About where you live.

See folks, Freedumb is so intellectually dishonest that he cannot counter my points....not only does he bluff and bluster, but no lodges false accusations to avoid admitting his errors.

I've been reducing this chump to this status for years....he's just a crank with an axe to grind, and when he's shown for the useless fool that he is, he suddenly claims it's all a joke.

But the joke is on Freedumb, as this thread shows. So let's watch him try to divert the discussion to this personal attack or whatever, because we've all seen he doesn't have the stones or brains to do otherwise.

You said you were done.
Were you lying then, or now? :)
And the white apartheid gov't was better? Says who, you? Fuck you....you don't even have the intellectual courage to deal with the facts of my original statement, nor have you provided anything other than your mental flatulence to what, discredit aboriginal people so you an confirm your "homeland" status as on par with theirs?

Get the fuck out of here with that BS, buddy. By your own admission, YOU are nothing but an immigrant who became a naturalized citizen while still stewing about Europeans losing their control over South Africa. TFB for you.

Ok from the top.
I never said the apartheid system was better.
It was better to the indiginous bushmen.

The facts of your initial insane rant were indecipherable from the vitriol and abuse you spouted.

Nothing but an immigrant?
You racists feel the need to dehumanize others to make you feel better about your pathetic existence on food stamps, EBT cards and Section 8?

I am not a naturalised citizen, you are a liar.

I never " by my own admission" claimed to be a citizen, you again are a liar.

Never have I made comment about Europeans losing control of South Africa.
Again , you are lying.
Your ranting abuse filled dishonest diatribe says you know you are wrong.

Xhoshian people's are my people, I grew up amongst them.
Along with ethnic Masai, who are my closest family beyond my wife and kids.

You are a brainwashed fool.
Visit South Africa and listen to the people.
You are despised by my people.
Ok from the top.
I never said the apartheid system was better.
It was better to the indiginous bushmen.

The facts of your initial insane rant were indecipherable from the vitriol and abuse you spouted.

Nothing but an immigrant?
You racists feel the need to dehumanize others to make you feel better about your pathetic existence on food stamps, EBT cards and Section 8?

I am not a naturalised citizen, you are a liar.

I never " by my own admission" claimed to be a citizen, you again are a liar.

Never have I made comment about Europeans losing control of South Africa.
Again , you are lying.
Your ranting abuse filled dishonest diatribe says you know you are wrong.

Xhoshian people's are my people, I grew up amongst them.
Along with ethnic Masai, who are my closest family beyond my wife and kids.

You are a brainwashed fool.
Visit South Africa and listen to the people.
You are despised by my people.

this guy is full of shit folks, he "grew up" among people that he has yet to claim to be one of them. He's not. He's NOT an American by birth, that makes him an immigrant and naturalized citizen. If not, WTF is he so upset about my pointing out Native Americans have a more right to call America their homeland than the descendants of Europeans?
this guy is full of shit folks, he "grew up" among people that he has yet to claim to be one of them. He's not. He's NOT an American by birth, that makes him an immigrant and naturalized citizen. If not, WTF is he so upset about my pointing out Native Americans have a more right to call America their homeland than the descendants of Europeans?
I grew up amongst xhoshian and Masai people's, I am not ethnically either.
I am not an American citizen by birth or naturalization.
I am in no way upset by native Americans rightfully claims to be the initial inhabitants of the land mass we live on.
Nor do I deny them that right.

This is my homeland.
That statement in no way equates to any of the stances you attribute to me.

You are a ranting angry fool, filled with hate for any who hold an opinion that isn't the same as yours.

It's called intolerance, a powerful trait amongst fanatics.
I grew up amongst xhoshian and Masai people's, I am not ethnically either.
I am not an American citizen by birth or naturalization.
I am in no way upset by native Americans rightfully claims to be the initial inhabitants of the land mass we live on.
Nor do I deny them that right.

This is my homeland.
That statement in no way equates to any of the stances you attribute to me.

You are a ranting angry fool, filled with hate for any who hold an opinion that isn't the same as yours.

It's called intolerance, a powerful trait amongst fanatics.

And this idiot just repeats his bullshit as if repetition justifies everything he says. So let's just deconstruct his bullshit once and for all:

I grew up amongst xhoshian and Masai people's, I am not ethnically either. Note that this jackass DOES NOT identify himself, so the reader must deduce that he is NOT of native descent of the two groups he mentions, nor is he of ANY African descent. Given his previous posts, one concludes he is European descent (i.e. Afrikkaner)
I am not an American citizen by birth or naturalization.
Which begs the question, why is this jackass so desperate to disprove my assertion in the opening post, as it is NOT about him or his particular situation on the continent of Africa? One can only deduce that the mindset of some Americans regarding it's aboriginal people are similar to his regarding the aboriginal folk of Africa
I am in no way upset by native Americans rightfully claims to be the initial inhabitants of the land mass we live on. Nor do I deny them that right. Now if this jackass is NOT an American or naturalized citizen as he previously stated, then when he states "...we live on", it can only mean that he is currently living here or has lived here for some time. That would make him a recent immigrant, possibly here on a VISA. But since this jackass can't keep his stories straight, one can deduce that he is just a babbling crank with an axe to grind.

