About Six Months Ago...

There is no such thing as personal responsibility.

Let's make it clear, I don't need an excuse. Thorn is the one who did something wrong. I am completely and totally in the right. The responsibility for this is on her. I'm just not going to press the issue, because I am kind.
Like I said, you refuse to take responsibility for your own actions, and instead try to blame someone else. Typical of a Lib-Tard.
Like I said, you refuse to take responsibility for your own actions, and instead try to blame someone else. Typical of a Lib-Tard.

Victims do not bear responsibility. I understand that this doesn't make sense to a conservative, who spent millenia blaming rape victims for the rape, and still often do.
Victims do not bear responsibility. I understand that this doesn't make sense to a conservative, who spent millenia blaming rape victims for the rape, and still often do.
Obviously you're confused with the modern definition of conservatism. Nice deflection though. Too bad you're not ready to man-up and take personal responsibility, but since your a lib-tard, I never expected you to.
Obviously you're confused with the modern definition of conservatism. Nice deflection though. Too bad you're not ready to man-up and take personal responsibility, but since your a lib-tard, I never expected you to.

I have manned-up enough to forgive her for her completely unjustifiable and rude behavior.
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What is amazing is my restraint here. This is not pin drop. There is nothing she could say that could be more ignorant and insulting as calling me ignorant and accusing me of grandiosity. Thorn is not a fucking psychologist. She is just as much an interested outsider as I am. She has no right to treat me like that.

If you even read the thread you would realize I wasn't even disagreeing with her. I said the same thing might be a possibility in an earlier post. I was just saying we should exercise skepticism. And she responds with vitriol.



Man, are you drunk? Have another beer and Calm down. I've never read anything by Thorn that is even remotely in the gutter of put-downs, slams, and childish vitriol that 90% of us dudes here engage. Including in this thread. Thorn is cool, just Slam down another brew and relax, bro!
Dude..say the following.....humbly......Yes Thorn.....Yes Desh......have I told you two today how beautiful you are?

Now they'll now you're completely full of shit for saying that.

But love you for it anyways! :)

It was just a misunderstanding. Thorn thought I was attempting to undermine her as a professional, when that wasn't really even my point.
It's from the movie "The Aristocrats."

That sounds bad. :-/
Oh him! LOL Did you give you a strawberry sunday! LOL

What surprised me about that movie is the guy from "Full House" told the funniest version of the joke.

Still....tell Thorn and Desh you think their beautiful. You can never go wrong telling a woman she's beautiful!!

Oh...it could have been worse....I could have stayed in the car and it could have actually turned out to be Gacey. That would have been worse.
Maybe when they love you, Mott, but otherwise you're probably going to come off as looking creepy and put them off.

God knows being a ginger I already look creepy enough.
