
First off: Every condom manufactured, comes with the disclaimer that it is not intended to prevent pregnancy.

I've seen a few porn movies, and I've never seen them wear condoms.

Hmmm... it's about being reminded, you say? Well, maybe we should make it mandatory, when a male reaches age of sexual maturity, each night at about 2:30 am, we play a recording of a crying baby under his bed? Then he would learn, as he grew up, that if he didn't want this noise every night of his adult life, he better pay attention!

When I was in 9th grade, our rural county school in Alabama wasn't hip on teaching sex education, but we had a Vo-Ag teacher who took it upon himself to give our class a mini sex-ed course. He taught us boys a lot, but one thing he said in particular, always stuck in my mind. He said, "Before you decide to stick your penis in, make sure it's someone you wouldn't mind having a child with." Maybe every 9th grade boy should have heard that advice?

It's nice to know Alabamians did receive sex education even if it was with a sheep or goat or..... (Sorry, I'm not familiar with the type of animals usually raised on Alabama farms.)

While condom manufacturers may put that disclaimer on packages many people do use them for birth control. Some people use the rhythm method. Others count the days between periods. The point being the chance of pregnancy still exists and we can't let that stop people from obtaining intimacy.

On that note I have to go out. I'm not saying where or why because I know what your comments would be. :(
Slice it and dice it any way you want, Dixie. It's all about control of women.

No it's really not. You may tell yourself this, because you have to believe it's this, so you look cooler to the women. I can't speak for that, but my viewpoint has absolutely nothing to do with controlling women. I am an advocate and voice for those who can't speak for themselves, and in this case, it is the unborn fetus. You refuse to stand up for them because there is nothing in it for you, the women think you're cooler supporting abortion.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
The Dixie Dunce rides again! Here's the core of Dixie's stupidity:

"...I am opposed to most abortions after the first trimester, unless there is a compelling reason, like the fetus is going to be deformed or retarded, or the risk to the health of the mother is an issue. Again, I would personally never choose the abortion option in this case, but I respect the rights of others to make their own decision. Where I draw the line, is using abortion as birth control, for the sake of vanity and convenience, partial birth abortions, late trimester abortions, etc. I don't think women should automatically have the "choice" to kill another human being."

Well toodles, late trimester and partial abortions have been banned with the exception of cases were the woman's life is in danger.....and to date the only way creeps like you can determine that abortion is used as birth control is for some type of gov't ruling that allows states to appoint "investigators" to get between the doctor and patient and make a "ruling".

So much for dimbulbs who are always griping about "nanny states" and "intrusive communist" gov't.

Essentially, the Dixie Dunce is just trotting out tired, disproven straw men in an never ending quest to justify enforcing their personal ideology onto women in the most personal of ways.

No one is buying your BS, Dixie....except maybe you

Probes inserted in the vagina. Compulsory viewing of the fetus. The anti-abortionist perversion knows no bounds.

But in their fucked-up little minds, it's all justified. THEN they turn around and bitch about unemployment and welfare...while REFUSING to acknowledge the connections. Pathetic lot, these pro-lifers.
"sexual relations are NOT A NECESSITY!"

Yes they are! I virtually never claim to speak for everyone but I bet everyone on this board realizes YOU need to get laid in the worst way. I bet there would be a much more relaxed, happy, smiling, peaceful, decent Dixie if you did.

Kind of says it all, doesn't it! Mind you, the poor SOB is so concerned about others sexual and procreative rights that he must have an overblown, egotistical justification for his sexual ya-ya's....regardless of what his partner(s) might say.
All one has to do is follow the chronology of the post to see my train of thought is accurate in response to the babblings of you and others like you. You're grinding a personal axe against me blinds you to the sheer stupidity of your response. The Dixie Dunce cannot refute what I say. If you're in agreement with me, you need to learn how to articulate that better. So if you've got nothing else but venom to spew, then I'd say we're done.
holy fuck you're a moron of the highest caliber. did you really just fall back on the chronology bullshit in order to avoid the fact that I totally burnt you to a crisp with my reply to you???????
No it's really not. You may tell yourself this, because you have to believe it's this, so you look cooler to the women. I can't speak for that, but my viewpoint has absolutely nothing to do with controlling women. I am an advocate and voice for those who can't speak for themselves, and in this case, it is the unborn fetus. You refuse to stand up for them because there is nothing in it for you, the women think you're cooler supporting abortion.

