Doesn't matter what something may or may not have in common with something else.
Ahhh, that’s precisely the problem when having a discussion with anti-abortionists. Human beings classify/designate things by comparing them to other things. A rational, logical way so others understand, so people can make the connection. Anti-abortionists change words and meanings when discussing abortion. Saying every conception is a human being is like saying every kid in Grade One is a doctor. Every human being started out as a conception and every doctor started out in Grade One. That doesn’t mean every conception is a human being nor every kid in Grade One is a doctor. It takes time to develop. Some conceptions will become human beings and some first graders will become doctors but no one knows.
I made NO claim. I stated a biological fact. One you haven't refuted yet, and you can't refute without defying logic or abandoning language entirely. From point of conception, it is an organism, it is alive, it is human, and it is in the state of being.
Organisms have to be self-contained, for lack of a better term. They have to be able to carry on the processes of life and those cells can not do that. They require the use of the woman’s organs, blood, etc. Her basic bodily functions.
WTF? Are you smoking crack today or something? Fetuses aren't going to blow up and kill anyone. You attempted to make the bizarre analogy that we don't know if there is a cake or loaf of bread in the oven, but comparing to the fetus, we do know what ingredients were mixed, therefore, we do know there is a "cake in the oven." Your first analogy didn't work, and your modified analogy sounds insane.
Fine, you say we know the ingredients. How many genes are contained in those cells? Genes, the things that tell cells not only to grow or not grow but what part to grow into. An arm? A heart? Genes, fairly important things. How many are in those cells? Can anyone, from a scientist to a mystic, tell us those cells will develop into a human being? If so, there would be a lot fewer miscarriages not to mention severe birth defects. The truth is we have no idea what’s in those cells other than it’s human material. Like looking at a cake through the oven window. Can you tell a pineapple upside down cake if it’s cooked in a metal pan just by looking at the top of it? Can you tell if it’s even a cake and not some poisonous concoction laced with arsenic or a loaf of bread in a cake pan? And then there’s the fact 50% of conceptions self-abort and the other fact we know some human beings are born missing parts, including a brain. And then there’s the fact some genes may or may not express themselves depending on the signals sent from the mother to the “markers” that rest on some genes.
This is a replay of the “we know” nonsense that happened with DNA when children were taken away from their biological mother. “We know”. They knew nothing! Just like the souls. Just like quickening. Just like claiming the Pope infallible so he could dictate women produce young men for war. Well, this time it’s not working. Women and most other sensible people have discounted it out of hand. The cry of “wolf” now falls on deaf ears.
We can't remove it without killing it, this has already been explained as well. The argument isn't whether you have this obligation, the laws are clearly protective of the right to have an abortion, I haven't argued this is not the case. The argument is, whether you should have this obligation, in fairness to the living organism known as the fetus. If women did absolutely nothing to cause pregnancy, I would totally agree with your point here, but that is not the case. Pregnancy is the result of an action taken, and there should be a consequence, and people should be obligated as a result.
Nonsense. Nobody, man or woman, should have to answer to anyone regarding how they treat their own body. It’s their body. Talk about freedom and liberty. What could be more fundamental than the right to one’s body? What could be more fundamental than the right of a woman to reproduce or not reproduce? For someone cranked up on individual rights you would deny the most fundamental ones.
One cell didn't reproduce. Two cells, the sperm and egg, fused together in conception, and began to function as an organism. I didn't define this process, I didn't create this distinction, it's not my opinion, it's a biological fact. I've also made no argument "comparing" organisms with each other. I've not said the fetus is more important or equally important as any other human organism, just that it IS an organism.
We don’t know. Nature makes mistakes. Big mistakes. The two cells could fuse and be missing parts. While we don’t know for sure we do know half of them spontaneously abort. Common sense tells us something is/was wrong. And some continue growing and end up producing something that doesn’t have a brain. There is no way that product can function as a complete unit because it isn’t a complete unit. The only reason it grew was due to the woman’s body and once disconnected from the woman’s body it dies like any piece of human material removed from a woman’s body; from organs to a simple piece of skin.
Once was a time, no one thought we'd ever recognize black people as humans. No one thought we'd ever give women the same right to vote as men. No one ever thought we'd be talking about the rights of homosexuals to marry. The fact that we currently don't consistently protect the unborn's constitutional rights, doesn't mean this is always how it will be in America. But you're right, we can't "wait for it to happen" because it never will. We have to actively work for this, and fight for these rights.
Here we go, again, with that nonsense. Ever hear the expression, “If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s probably a duck”? Black people walked and talked like any other human being. Women walked and talked like any other human being. Only idiots or greedy (slavery) or controlling (dominant males) would argue against blacks and women not being people or not deserving of equal rights. Unfortunately, there are still controlling, dominant males who want to push women back just like they consistently offer women lower pay.
I witnessed the latter first hand when my wife was Director General (Town Manager), years ago. The Mayor and Councillors tried to “pull a fast one” and the resulting court case resulted in costing the town a handsome price. They messed with the wrong gal.

Nothing in the history of our known universe, has EVER been able to carry on the process of life indefinitely. You are applying an ignorant and absurd contextual understanding of "must carry on the process of life" and it has been pointed out to you repeatedly. Once the baby organism without a brain ceases to live, it is no longer a living organism. We find not one single solitary word in the science book, about organisms requiring a brain or any other specific part. We find no criteria for an organism having to maintain immortality, which is your interpretation of what constitutes an organism, something that never dies.
It never could carry on the processes of life. That’s the point. The woman carried on the processes for it. That’s why it ceased functioning once separated from the woman. Is this really that difficult for you to understand?
Again, no argument has been made about equivalency of organisms, or current law of the land. Something reproducing cells and carrying on the process of life, is a living organism, because it can't be anything else. It's reality, and I believe in reality.
Oh, please, Dix. Who ya kiddin’? The mantra is “a conception is an organism and the organism is a human being.” The reality is as long as the fetus requires the woman’s body (organs, blood, basic metabolism) to survive, as long as the fetus has not developed to the point it can carry on the processes of life, it doesn’t fulfill the definition of an organism because an organism I supposed to be able to carry on the processes of life. How can it be considered a complete unit when the parts necessary for it to carry on the processes of life have not developed? Again, where are you having difficulty with this? If the parts necessary to carry on the processes of life have not developed, have not come into existence, then it can’t carry on the processes of life. I can’t see the difficulty you’re having understanding such a basic concept.
Huh? Is that "Skinhead Rules" or something? I never heard of this. I have heard this one: IF THE SHOE FITS...!
….the clump of cells should wear it?