
And some people have two differing genetic codes.

(Excerpt) EXPLAIN this. You are a doctor and one of your patients, a 52-year- old
woman, comes to see you, very upset. Tests have revealed something
unbelievable about two of her three grown-up sons. Although
she conceived them naturally with her husband, who is definitely
their father, the tests say she isn't their biological mother.
Somehow she has given birth to somebody else's children.

This isn't a trick question - it's a genuine case that Margot Kruskall, a
doctor at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston,
Massachusetts, was faced with five years ago. The patient, who we will
call Jane, needed a kidney transplant, and so her family underwent blood
tests to see if any of them would make a suitable donor. When the results
came back, Jane was hoping for good news.

Instead she received a hammer blow. The letter told her outright that
two of her three sons could not be hers. What was going on?

It took Kruskall and her team two years to crack the riddle. In the end
they discovered that Jane is a chimera, a mixture of two individuals -
non-identical twin sisters - who fused in the womb and grew into a single
body. Some parts of her are derived from one twin, others from the other.

It seems bizarre that this can happen at all, but Jane's is not an
isolated case. Around 30 similar instances of chimerism have been
reported, and there are probably many more out there who will never
discover their unusual origins. (End)

So, who is Jane? She has two distinct sets of DNA so, according to you, she must be two people. Will she collect two pensions? If she's caught drunk driving can the other human being who is living inside her apply for a licence? What if she's sentenced to jail? Why would two people have to go to jail? Would there be a compromise and Jane serve 1/2 the sentence? Or is the idea that differing DNA represents two people nothing more than complete nonsense?

Scientists Discover Children’s Cells Living in Mothers’ Brains

It is remarkable that it is so common for cells from one individual to integrate into the tissues of another distinct person. We are accustomed to thinking of ourselves as singular autonomous individuals, and these foreign cells seem to belie that notion, and suggest that most people carry remnants of other individuals. As remarkable as this may be, stunning results from a new study show that cells from other individuals are also found in the brain. In this study, male cells were found in the brains of women and had been living there, in some cases, for several decades. What impact they may have had is now only a guess, but this study revealed that these cells were less common in the brains of women who had Alzheimer’s disease, suggesting they may be related to the health of the brain. (End)

Talk about not being able to get someone out of your mind! :whoa:

And here's an article (http://abcnews.go.com/Primetime/story?id=2315693&page=1) where DNA "proves" a woman's biological children are not her children. :rolleyes:

So, what does it all mean? It means the anti-abortionists jumped on the DNA wagon while the wheels were falling off. Some people can have the same DNA. Some can have differing DNA. Some can have two set of DNA. And on and on it goes.

Do you really believe this constitutes as evidence that an unborn isn't a unique individual? Matter from other individual humans are not individual humans. Try to provide some credible science that proves an unborn is anything other than a distinct individual human being from the moment of conception.
Do you really believe this constitutes as evidence that an unborn isn't a unique individual?

as amusing as it may seem, he does.....he trots the same argument out in every abortion thread.....he hasn't yet tipped to the fact that it makes him look like an idiot......its sort of an "if you are extremely unique you aren't really unique" argument......

if you have a 30 in 7 billion chance of existing then we can't tell you apart from your mother any more.......
You do avoid answering difficult questions that challenge your Dogma!
Especially the dogma your boss , Barbera Noxer has set forth!

Dogma? A woman who has birthed 3 children trying to explain the definition of birth to a grown man. An ignorant, belligerent one, no less.

The final straw was when I heard him ranting about a partial birth abortion and a toe getting caught. Rather than being a smart-ass it was evident he was an ignorant, dumb-ass buffoon. In those types of rare procedures the fetus is delivered feet first so it is impossible for the entire body of the fetus to be outside the woman except for a toe. I think he realized he made a jack-ass of himself as if you watch the video he doesn't look too happy when he finally sits down.

Maybe Ms. Boxer should have gone with the stork story. :D
No she made this statement early in the debate, what she said was clear,
Though yes afterward she claimed to have been misquoted!!
But Barbera, the fucking video dosent lie!!
You lie, barbera , Obama lies , barbera!

