Tell me, who defined organism? Who determined what the criteria is? Human beings can define or classify anything any way they want. Who do you think makes those decisions? Aliens? .....According to how MAN has defined things. Again, man does not even know how many genes that so-called organism is supposed to have let alone if it does have the necessary ones.
Yes, Apple, how men define things! We define things as "living" because they are not what we've defined as "dead" and we call young humans "babies" because we don't call them "post-birth fetuses." Everything around us is defined and means something, and you are indicating you believe we should discard how we've defined things so we can see things your way. Unfortunately, this is a losing argument, because if we can't depend on how we've defined things and what words mean, then nothing we're saying to each other can be clear or understood. We may as well speak gibberish to each other....which, you basically are.
Yes, some time long ago, some scientist observed cells reproducing and growing, and in the process of life, so they defined these cells and this activity as "a living organism" because compared to something inorganic, that is what it was. You're arguing we should simply ignore this definition and pretend a living organism doesn't exist, so that you can win the argument. Never has such an absurd demand been made in any debate.
Talk about stumbling around in the dark and pulling conclusions out of a very dark place.
That's what YOU are doing, Apple. My conclusions are based on science and biological fact, which you simply want to ignore. I'm not the one trying to make the argument that the problem is how we define things, and we shouldn't be constrained by definitions. I'm not the one arguing that things should mean what we want them to mean, and to hell with the definitions.
More absurdity. What has it reproduced? Again, no one has any idea what that cell contains in the sense of genes or the instructions that sometimes accompany them. It’s like seeing a cake pan come out of the oven and say, “There’s a cake.” You have no idea if it’s a cake. It could be a loaf of bread in a cake pan.
If it reproduced ANYTHING, it has to be a living organism, it can't be anything else. Matter can't produce matter, it completely defies physics. Inorganic material doesn't reproduce cells, so it can't be inorganic. If we opened a box of Duncan-Hines yellow butter cake mix, and prepared it according to instruction, and this is what is inside the cake pan in the oven, we KNOW FOR CERTAIN what it is, and the only way to deny what is in the pan, is to deny how we define things. We can make silly arguments, like the cake is only a "cake" because of how man defines cakes. We can pretend that we don't know for sure if there might be some strawberries in the cake, even though that wasn't what the box said. We can even call the cake a "lump of dough" and pretend it's not a cake. We can point at the cake and laugh, as we mock it, recalling what fully-decorated cakes look like, and how the baking cake doesn't appear to be the same thing, even though it is, it's just in a different stage of development.
Yes, you are correct, Apple, some of us can be complete idiots and go to any extreme to deny the truth.
As for being alive so is ones liver. That doesn’t mean the liver is a human being. If those cells were organisms and able to carry on the processes of life why do 50% die? Obviously they were not able to carry on the processes of life and nobody knows why.
How many times do we have to go through this? The liver is an organ inside an organism, it is not an organism. It does not live. It is only alive because the organism is alive, and is incapable of carrying on the process of life. Again... for the millionth time... if things DIE, they had to be ALIVE! It's not possible for something to DIE if it wasn't ALIVE! It may have not been able to CONTINUE carrying on the process, but if it was ALIVE it WAS, it could not be ALIVE it wasn't. There is absolutely NO criteria requiring an organism to be an organism for a certain amount of time. If it reproduced one cell, it fulfilled the role, and will forever have the distinction of being a living organism. It will continue to be a living organism until it no longer carries on the process of life, then it will be inorganic and not an organism. If you chop off your finger, it is not a living organism, it won't grow a liver, and continue being alive. The finger will immediately stop carrying on the process of life, the cells which comprise the finger will begin to die by the thousands and millions, and the finger will rapidly become completely inorganic, because it is incapable of carrying on the process of life. Even though there is temporarily 'life' in the cells of the finger, it is never a living organism, it has not met the criteria of reproduction.
Living organisms die all the time, Apple. No living organism has ever continued the process of life forever. You continue to make the illogical argument that in order to be a living organism, it has to be immortal and never die. This is due to a gross misconception of the definition. One of these days, when your old tired body is unable to continue carrying on the process and you die, shall we "determine" that you were never really a human being, because you didn't continue carrying on the process of life? That's the stupidity of your argument here.
It’s possible it isn’t an organism to start with.
No, it's not really possible. Matter doesn't produce matter. Inorganic material doesn't reproduce itself. If there are ever a "clump of cells" then they had to come from some living organism, there is no other plausible way for them to exist in our physical universe. We know with absolute certainty that it must be a living organism, and you admit that we must have a living organism because 50% "die," and that's impossible to do unless they lived.
It doesn’t even fulfill man’s definition of organism as it wasn’t able to carry on the processes of life.
Apparently it did, because it died. Here's a newsflash: No organism has ever carried on the process of life forever. By your interpretation, there is no such thing as living organisms. Everything living, will someday be unable to carry on the process of life.
No one knows what’s inside that so-called organism as far as genes and instructions.
Oh, they know a great deal of what's inside and what is happening with the organism, and they know for a fact it is an organism, because it can't be anything else. As for genes and instructions, etc.; You can open a coffee pot as a present, and because the box is missing the instruction book, does that make it not a coffee pot? What if you plug it in and actually make a pot of coffee or two, and then it blows up? Was it never really a coffee pot? I'm just curious how you logic works here.
It’s a piece of human material.
No, a piece of human material is incapable of carrying on the process of life. How many times do we have to go over this? If there is a "clump of cells" they are the result of a living organism, and can't exist otherwise. If the host organism isn't doing the reproducing, the "clump of cells" have to be the living organism responsible for producing the cells. We've confirmed this to be the case. Even you admit this to be the case, because you claim 50% of them die and spontaneously abort. So we know without any doubt, it is not simply human material. You've proven this with your own explanation, what can I say?
No one has any idea if it contains the necessary genes and instructions to develop into a human being and we have plenty of examples where babies are born with parts missing. Logic dictates there is a distinct possibility other groups of similar cells also have something missing.
It's already a human being. It came into being at conception, and can't be anything other than human. Babies with missing parts aren't some other species of living organism, and they are most certainly living human organisms. Again, it's a scary redefinition you wish to make here, and I can't let it stand. Organisms and humans are NEVER defined by what they may be lacking or missing, or what YOU feel they need. This is what Hitler thought... people with blonde hair and blue eyes were the 'perfect' race and if your 'organisms' lacked that attribute, they were 'inferior' and worthy of the gas chambers.
My sandwich is after the fact. Do we know by watching pigs mating that one day we’ll get a ham sandwich? No, we do not. As for reproducing cells we don’t know what was reproduced. That is the point you are unable to grasp. It could be an incomplete cell as in genes are missing. As in instructions for those genes are missing.
Again, if ANYTHING is reproduced, a living organism did the reproducing, because physics prohibits all other plausible explanation. We don't have to know the human being will have blonde hair and blue eyes, it is STILL a human being.