Do you really believe in your heart of hearts that there is anyone here trying to "look cooler to women"??? There are three women posting here. None of us are looking to date. So think about it okay Dixie? Maybe they are trying to look cooler to you, or to some other gentleman posting here.
Do you really believe in your heart of hearts that there is anyone here trying to "look cooler to women"??? There are three women posting here. None of us are looking to date. So think about it okay Dixie? Maybe they are trying to look cooler to you, or to some other gentleman posting here.

You're thanking nearly everything they post, so I think your actions speak for themselves. Whether you are interested in dating or not, has nothing to do with guys trying to look cool for you. I should think you would know this by now. I've been arguing with liberal males about abortion for years, and I honestly, heart of hearts believe, it is because they think it makes them look cooler to women. This is precisely why we see relevant facts and legitimate arguments, shoved to the back, while we are inundated with 'control women' nonsense, or that we're simply jealous of people having sex.
No it's really not. You may tell yourself this, because you have to believe it's this, so you look cooler to the women. I can't speak for that, but my viewpoint has absolutely nothing to do with controlling women. I am an advocate and voice for those who can't speak for themselves, and in this case, it is the unborn fetus. You refuse to stand up for them because there is nothing in it for you, the women think you're cooler supporting abortion.

Oh, please. Don't parrot Damo. If the women think I'm cool supporting their freedom and rights, great. However, I'm also supporting my freedom and right and that is to receive whatever affection and intimacy women are willingly giving. Consequences due to receiving intimacy? The next thing is you'll be comparing it to people who feel they're entitled to medical care.

Why do you insist on living in such a, I don't know how to term it, a hard world? A miserable world? A world where you embrace struggle and strife and avoid the more pleasant things life offers? Do you ever just do something nice for people for no reason? I think it's referred to as random acts of kindness. You should try it.

Early last December I used my snow blower to clean the front of a neighbor's driveway where the plow had pushed the snow. Took me about 10 - 15 minutes. When I returned from Vancouver after Christmas and a huge snow fall here (I left my car at the airport) I arrived home to see he had shovelled a portion of my double driveway. There was at least 2 feet of snow not counting the pile he must have had after the plow went by. I was able to park my car in the driveway to unload the suitcases. See what happens when you do good things. I expected nothing in return and I sure didn't feel like cleaning the driveway after a 5 hour flight. It must have taken him over half an hour to shovel that. At least.

Try giving, Dix. Just doing something for someone. You just might like it.
But in their fucked-up little minds, it's all justified. THEN they turn around and bitch about unemployment and welfare...while REFUSING to acknowledge the connections. Pathetic lot, these pro-lifers.

That's what I can't figure out. They'll rant and rave about a single mother on welfare yet insist a process continue that will inevitably result in that very thing happening.

I'm beginning to see why there is no solution to the upcoming sequester if Republicans think like that. How can anyone deal logically with such illogical thinkers?
Do you really believe in your heart of hearts that there is anyone here trying to "look cooler to women"??? There are three women posting here. None of us are looking to date. So think about it okay Dixie? Maybe they are trying to look cooler to you, or to some other gentleman posting here.

:lol: You may be on to something.

Actually, Dixie repeated what Damo said a week or so ago, that I was trying to look cool to women. I'm not quite sure of the purpose unless Dixie lives in the cyber world of affairs like that athlete who was recently in the news. I know one of the ladies here lives in Alaska and I think another gal lives in California while I'm in Quebec, Canada. That's a hell of a long distance relationship. :rofl2:

Poor Dix. I don't think he has fully recovered from last year. He had a terrible 2012. From ObamaCare surviving the Supreme Court challenge to his favorite Presidential picks crumbling one by one until the final blow on election night it has taken a toll. That said, I have faith he will pull through if we are gentle with him.
You're thanking nearly everything they post, so I think your actions speak for themselves. Whether you are interested in dating or not, has nothing to do with guys trying to look cool for you. I should think you would know this by now. I've been arguing with liberal males about abortion for years, and I honestly, heart of hearts believe, it is because they think it makes them look cooler to women. This is precisely why we see relevant facts and legitimate arguments, shoved to the back, while we are inundated with 'control women' nonsense, or that we're simply jealous of people having sex.