Now, can any liberal tell me, how can douglas Kennedy endanger a child that dosent exist?

Don't you remember the Clinton trial and someone commenting a Grand Jury can indict a ham sandwich? Authorities can charge anyone with anything. Let's wait and see what happens. Let's avoid a replay of the type of thing we saw here, for almost a year, regarding the elections. Remember all the nonsense about how it was obvious Mitt would win?

Talking about the elections has Dixie been around? I haven't seem him lately. I hope he's OK. :( He's not a bad dude. Just deluded but I think he can come through it OK.
There was NO STORY, you liar!!
There was her statement that life begins when a child is born, when it gets home, then it belongs to its family.
No other story, just that statement. I posted the fucking video, no fucking story!!
Just her rules ! A child is not born until it gets home, that's what she said!
Stop fucking lying!!
Answer the fucking question!!
How can douglas kennedy have endangered a child who does not exist?


Meltdown on msg #113.
To me, the question raised by the OP is irrelevant to the discussion of whether abortion should be legal.

Things like viability, development & consciousness are much more integral to that discussion.
Real conservatives would fix it themselves and have gone off grid years ago!
Real conservatives would not send their kids to an indoctrination camp staffed by government agents'

Real conservatives are armed up, off grid and home schooling!!
I will not send my children to government death camp!

Armed up? Bags packed?

Do you mean like this?
(1:00 to 1:08)

Or do you mean like this? He's more conciliatory than a freshly spanked child. :lol:

What is wrong with you Right-wingers? Did you all take a batch of bad acid. Are you all in-bred? What the hell is the problem? :dunno:
He was found not guilty!
The story is over a year old !!!!

So , you, in your own fucking words tell me how the fuck can you endanger a child that does not exist???
It's a really fucking easy question!!
Answer it !!!

Obviously he didn't. You said he was found not guilty.

Do you read any of my posts? I told you the comment about a Grand Jury. That was like 15 years ago. Authorities can charge anyone with anything. Do you understand that?
Lies lies and more fucking lies!!! That's all we ever get from liberal liars!!

It's only just begun you flicking liar!
The story is a year old !!
You can't help but lie you lying liberals!!
Liberalism is a house of lies and deception!

I fucking hate liberals!!
On every point , they lie!
I hate liars !

If it's a year old why did you bring it up? I said wait and see and what happened? The verdict was not guilty. So what the hell was your point?

Please, please don't be a nutter. :(
yes....and in this case, as in all others it proved to be true.....unless you were implying the fuctacularly stupid idea that she was two women.....oh wait.....you WERE being that stupid......fortunately, the more intelligent among our readers realized she simply a very unique individual......

I understood you to be saying unique DNA unequivocally proves the existence of a human being. Therefore, there are only two possible conclusions one can draw. One is the woman in question must be two human beings or you're full of sh!t.

Hmmm, I wonder which one is fact. :rolleyes:
Don't you remember the Clinton trial and someone commenting a Grand Jury can indict a ham sandwich? Authorities can charge anyone with anything. Let's wait and see what happens. Let's avoid a replay of the type of thing we saw here, for almost a year, regarding the elections. Remember all the nonsense about how it was obvious Mitt would win?

Talking about the elections has Dixie been around? I haven't seem him lately. I hope he's OK. :( He's not a bad dude. Just deluded but I think he can come through it OK.
you are clearly retarded!
He was arrested, indicted for child endangerment.
The child did not exist according to fascist / liberal dogma,

How can you endanger something that does not exist ?
Do you really believe this constitutes as evidence that an unborn isn't a unique individual? Matter from other individual humans are not individual humans. Try to provide some credible science that proves an unborn is anything other than a distinct individual human being from the moment of conception.

Science. Science doesn't even know why 50% of fertilized cells spontaneously abort. Science has been shown to deny a mother possession of her own children. In another case science has been used to deny a mother food for her children claiming the children were not hers. In yet another case a social worker actually stood in the delivery room to witness a woman give birth because science "proved" she was merely a surrogate.

