was collected.
The fertilized ones were placed back into the nests.
If we didn't want to have more chicks, then the eggs were fed to the pigs.
There is no way a DNA test can determine if the subject is still alive or dead.

No one has argued this, idiot. We can tell if something is alive or dead on the basis of whether it is still reproducing cells. If it isn't reproducing cells, it is dead. If it is reproducing cells, it either has to be alive, or the principles of the universe have stopped working and matter is creating matter. There is no other test or criteria we use to determine if something is living or dead.

It’s you who needs to put down last century’s biology book and learn.

Biology hasn't changed since last century.

you are drawing conclusions that are being proved wrong.

No, I have drawn no conclusion that has been proven wrong.

No one knows if the reproduced cells have the necessary material and/or instructions to become a human being.

Yes, everyone with any education in biology, knows that if the cells are reproducing, there is a living organism, or the principles of physics stopped working and matter is creating matter. There is no other possible explanation, and we know that.

Try to understand it’s merely human beings making a classification. That’s all it is.

LOL... Well, in a philosophical sense, you are correct. Every word we are typing, was invented by man to 'classify' something by a defined meaning. What you are saying is, fetuses are only living human organisms because we classified them as such. Life is only life because we call it that! We could just as easily call it death, or donuts! But if this is your basis for argument, nothing we are typing means anything, because it's all man-made classification. Perhaps we've touched on the basis for your profound retardation?

When a fetus is physically connected to a woman and that woman can instruct the genes in the fetus to do certain things such as “grow” or “don’t grow” it stretches credulity to claim said fetus is a separate human being.

But that isn't what happens. If a woman had the ability to "instruct the genes" there would be absolutely NO NEED for abortion! All she has to do is instruct the genes to not grow! If the woman had this sort of power, she could simply will herself to be unpregnant.

If the definition of an organism is something self-contained that can carry on the processes of life then a fetus isn’t an organism.

Again, the fetus IS self-contained. It DOES carry on the process of life, or you wouldn't need to abort it from that process. At this stage, the self-contained living organism will be dependent on another for nutrition and environment, and this will be the case for the organism over the next several years of life after birth. The organism will ALWAYS depend on nutrition and environment to survive, even after it has the ability to provide this for itself. Now, we could apply your "test" to you by putting your naked self into a room at freezing temperature, and not feed you, and see what happens to you... and if you die, it means you never were alive and weren't a human being! Or we can open any 6th grade science book, and understand that when an organism is reproducing cells, it is a living organism or the principles of the universe have stopped working and matter has created matter!
No one has argued this, idiot. We can tell if something is alive or dead on the basis of whether it is still reproducing cells. If it isn't reproducing cells, it is dead. If it is reproducing cells, it either has to be alive, or the principles of the universe have stopped working and matter is creating matter. There is no other test or criteria we use to determine if something is living or dead.

They can grow skin in petri-type dishes for burn victims. The cells reproduce. Are they growing human beings?

As for the rest of your post there's no point in addressing anything until you watch the video I posted.

Siesta time. :)
They can grow skin in petri-type dishes for burn victims. The cells reproduce. Are they growing human beings?

As for the rest of your post there's no point in addressing anything until you watch the video I posted.

Siesta time. :)

Yes, we can artificially force cells to reproduce. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with living organisms.
And I don't need to watch your video. I already know that one of two possibilities exist, you have posted some idiocy that has no basis, much like your idiotic rants here, or you have misinterpreted the video to be saying something it isn't saying. Either way, I don't need a video to tell me what I learned in 6th grade biology.
Still waiting! :awesome:

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Bottom line: Are YOU going to raise that kid? Are YOU going to give tax dollars to support orphanages, foster home facilities, day care centers? Are you advocating for free colleges so these kids can get a decent education and be productive members of society? Are YOU advocating to treat birth control and contraception in our educational system and at our local pharmacies with the same reverence this society holds for sports and car ownership? More-to-the-point, are YOU willing to back laws that BAN abortions and prosecute anyone who has one?

