What you are doing now, is making a lot of false presumptions about someone you simply don't know. That is called being a BIGOT, in case you didn't know. I stated the following: If a measure to outlaw all abortion in America were to ever be on the ballot, I would have to vote against it. From that, you surmised that I want to have "abortion judges" determining things from the bench on a case by case basis, and I never said any such thing.
I don't want to humiliate anyone or make them a slave girl. I don't want to punish people for having sex. These are all memes you've adopted to portray me as unreasonable, when you are the only one being unreasonable. You don't even want to admit the fetus is an organism, much less a human organism which, at some point, should be afforded constitutional protection of it's right to live.
Again.... MY position does not favor an all-out ban on abortion, and I would never support such a proposal. I believe there are circumstances where abortion should be a viable option, and people should be free to choose it. I would never choose it, but the option should be there for those who might. I am opposed to most abortions after the first trimester, unless there is a compelling reason, like the fetus is going to be deformed or retarded, or the risk to the health of the mother is an issue. Again, I would personally never choose the abortion option in this case, but I respect the rights of others to make their own decision. Where I draw the line, is using abortion as birth control, for the sake of vanity and convenience, partial birth abortions, late trimester abortions, etc. I don't think women should automatically have the "choice" to kill another human being. I'm sorry if that doesn't make me cool with the women, or that you feel like it makes you a stud with the women, I can't support infanticide. I'm never going to support it, nor are my children or grandchildren. So you can fantasize about all us pro-lifers dying off and you degenerate liberals get to do whatever the fuck you please, but I am here to tell you, at least for the next three generations, that won't be the case.