About Six Months Ago...


Staff member
I was on here talking about a co-worker who had been murdered in our parking lot at work. Well... It appears as if they may have finally found their man.

Another co-worker. (No, I didn't know either of these two personally).

Fricking weird. Oddly enough, now that it doesn't seem as random and not gang related (there have been 9 murders in this neighborhood since then, all gang related), it makes most of us feel a little better or maybe "safer", although it is creepy that we've been working with a murderer until he was suspended a few weeks ago.

Fricking lunatic, believed she had been "messing with his workstation" and asked to be moved away from her because "she smelled"...
I remember this, so he is 100% guilty you think?

Seems strange he would murder over the petty things you described, must have been more to it I think.
I remember this, so he is 100% guilty you think?

Seems strange he would murder over the petty things you described, must have been more to it I think.
Yeah, I think he's good for it. But he hasn't been arrested yet. Apparently none of the 18 guns they took from his house matched the one that shot her. I would think he'd be smart enough to make that one disappear. Fricking lunatic.
Weird one Damo.

I cant imagine taking anothers life.

What the hell is worth anothers life.
There just had to be more to it.

They were probably involved at some level and had a falling out
no proof yet, hasn't even been arrested. who leaked this considering he hasn't been indicted yet? how'd the police figure out it was him?
no proof yet, hasn't even been arrested. who leaked this considering he hasn't been indicted yet? how'd the police figure out it was him?
It's in the local news, I'd link to it but it just seems to be an easy way for everybody to find out exactly where I work and cause me issues. After watching some of the people on this site go after each other's personal lives they way they have I've gotten a bit paranoid.
As for evidence, the dude rented an SUV of the same type and color that was driven by the killer the night of the murder and returned it just four ours after she died. He then drove in his own perfectly working vehicle to work...
Dude the lady was huge and so diabetic she wore slippers at work because shoes wouldn't fit on the swollen feet. She lived alone with cats, everybody probably knows at least one "cat lady".
So basically, not this:


Definitely less intriguing. :moped:
Not this lady. She was essentially the "cat lady"...

I just think the man was unhinged.

You confuse the "some level" meaning.

I bet he had some closeness with her at some level.

Some secret, maybe she knew he was stealing or the like.
I was on here talking about a co-worker who had been murdered in our parking lot at work. Well... It appears as if they may have finally found their man.

Another co-worker. (No, I didn't know either of these two personally).

Fricking weird. Oddly enough, now that it doesn't seem as random and not gang related (there have been 9 murders in this neighborhood since then, all gang related), it makes most of us feel a little better or maybe "safer", although it is creepy that we've been working with a murderer until he was suspended a few weeks ago.

Fricking lunatic, believed she had been "messing with his workstation" and asked to be moved away from her because "she smelled"...

I thought Colorado was a relative haven of tranquillity compared to many places in the US.
Yeah, that is totally creepy~~~

I went to school with a gal who was very popular from grade school all the way through high school, cheerleader, home coming queen etc...after high school she went to the dark side, drugs and prostitution. She was found murdered in out small hometown. They have never found who did it...that creeped me out just 'cause I knew her. Aother story: At an after hours party when I was in my 20's and there was a guy there that everyone knew was under investigation as a serial rapist/killer~~~It is such a dark side of the human psyche that CREEPY is really the best descriptive for it.
It is. There are murders everywhere, Tom.

It was this that prompted me to raise the question.

Fricking weird. Oddly enough, now that it doesn't seem as random and not gang related (there have been 9 murders in this neighborhood since then, all gang related), it makes most of us feel a little better or maybe "safer", although it is creepy that we've been working with a murderer until he was suspended a few weeks ago.