Please answer the questions logically and (if possible) based in fact, because philosophical/religious rhetoric doesn't cut it in the real world.

They can grow skin in petri-type dishes for burn victims. The cells reproduce. Are they growing human beings?

As for the rest of your post there's no point in addressing anything until you watch the video I posted.

Siesta time. :)

Trying to put a human being on a par with the skin of a human being ?....really ?

You think anyone believes that the petri-dish growing skin will eventually produce an entire human being if left alone ?.....we already KNOW that a fertilized egg will.....

You're not even good at creating strawmen in this case.

A nap is a good idea....your posts go from stupid to completely idiotic as you tire.....
Yes, we can artificially force cells to reproduce. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with living organisms.

According to you it has everything to do with living organisms. You wrote, "If it is reproducing cells, it either has to be alive, or the principles of the universe have stopped working and matter is creating matter. There is no other test or criteria we use to determine if something is living or dead." So, has the universe stopped working or are skin cells alive?
And I don't need to watch your video. I already know that one of two possibilities exist, you have posted some idiocy that has no basis, much like your idiotic rants here, or you have misinterpreted the video to be saying something it isn't saying. Either way, I don't need a video to tell me what I learned in 6th grade biology.

Everything you needed to know about biology you learned in 6th grade? Thanks for the info. It explains a lot.
Trying to put a human being on a par with the skin of a human being ?....really ?

You think anyone believes that the petri-dish growing skin will eventually produce an entire human being if left alone ?.....we already KNOW that a fertilized egg will....

You're not even good at creating strawmen in this case.

A nap is a good idea....your posts go from stupid to completely idiotic as you tire.....

You think anyone believes that the petri-dish growing skin will eventually produce an entire human being if left alone ?.....we already KNOW that a fertilized egg will....

No, we do not know that a fertilized egg will. 50% of fertilized eggs spontaneously abort. As for producing an "entire" human being, again, you're wrong. Missing arms and legs and hands and parts of the brain and incomplete hearts and undevloped lungs and.....

Why do you take such pride in your ignorance?
According to you it has everything to do with living organisms. You wrote, "If it is reproducing cells, it either has to be alive, or the principles of the universe have stopped working and matter is creating matter. There is no other test or criteria we use to determine if something is living or dead." So, has the universe stopped working or are skin cells alive?

In the scenario you presented, cells are reproduced because humans artificially do what living organisms do, to force the cells to reproduce. They have no capacity to do this on their own. I venture to say, the human scientist who sets up the petri dish and administers the enzymes to the living skin cells to make them reproduce, IS in fact, a living organism. You're supposed to be giving us an example of cell reproduction which isn't the result of a living organism.

Go take another nap and try again!
In the scenario you presented, cells are reproduced because humans artificially do what living organisms do, to force the cells to reproduce. They have no capacity to do this on their own. I venture to say, the human scientist who sets up the petri dish and administers the enzymes to the living skin cells to make them reproduce, IS in fact, a living organism. You're supposed to be giving us an example of cell reproduction which isn't the result of a living organism.

Go take another nap and try again!

How tall are you? The reason I ask is because so many things go right over your head.

Think about what you wrote. "the human scientist who sets up the petri dish and administers the enzymes to the living skin cells to make them reproduce, IS in fact, a living organism."

Exactly! The skin cells are not a living organism. The scientist who administers the enzymes is the living organism.

Now, sit quietly and open your mind. Just a tiny bit. Just enough to see the smallest sliver on light shine through. Who administers the necessary enzymes to the fertilized cell? Just as if the skin cell was removed from the petri dish and/or the scientist stopped administering enzymes it would stop reproducing the same thing would happen to the fertilized cell if it is removed from the woman.

