About where you live.

Nice google skills.
So not the black people ruling the country now?
Who arrived about the same time as the Dutch?

The bushmen ( xhosian peoples are indigonous to zimbabwe and moved to SA to work in the mines, the true aboriginals of SA , the Yule people's( 5000 years of documented history, mentioned in early Punic writings before the Punic people's moved north due to the dessication of the land( let's save that one for the next leftist whine about global warming))!
So why is SA now run by black tribes who are not 'native'?

Before you continue on your ignorance based rant, you might want to go back and READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY, because you missed this:

The original San hunter-gatherer groups lived on this land for approximately 100 000 years before the arrival of other black people and European settlers. When the pastoral KhoiKhoi appeared 2 000 years ago they saw people similar to them in physical appearance, but with a different culture. They called these elders of the land 'the San', which means 'people different from ourselves'.

It is a sad part of South African history that these two vibrant and culturally-rich tribes are now almost extinct; with Khoisan culture pushed to the periphery of our society. But they have left an indelible mark on our society.

This means they are STILL there, you simpleton. And they arrived before "other black people" who arrived before the Europeans. So no matter how much you dance, fuss and fume....black folk were STILL the original migrant inhabitants of SA LONG before the Europeans got there. Deal with it, or in your case, ignore it.

Whilst the evil Afrikaner protected the aboriginals in law, Since when is enforced segregation to poverty, second class citizenry, little to no voice in gov't, stealing of land rights "protection"? Are you fucking stupid or just some closet bigot trying to intellectualize your disgusting mindset? today's South African government is engaged in their eradication.

Really? Proof please. If you can't provide it, then STFU because your opinion isn't worth a piss in the wind.

You support that genocide?

Where did I say that? Seems you have a bad habit treating your willful ignorance and inability to comprehend what you read as fact. Get it together, man! You're making a fool of yourself.
Bet you wish you knew something about Africa now , don't you!!!!

As I've demonstrated above, I apparently know more than you and can verify it....as opposed to YOU just having mental flatulence.

Shosholoza, SHOSHOLOZA, Ku le zindaba stimbela see Kumbe sa.

:palm: this idiot just ignores what he doesn't like, babbles supposition and conjecture, and then crows proudly about his ignorance. But as I demonstrated above, he's just a fool who is pissed that FACTS don't support his bigoted little view of the world.
I simply can't keep up with pointing out the ironies:
:palm: this idiot just ignores what he doesn't like, babbles supposition and conjecture, and then crows proudly about his ignorance. But as I demonstrated above, he's just a fool who is pissed that FACTS don't support his bigoted little view of the world.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
And when all is said and done, this nonsense of the descendants of less than 400 year old immigrants claiming "homeland" status on par with the native/aboriginal people that settled the land over a thousand years ago is just that....nonsense. It's not so much guilt but just admitting such.....and as we've seen on this thread, many are reluctant to do that, if not outwardly hostile about the very concept.

As I pointed out before, these attitudes and beliefs permeate how a society conducts itself.

So erm, what you are saying is that 2000 years makes it a homeland, 400 years makes you a lesser American, therefore you would argue that 350 years makes a third class American?

No, I pointed out the FACTS that people who SETTLED the area and carved out a culture that was thriving for over a thousand years have a right to claim homeland status, as opposed to people less than 400 years who came in and virtually eradicated the native folks lifestyles and culture. Pay attention and/or stop lying about what I write.

You see, native Americans are true Americans cos they were here first.

See above as to what I stated.

Eutopeans are second class, second!

And if you can't provide the quote or post where I stated EXACTLY that, then you either have poor reading comprehension or are a liar.

Blacks must then be third class!
Asians and Indians? Do they even qualify as human in your little nazi type breakdown?
It reminds me of nazi racial structuring!!!

You are a racist.

Typical panic response from a subliminal bigot....the Shrub puts out a claim that when put to examination does not pan out, and your widdle racial superiority complex is all a fluster! TFB.

And as a side note, how fucking stupid are you to first state that I'm putting my own race as third place and then call me a "racist"? You're babbling son....get your act together before your fingers hit the keys.
:palm: this idiot just ignores what he doesn't like, babbles supposition and conjecture, and then crows proudly about his ignorance. But as I demonstrated above, he's just a fool who is pissed that FACTS don't support his bigoted little view of the world.
Your facts are mere opinions and political expedient.
You clearly know nothing of sub Saharan African history, culture and politics.
These are the people I grew up with.
Typical panic response from a subliminal bigot....the Shrub puts out a claim that when put to examination does not pan out, and your widdle racial superiority complex is all a fluster! TFB.