This is my homeland.
He says he's not an American by birth or naturalization....that means he's an immigrant here on extended VISA. As I stated previously, only a complete jackass would think that renting an apartment or buying a house in another country automatically makes that country his "homeland"....unless one is willing to toss out the traditional definition and alter it into some type of neologism to suit one's personal contentions.
That statement in no way equates to any of the stances you attribute to me. And lastly, we have just denial with no basis in reality, as I've demonstrated above. Like I previously stated, 007 is just some crank with an axe to grind. It might be interesting to watch him try and dance out of the logical corner he's put himself into, but his piling on the BS does get boring, and I'll eventually just dump him into the IA bin. Let's watch.
First you claim that you "grew up" with Sub Saharan folk, and now you claim that America is your "homeland" based on the amount of property you own. :palm: Typical colonialist attitude: you blow into town, set up shop for a few years and claim equality with the native population....hell, according to your own words, YOU are a "naturalized citizen" at best! My ancestors were derived from the slave trade here, and they beat out YOU by a century or two!

You are SO full of it, 007. And you make my point over and over and over.....some jackass who's been here less than half of a normal life span is all a fluster because I point out that while this may be your home, your nation and your country, it is NOT your "homeland", as YOU cannot trace your ancestry to the people who SETTLED this land well over a thousand years ago.

But do keep parroting your nonsense.....just keeps making my point. Carry on.

IT HAS TAKEN YOU THIS LONG TO DETERMINE THAT HE IS A FOOL AND A JERK? sorry about the all caps, i had the caps lock key on by mistake
And this idiot just repeats his bullshit as if repetition justifies everything he says. So let's just deconstruct his bullshit once and for all:

I grew up amongst xhoshian and Masai people's, I am not ethnically either. Note that this jackass DOES NOT identify himself, so the reader must deduce that he is NOT of native descent of the two groups he mentions, nor is he of ANY African descent. Given his previous posts, one concludes he is European descent (i.e. Afrikkaner)
I am not an American citizen by birth or naturalization.
Which begs the question, why is this jackass so desperate to disprove my assertion in the opening post, as it is NOT about him or his particular situation on the continent of Africa? One can only deduce that the mindset of some Americans regarding it's aboriginal people are similar to his regarding the aboriginal folk of Africa
I am in no way upset by native Americans rightfully claims to be the initial inhabitants of the land mass we live on. Nor do I deny them that right. Now if this jackass is NOT an American or naturalized citizen as he previously stated, then when he states "...we live on", it can only mean that he is currently living here or has lived here for some time. That would make him a recent immigrant, possibly here on a VISA. But since this jackass can't keep his stories straight, one can deduce that he is just a babbling crank with an axe to grind.

This is my homeland.
He says he's not an American by birth or naturalization....that means he's an immigrant here on extended VISA. As I stated previously, only a complete jackass would think that renting an apartment or buying a house in another country automatically makes that country his "homeland"....unless one is willing to toss out the traditional definition and alter it into some type of neologism to suit one's personal contentions.
That statement in no way equates to any of the stances you attribute to me. And lastly, we have just denial with no basis in reality, as I've demonstrated above. Like I previously stated, 007 is just some crank with an axe to grind. It might be interesting to watch him try and dance out of the logical corner he's put himself into, but his piling on the BS does get boring, and I'll eventually just dump him into the IA bin. Let's watch.

You are still wrong.
Not one contradiction from me, lots of incorrect assumption from you.

Let me help.
I am English by birth and Scottish by ethnicity.
I grew up in Zambia and Zimbabwe, educated in Zambia.

I live in the USA, I am not a US citizen and I have no extended visa.

I own 3 homes in the USA, it is my homeland.
You are still wrong.
Not one contradiction from me, lots of incorrect assumption from you.

Let me help.
I am English by birth and Scottish by ethnicity.
I grew up in Zambia and Zimbabwe, educated in Zambia.

I live in the USA, I am not a US citizen and I have no extended visa.

I own 3 homes in the USA, it is my homeland.

This asshole just gave answers that confirmed my assessment, and he's too dumb to realize/admit it. I'm done with this clown.
This asshole just gave answers that confirmed my assessment, and he's too dumb to realize/admit it. I'm done with this clown.

Confirms nothing that you claimed.
You claimed I was racist and angry with native Americans.
That I was Afrikaner who lamented the loss of European power in Africa.

You were wrong.
You assume that European equates to racist.
You are the racist.

A black supremacist if you wish.

The rest of us are happy in our world.
A world where you and the KKK have no place.