The exact same thing is happening. Both the skin cell and the fertilized cell are receiving the necessary ingredients and conditions to grow from a living organism, from a human being. One being a scientist and the other being a woman. One cell in a petri dish and the other in a uterus/womb. It's truly baffling how you are unable to see the similarity.
How tall are you? The reason I ask is because so many things go right over your head.

Think about what you wrote. "the human scientist who sets up the petri dish and administers the enzymes to the living skin cells to make them reproduce, IS in fact, a living organism."

Exactly! The skin cells are not a living organism. The scientist who administers the enzymes is the living organism.

Now, sit quietly and open your mind. Just a tiny bit. Just enough to see the smallest sliver on light shine through. Who administers the necessary enzymes to the fertilized cell?

No one, it produces its own because it's a living organism. The female host provides nutrition and environment, but everything else is produced, as needed, by the organism itself. Skin cells are incapable of this, and are not a living organism.

Just as if the skin cell was removed from the petri dish and/or the scientist stopped administering enzymes it would stop reproducing the same thing would happen to the fertilized cell if it is removed from the woman.

The exact same thing is happening. Both the skin cell and the fertilized cell are receiving the necessary ingredients and conditions to grow from a living organism, from a human being. One being a scientist and the other being a woman. One cell in a petri dish and the other in a uterus/womb. It's truly baffling how you are unable to see the similarity.

But one is a living organism and one is not. Because there is a similarity in how live cells are tricked into reproducing by another organism, and an organism in natural state of reproduction, doesn't mean they are the same thing. Because you can interrupt the process and cause both the cell or organism to expire, doesn't make them the same thing. The skin cell is a living human cell, but it is incapable of reproduction on its own, therefore, not a living human organism.
No one, it produces its own because it's a living organism. The female host provides nutrition and environment, but everything else is produced, as needed, by the organism itself. Skin cells are incapable of this, and are not a living organism.

Nobody knows exactly what is and what isn't produced by the fertilized cell. Watch the video I posted. Who thought the pregnant woman could turn on and off the genes in a fertilized cell? If you're not going to keep up to date on advancements/knowledge re: fertilized cells there's little point in having a discussion. You've jumped on the DNA wagon and have no idea where it's going.

Regarding the unique DNA of a fertilized cell a pregnant woman has control over it to the point she can alter genetic instructions. To claim a fertilized cell, a cell physically attached to a human being and that human being can turn the cell's genes on and off, to claim that cell is separate and independent is prima facie nonsense unless in anti-abortion speak "separate" and "independent" mean something completely different from their universally recognized meanings.

But one is a living organism and one is not. Because there is a similarity in how live cells are tricked into reproducing by another organism, and an organism in natural state of reproduction, doesn't mean they are the same thing. Because you can interrupt the process and cause both the cell or organism to expire, doesn't make them the same thing. The skin cell is a living human cell, but it is incapable of reproduction on its own, therefore, not a living human organism.

A pregnant woman can "trick" a fertilized cell into growing or not growing. Watch the video! She can shut off certain genes that have to do with growth.

Watch the video. Learn. You don't know what you're talking about.

Ten short years since DNA was incorrectly used/thought infallible/undisputed by courts of law resulting in a woman's biological children being taken from her and you want to use it as a basis to strip all women of their reproductive rights. Even as we discuss this new information is being discovered such as a woman's ability to manipulate the genes of embryos, those supposedly separate and independent human beings. What a load of rubbish. Hogwash. Balderdash. Poppycock. Poppycock, there's a word we don't hear too often.

The game is over, Dix. The lies and made up stories down through the ages have taught us one thing and that's don't believe anything an anti-abortionist says. From souls to quickening to deals between religious figures and war mongers to the infallibility of DNA to how a fertilized cell is completely separate and independent.....throw it all against the wall and see what sticks. It appears not too much is sticking today.
Nobody knows exactly what is and what isn't produced by the fertilized cell. Watch the video I posted.

Yes, most everyone who passed high school biology knows, you and the guy in the video may not.