And as a side note, how fucking stupid are you to first state that I'm putting my own race as third place and then call me a "racist"? You're babbling son....get your act together before your fingers hit the keys.
Firstly, I'm not your son.
Secondly, this is my homeland.
I have more homes here than in any other land.
The xhoshian people's originated in Zimbabwe.
The bushmen of South Africa are the aboriginal people's of South Africa.
The blacks migrated from the northeast, the Boars from holland, Anglos from the UK.
The bushmen enjoyed a specially protected status under the Afrikaner government.
Today's ANC denies them that.
Currently SA is involved in what can only be described as a genocide against these indigenous people.
Perhaps you should visit SA and live amongst the indigenous people, learn their fears, listen to their stories and observe the actions of the government.
Or you could read corrupt government reports and believe every word.
The ANC is a flawed organisation.
Your facts are mere opinions and political expedient.
You clearly know nothing of sub Saharan African history, culture and politics.
These are the people I grew up with.

Oh spare us all your BS, man! What I linked was not opinion, but FACT


Your trouble is that you just ignore that and spew your supposition and conjecture without any documentation to back it up. TFB. Let us all know when you can document, factually and logically disprove the information I refer to. Until then, I'll just ignore your mental flatulence.

it is the nation that bears the guilt for what was done to the native americans

as i have said before, my father was born on a reservation in north central washington. it was called the colville reservation

After all this time; what you ascribe to being "guilt", should really be seen as empathy.
I had no involvement in what occured; but I do think they were treated unfairly.
I can't change history and neither can anyone else.
Should Europe feel guilt for all the slaves, criminals, and indentured servents they sent to the America's?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Typical panic response from a subliminal bigot....the Shrub puts out a claim that when put to examination does not pan out, and your widdle racial superiority complex is all a fluster! TFB.

And as a side note, how fucking stupid are you to first state that I'm putting my own race as third place and then call me a "racist"? You're babbling son....get your act together before your fingers hit the keys.

Firstly, I'm not your son. that was merely an expression to signify my feelings that I'm talking to some dumb kid.
Secondly, this is my homeland.
I have more homes here than in any other land.

First you claim that you "grew up" with Sub Saharan folk, and now you claim that America is your "homeland" based on the amount of property you own. :palm: Typical colonialist attitude: you blow into town, set up shop for a few years and claim equality with the native population....hell, according to your own words, YOU are a "naturalized citizen" at best! My ancestors were derived from the slave trade here, and they beat out YOU by a century or two!

You are SO full of it, 007. And you make my point over and over and over.....some jackass who's been here less than half of a normal life span is all a fluster because I point out that while this may be your home, your nation and your country, it is NOT your "homeland", as YOU cannot trace your ancestry to the people who SETTLED this land well over a thousand years ago.

But do keep parroting your nonsense.....just keeps making my point. Carry on.
The xhoshian people's originated in Zimbabwe. So what? If what you say is true, then they were STILL Africans that migrated and settled then unpopulated regions and set up civilizations a thousand years or so BEFORE the Europeans arrived.
The bushmen of South Africa are the aboriginal people's of South Africa. See above response.
The blacks migrated from the northeast, the Boars from holland, Anglos from the UK. Black folk migrated, settled and set up civilizations thousands of years BEFORE Europeans IMMIGRATED and usurped the Africans. Keep making my point, you twit.
The bushmen enjoyed a specially protected status under the Afrikaner government. Bull fucking shit! Prove it!
Today's ANC denies them that. Prove it!
Currently SA is involved in what can only be described as a genocide against these indigenous people. Prove it! And what does that have to do with the FACT that NONE of this stuff would had occurred had a bunch of European colonist rolled in, took over and revamped how EVERYONE lived in various regions? Europeans fucked with the homeland of other people, and then called it their own and take NONE of the responsibilities for the problems caused by them!
Perhaps you should visit SA and live amongst the indigenous people, learn their fears, listen to their stories and observe the actions of the government. Perhaps you should stop trying to change the subject with your undocumented opinion, supposition and conjecture.....you're trying to what, discredit the FACT that Europeans stole other people's land and screwed with their culture and lifestyle by pointing to current flaws? Sorry, but that dog of yours won't fly.
Or you could read corrupt government reports and believe every word. Or YOU could grow up, acknowledge my original point and stop your bigoted bullshit of alluding to how much better things in South Africa was under apartheid.
The ANC is a flawed organisation.