I suggest you come up with something better than that. Science does not know if the resulting conception, the cell, has the necessary material to be a human being. Science does not know if that particular cell has the necessary genetic material to become a human being. And don't tell me they all do because science does not know. And considering 50% spontaneously abort it's not only plausible half of the cells do not have the necessary material to become a human being it's quite possible they do not. So, you and science have proved nothing and as for science it's been used by overzealous, wanna-make-a-name-for-themselves authorities to destroy people's lives.

Try again.
you are clearly retarded!
He was arrested, indicted for child endangerment.
The child did not exist according to fascist / liberal dogma,

How can you endanger something that does not exist ?

One more time. A Grand Jury can indict a ham sandwich. :lol:
If it's a year old why did you bring it up? I said wait and see and what happened? The verdict was not guilty. So what the hell was your point?

Please, please don't be a nutter. :(
The point was fascists like you attempted to murder his child , whose umbilical cord had been cut 2 days earlier.
Kennedy , a Fox News employee defended what he thought was his child from the two screeching union banshees who intended to abort the unborn.
He fought them off after they pushed him and the non existent child down the stairs.

Then after the assault on Kennedy and the non existent child, Kennedy was arrested and later indicted for child endangerment.

How could Kennedy endanger a child that does not exist?

How could the screeching banshee nurses be concerned for the well being of a child that foes not exist?

Why did the police arrest Kennedy for endangering a non existent child?
Why did the prosecutor press charges for the endangerment of a child that did not exist ?

Come on liberal liar?

Stop sidestepping.
Liberal unionized nurses .
Liberal unionised cops .
Liberal prosecutor.

All pushing the case!!!
But according to liberal bosses the child didnt exist ?

Now answer the fucking question!!!

How can YOU liberals charge someone with child endangerment when YOU liberals say that child does not exist?

Why are you afraid to answer the question?
Just demonstrating the terror liberals use to prevent their fanatical followers from following logic!

See the terrified squirming?
Avoiding giving an answer ?
Terrified of going against the bosses , but why?

Brian terry?
Perhaps that's why?
Liberals here and now, shown to be tyrants , liars and cowards!!

I fucking hate liberal tyrants, cowards and liars!!
This case, shows their inconsistent illogical dogma!
Thry attacked Kennedy because he worked for fox!
Ahhh, but that's a crucial part of the argument. Those who believe a fetus is a human being yet maintain an abortion is OK in cases of rape/incest approve of murder depending on who the parents are or whether Mommy said "yes" or "no". Or if Mommy was sleeping at the time. Or if Mommy was drunk.

"Your mother was drunk at the time so it's OK to kill you." That is the anti-abortionist logic. Is it any wonder abortion has remained legal for 40 years?

Talk about cognitive dissonance; "the theory of cognitive dissonance in social psychology proposes that people have a motivational drive to reduce dissonance by altering existing cognitions, adding new ones to create a consistent belief system, or alternatively by reducing the importance of any one of the dissonant elements."

Then some anti-abortionists say abortion is OK if the pregnancy may cause problems for the mother. The fact is it's extremely rare the fetus is the problem. The problem almost always rests with the faulty body of the woman but, hey, it's logical to murder a healthy human being so that a faulty one may live.

Cognitive dissonance or outright insanity?

I didn't say I was for abortion in any case, my daughter had anecephaly (look it up) which means she had no chance of life outside the womb, my wife had a chance of miscarriage, and death due to a certain heart condition and infection, our Pastor recomended an early induction of labor, and delivery, we agreed and the day of the induction they made my wife sign a paper saying what she was doing was an abortion even though life and death was already settled, while in the recovery room a young college student who had a drunken one night stand had just had an abortion, and was already talking about going out that night,and partying, yes the same night she murdered a life, again my wife was devestated, see we wanted our child,and here this little tramp couldn't wait to go out and do it again.
Who says she's whoring around? It's most likely a steady boyfriend who gets her pregnant. Even during the Freedom Generation, 60's/70's with new-found birth control and women experiencing freedom for the first time, I don't recall the majority of women "whoring around". They may have participated in sex but from what I evidenced it was with steady boyfriends. Women, in general, had more sex or were more comfortable with sex. That doesn't mean they were having sex with anyone and everyone.

B.S, and nice try, even if they weren't whoring around they were involved in acts that cause pregnancy.