OK. Let me get this straight. Are you saying Darla is subtly giving me the "come hither look" and I'm missing it? Daaaamn, Dix. Why didn't you say something before? I always thought guys stuck together on things like this. You sure know how to disappoint and to think I never picked up on it. :crybaby:

OK, so you know all about women and things like this so help me out here. What's my next move? What should I do? I'm counting on you, bro.
So.... Four straight posts, and nothing but you behaving like a jackass. I guess you're done embarrassing yourself with science?

Well, that was a low down move even for you. We may have our disagreements but any decent guy would tell a brother when he thought a gal was interested in him. What kind of a guy are you anyway? Shame on you!
Oh, please. Don't parrot Damo.

If Damo said what I said, he was right for a change.

If the women think I'm cool supporting their freedom and rights, great. However, I'm also supporting my freedom and right...

Which is exactly what I said. You're in it for YOU! This whole debate, like ALL your debates, is centered around what benefits YOU the most. It doesn't matter that you have to twist logic and deny science to make it a "right" to kill innocent human life, by god, that's what you'll do! You have the freedom to be a jerk, you have the liberty to fuck whoever will fuck you, and for now, you both have the legal right to avoid any consequences for your actions. But you simply don't have the right to take the life of another human being, and you will eventually be stopped from doing this, regardless of how much of an inconvenience it is to your sex life.
If Damo said what I said, he was right for a change.

Which is exactly what I said. You're in it for YOU! This whole debate, like ALL your debates, is centered around what benefits YOU the most. It doesn't matter that you have to twist logic and deny science to make it a "right" to kill innocent human life, by god, that's what you'll do! You have the freedom to be a jerk, you have the liberty to fuck whoever will fuck you, and for now, you both have the legal right to avoid any consequences for your actions. But you simply don't have the right to take the life of another human being, and you will eventually be stopped from doing this, regardless of how much of an inconvenience it is to your sex life.

Wow! You hate both men and women. Not good. :(

As for being stopped it won't be stopped in my lifetime and if other generations want to stop it that's their decision but I doubt that will happen. Women will not be put on par with a bunch of cells barely visible to the naked eye and no decent man will allow it either. It's absurd regardless of what you claim the cells are.

BTW, when was the last time you took a close look at a female? When was the last time you actually held one, smelled one? And talking about God Genesis 6:1-2, Moses writes, “Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose.”

The sons of God found the earthly females so luscious, so voluptuous and you compare them to a bunch of cells. You're mad. Stark raving mad.
holy fuck you're a moron of the highest caliber. did you really just fall back on the chronology bullshit in order to avoid the fact that I totally burnt you to a crisp with my reply to you???????

Translation: whenever idiots like STY are told that the historical record does not contain information that backs up what they claim, they go all ballistic, as STY has done here. Mind you, STY CANNOT disprove or fault what I say....hence his smoke screen and rantings.

I leave this chump to his predictable last words, as he has neither the intelligence or the honest courage to debate the issue with me based on facts and what was actually said.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
But in their fucked-up little minds, it's all justified. THEN they turn around and bitch about unemployment and welfare...while REFUSING to acknowledge the connections. Pathetic lot, these pro-lifers.
That's what I can't figure out. They'll rant and rave about a single mother on welfare yet insist a process continue that will inevitably result in that very thing happening.

I'm beginning to see why there is no solution to the upcoming sequester if Republicans think like that. How can anyone deal logically with such illogical thinkers?

When you have people who steep their beliefs in religious dogma, there is no rational argument with them. Pressed, they lie and deny like our Dixie Dunce and his compadres....yet the conclusion of their train of thought/logic is the same irrational nonsense that we've seen here. this is why the "conservative" movement in this country is imploding, and the GOP is fast losing support.