And the white apartheid gov't was better? Says who, you? Fuck you....you don't even have the intellectual courage to deal with the facts of my original statement, nor have you provided anything other than your mental flatulence to what, discredit aboriginal people so you an confirm your "homeland" status as on par with theirs?

Get the fuck out of here with that BS, buddy. By your own admission, YOU are nothing but an immigrant who became a naturalized citizen while still stewing about Europeans losing their control over South Africa. TFB for you.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Can you meet the challenge to counter my point? Or are you just full of it as usual, and will bluff and bluster to avoid admitting that you can't?

The chronology of the posts will show that you said you were done discussing this with me, so please STFU and STFD. :)

And Freedumb cannot meet the challenge to counter my point and is just full of it as usual, and will bluff and bluster to avoid admitting that he can't. :awesome:
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Wow, been saving that one? Now go tell your Mommy what a brave and resourceful boy you've been.

My "Mommy" has been dead since 1999; so that might explain why you've been such an asshole all these years...please get some grief counseling instead, because quite frankly you're making a spectacle of yourself by grinding this axe. but since you want to bring family into this, please tell your mom that it feels better when she removes her dentures.

Interesting how pissed folk like Freedumb get when they initiate an insult and then get bested. As the late, great James Brown once said, "Don't start none, won't be none!"

Sorry Freedumb, but your sick sexual fantasies concerning senior citizens would not interest my mom (or any woman for that matter) in the least. Like I said, get some therapy. So unless you've got something of worth to add regarding the topic of this threads discussion, I'll just watch you dance and blow smoke. Carry on.
Interesting how pissed folk like Freedumb get when they initiate an insult and then get bested. As the late, great James Brown once said, "Don't start none, won't be none!"

Sorry Freedumb, but your sick sexual fantasies concerning senior citizens would not interest my mom (or any woman for that matter) in the least. Like I said, get some therapy. So unless you've got something of worth to add regarding the topic of this threads discussion, I'll just watch you dance and blow smoke. Carry on.

Hell ChiChi; your mom's had so many back door men, that there's a fire escape hanging off her ass.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
And Freedumb cannot meet the challenge to counter my point and is just full of it as usual, and will bluff and bluster to avoid admitting that he can't.

And yet you just can't help yourself from proving that you're lying. :chesh:

See folks, Freedumb is so intellectually dishonest that he cannot counter my points....not only does he bluff and bluster, but no lodges false accusations to avoid admitting his errors.

I've been reducing this chump to this status for years....he's just a crank with an axe to grind, and when he's shown for the useless fool that he is, he suddenly claims it's all a joke.

But the joke is on Freedumb, as this thread shows. So let's watch him try to divert the discussion to this personal attack or whatever, because we've all seen he doesn't have the stones or brains to do otherwise.
Quote Originally Posted by Don Quixote View Post
it is the nation that bears the guilt for what was done to the native americans

as i have said before, my father was born on a reservation in north central washington. it was called the colville reservation

After all this time; what you ascribe to being "guilt", should really be seen as empathy.

What "empathy"? To date, the US gov't STILL does not honor broken treaties, and are trying like hell to screw the sovereign Native American nations out of profits regarding casinos and commodity sales.
I had no involvement in what occured; but I do think they were treated unfairly. That and a metro card will get a person on the bus.
I can't change history and neither can anyone else. No one is asking you to....but you CAN acknowledge that the concept of "homeland" security is bogus, because only a specific groups of people have the right by history to call America their homeland.
Should Europe feel guilt for all the slaves, criminals, and indentured servents they sent to the America's?

Yep, and they STILL have an attitude about that.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Wow, been saving that one? Now go tell your Mommy what a brave and resourceful boy you've been.
USFreedom911: My "Mommy" has been dead since 1999; so that might explain why you've been such an asshole all these years...please get some grief counseling instead, because quite frankly you're making a spectacle of yourself by grinding this axe. USFreedom911:but since you want to bring family into this, please tell your mom that it feels better when she removes her denture

Interesting how pissed folk like Freedumb get when they initiate an insult and then get bested. As the late, great James Brown once said, "Don't start none, won't be none!"

Sorry Freedumb, but your sick sexual fantasies concerning senior citizens would not interest my mom (or any woman for that matter) in the least. Like I said, get some therapy. So unless you've got something of worth to add regarding the topic of this threads discussion, I'll just watch you dance and blow smoke. Carry on.

Hell ChiChi; your mom's had so many back door men, that there's a fire escape hanging off her ass.

See folks, the boy did EXACTLY as I said he would.....so much more to pity Freedumb...when we're not laughing at him!