Who thought the pregnant woman could turn on and off the genes in a fertilized cell?

Well, geneticists thought it, ever since the discovery of DNA. I've not argued the mother's body doesn't provide some essential elements to the growth and development of the living human organism inside her. However, you can't pick an orange from an orange tree when it's green and claim it isn't an orange because it's green.

re: fertilized cells

There is really no such thing as a "fertilized cell." Successful fertilization of a cell involves another cell fusing, and reproduction of cells, so there is no longer a single cell. There are multiple cells, working in organization with each other to produce more cells. This is the definition of an organism. It is the process of cell reproduction you seek to abort from. Now, we can have a discussion and say "a fertilized cell" but what is meant, is actually more than a single cell, it is two fused cells which have reproduced at least a third cell, perhaps many more, and will produce trillions and trillions of cells eventually, if the organism is not terminated and this process aborted or stopped. You want to over-use the term, out of context, because a single cell seems innocuous, and it is. If we were talking about the woman aborting a single egg cell, she does that monthly during menstruation. But the so-called "fertilized cell" we are discussing, isn't a single cell at all. It stopped being that when the fertilization was successful, and started being a living multi-cell human organism. We should call it that.

You've jumped on the DNA wagon and have no idea where it's going.

I don't know what this means. DNA is an acid molecule we discovered not terribly long ago, and what we know is, it's a 'blueprint' for the organism it belongs to. It's also like a 'fingerprint' of that organism, and can distinguish it from others, because it is unique. It doesn't really have much to do with defining living organisms, that was discovered many years ago, and hasn't changed with the discovery of DNA.

A pregnant woman can "trick" a fertilized cell into growing or not growing.

Well then, we need to completely outlaw any and all abortions immediately! What the hell are we allowing this hideous practice for, if women have such powers? .......Have you ever considered running for Senator, Apple? Just curious!
Nobody knows exactly what is and what isn't produced by the fertilized cell. Watch the video I posted.

Yes, most everyone who passed high school biology knows, you and the guy in the video may not.

Who thought the pregnant woman could turn on and off the genes in a fertilized cell?

Well, geneticists thought it, ever since the discovery of DNA. I've not argued the mother's body doesn't provide some essential elements to the growth and development of the living human organism inside her. However, you can't pick an orange from an orange tree when it's green and claim it isn't an orange because it's green.

re: fertilized cells

There is really no such thing as a "fertilized cell." Successful fertilization of a cell involves another cell fusing, and reproduction of cells, so there is no longer a single cell. There are multiple cells, working in organization with each other to produce more cells. This is the definition of an organism. It is the process of cell reproduction you seek to abort from. Now, we can have a discussion and say "a fertilized cell" but what is meant, is actually more than a single cell, it is two fused cells which have reproduced at least a third cell, perhaps many more, and will produce trillions and trillions of cells eventually, if the organism is not terminated and this process aborted or stopped. You want to over-use the term, out of context, because a single cell seems innocuous, and it is. If we were talking about the woman aborting a single egg cell, she does that monthly during menstruation. But the so-called "fertilized cell" we are discussing, isn't a single cell at all. It stopped being that when the fertilization was successful, and started being a living multi-cell human organism. We should call it that.

You've jumped on the DNA wagon and have no idea where it's going.

I don't know what this means. DNA is an acid molecule we discovered not terribly long ago, and what we know is, it's a 'blueprint' for the organism it belongs to. It's also like a 'fingerprint' of that organism, and can distinguish it from others, because it is unique. It doesn't really have much to do with defining living organisms, that was discovered many years ago, and hasn't changed with the discovery of DNA.

A pregnant woman can "trick" a fertilized cell into growing or not growing.

Well then, we need to completely outlaw any and all abortions immediately! What the hell are we allowing this hideous practice for, if women have such powers? .......Have you ever considered running for Senator, Apple? Just curious!