First off: Every condom manufactured, comes with the disclaimer that it is not intended to prevent pregnancy.
I've seen a few porn movies, and I've never seen them wear condoms.
Hmmm... it's about being reminded, you say? Well, maybe we should make it mandatory, when a male reaches age of sexual maturity, each night at about 2:30 am, we play a recording of a crying baby under his bed? Then he would learn, as he grew up, that if he didn't want this noise every night of his adult life, he better pay attention!
When I was in 9th grade, our rural county school in Alabama wasn't hip on teaching sex education, but we had a Vo-Ag teacher who took it upon himself to give our class a mini sex-ed course. He taught us boys a lot, but one thing he said in particular, always stuck in my mind. He said, "Before you decide to stick your penis in, make sure it's someone you wouldn't mind having a child with." Maybe every 9th grade boy should have heard that advice?
It's nice to know Alabamians did receive sex education even if it was with a sheep or goat or..... (Sorry, I'm not familiar with the type of animals usually raised on Alabama farms.)
While condom manufacturers may put that disclaimer on packages many people do use them for birth control. Some people use the rhythm method. Others count the days between periods. The point being the chance of pregnancy still exists and we can't let that stop people from obtaining intimacy.
On that note I have to go out. I'm not saying where or why because I know what your comments would be.