I answered that before regarding the California case where the man murdered the pregnant woman. They included the fetus in the charges knowing the jury would convict on two murders due to the horrendous crime committed. It set a precedent. That's how sneaky prosecutors do things. That's why we must be ever vigilant as they try to steal people's rights.
You see your doing it again!
I ask one question and you answer another!!
Read carefully , I will type slowly!
D O U G L A S K E N N E D Y.
Two crazed union members tried to snatch his infant child( I know you don't think it an infant until it gets home, it's a liberal thing, I get it), when he tried to protect his infant child from that murderous assault they pushed him and the child down a stairwell!( I know unborn fetus thst he was holding in his arms)!
Unionised police then arrested him for child endangerment!
Hold on unionised cops, it's not a child, it hasn't been born yet and has no constitutional rights until it gets home, which is the point of birth, when it becomes a life, according to liberals at least!!
Then the liberal prosecutors charged him with child endangerment, because he didnt hand over the non existent child to the two crazed screeching banshees that tried to kidnap it( though it didnt exist) !
So how could Kennedy have endangered a child that didnt exist?
You liberals make no sense!!!!
So answer THIS not some other question, the Douglas Kennedy question!!
Or is it another case of the government is all powerfull, they can do what they want, even if it is contradictory and illogical!