About Six Months Ago...

It's in the local news, I'd link to it but it just seems to be an easy way for everybody to find out exactly where I work and cause me issues. After watching some of the people on this site go after each other's personal lives they way they have I've gotten a bit paranoid.
I figured out where you worked the first time you posted on it cause I Googled the news in CO for more on the story and they mentioned your companies name in the report. Mums the word though.

The real question for me is "What unhinged him?" Could it have been the work conditions?

In modern offices the demand to produce are incessant and stress levels can be uncopable. To the point where they affect your health and that would include mental health.
That is a "Cat Woman", that is an entirely different thing...
More like this?

I figured out where you worked the first time you posted on it cause I Googled the news in CO for more on the story and they mentioned your companies name in the report. Mums the word though.

The real question for me is "What unhinged him?" Could it have been the work conditions?

In modern offices the demand to produce are incessant and stress levels can be uncopable. To the point where they affect your health and that would include mental health.

Why would someone be coming to work, or leaving work at 3:30 am in the morning? Graveyard shift?
Why would someone be coming to work, or leaving work at 3:30 am in the morning? Graveyard shift?
We have off-scheduled stuff that must be done when others are not at work. People get a little bent when their equipment stops working in the middle of the day because we're doing our jobs.
I figured out where you worked the first time you posted on it cause I Googled the news in CO for more on the story and they mentioned your companies name in the report. Mums the word though.

The real question for me is "What unhinged him?" Could it have been the work conditions?

In modern offices the demand to produce are incessant and stress levels can be uncopable. To the point where they affect your health and that would include mental health.

He may simply have been unstable to begin with and whatever pushed him to murder may have been entirely internal. Few schizophrenics are violent, but those that are can imagine any number of things that aren't there and their reactions are completely out of proportion to what a healthy person would either experience emotionally or act to respond. It is probably a mistake to try to assign some rational meaning to this action.
Upon posting this and seeing my signature, I have a feeling that I'm going to be taken even less seriously than usual for the next week. Thanks capt.
Well, I think there's a overtendency to assign a mental illness to anyone who does a horrific crime for little reason that we can see. I'm not going to try to diagnose him from my armchair.

I think that given the information that we have it's reasonable to assume a deep underlying instability. No offense, WM, but you're not qualified to "diagnose" from your armchair or anywhere else for that matter,\, or even to speculate.

You're correct in your statement that there is a tendency to assume mental illness to the perpetrators of horrible crimes, but in this event, assuming that we've been given adequate information, it is likely to be the case.
He may simply have been unstable to begin with and whatever pushed him to murder may have been entirely internal. Few schizophrenics are violent, but those that are can imagine any number of things that aren't there and their reactions are completely out of proportion to what a healthy person would either experience emotionally or act to respond. It is probably a mistake to try to assign some rational meaning to this action.
That may be but I work in a stress factory and I've seen people reach their limit and go screaming out the door. The managers seem to have a "If you can't handle the heat attitude." and I've told several of them, "One of these times one of them is going to come back with a gun."
Neither do you. This was sort of the point of my statement.

"Armchair diagnose" is a riff on "armchair general", talking about people on the internet who've researched old battles and think that they know better how to fight it than the generals who did. Being an "Armchair" anything means that you are diagnosing someone with absolutely no qualifications (something I often find you doing). You redudantly responded to my statement that we shouldn't sit here and diagnose without qualifications by saying that I have no qualifications. You also needlessly added unprovoked insult to this self-effacing statement and told me not to take offense at the insult.

Wrong. I am qualified, have been since 1988. I understand that this was the point of your statement and is the reason for my reply.
Apparently Thorn got her mandatory condescension switch turned on today, and decided to confuse my posts and insult me for making a point I never made. Her by message diagnosis reminds me of Bill fucking Frist. I was trying to put that kindly. She has made me angry enough to explode, so I will try not to read her posts and say angry things in response.

As a physiologist. Not a psychologist.

Which still doesn't give you permission to engage in remote diagnosis, which was the main annoyance I had with your post. Obviously, I was saying that we should apply skepticism and wait for evidence to come in. My post had very little to do with psychology at all.

And FUCK YOU. I'll engage in all the speculation I want to. The only time it would be inappropriate is if I were actually using it on a patient. I am a tinkerer at heart, and that's just what I do with everything. Your (unsuccessful) attempt at condescending me here was rude and uncalled for.

Jesus christ are you EVER going to fucking grow up?

How the hell old are you now anyway?

Quit the fucking redicules pin drop anger at every Middle aged woman who offers opposition to what you say.

I dont think you little dweebs have any idea of the shit storm tantrums you display and how it fiucks with this site.

Think about how many women on this site have bailed?

And you wonder why no chick will date you for more than month or so?

Fucking A, grow the fuck up.
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I was on here talking about a co-worker who had been murdered in our parking lot at work. Well... It appears as if they may have finally found their man.

Another co-worker. (No, I didn't know either of these two personally).

Fricking weird. Oddly enough, now that it doesn't seem as random and not gang related (there have been 9 murders in this neighborhood since then, all gang related), it makes most of us feel a little better or maybe "safer", although it is creepy that we've been working with a murderer until he was suspended a few weeks ago.

Fricking lunatic, believed she had been "messing with his workstation" and asked to be moved away from her because "she smelled"...

Obssessive behavior = GUILTY?
Nice excuse. Ever hear of personal responsibility? Oh, that's right, you wouldn't have, because you're a lib-tard.

There is no such thing as personal responsibility.

Let's make it clear, I don't need an excuse. Thorn is the one who did something wrong. I am completely and totally in the right. The responsibility for this is on her. I'm just not going to press the issue, because I am forgiving.