About where you live.

History, my friend. That is how the wonderful world of anthropology works...by establishing who inhabited what geography and for how long, what they looked like, their individual culture, etc., etc. See, as I stated from the start, the mindset of the Shrub & company was to put their ancestry on par with that of the Native peoples' in terms of "right of claim" to this land. That old chestnut has been a sticking point for generations....which is why it pisses me off that folk think they can just declare something or redefine something that soothes their psyche regardless of the historical facts that contradict those beliefs.

And there we have the true underlying drive on all this.
For the record:

This is the United States of America....my country, my home, but NOT my "homeland". The ONLY people who have a right to call this part of the world their "homeland" are the descendants of the indigenous people who inhabited it for thousands of years BEFORE the Vikings and later Europeans showed up. Other than that, we're all descendants of immigrants less than 400 years old to date. We are NOT European country who has a homogenous populace for generations. So spare me this "homeland security" crap, because no matter how much the Bush family wants to think they are on par with the "indians" in laying claim to this country, they are not. Period. That's all I wanted to get off my chest.

Fuck you. I'll call this my homeland if I want, and there's nothing your liberal ass can do anything about it.
????....wait.....you've been placated?......

rofl.....I KNEW that would come first!

the Post Modern Fool strikes again! He can't logically or factually dispute what I put forth so he just babbles for the sake of an reaction. so I'll just dump his dopey ass in the IA bin...maybe in a few months he'll learn to quell is bitterness over pass defeats and discuss things like an adult. Until then.
Definition of HOMELAND
1: native land : fatherland

Definition of FATHERLAND
1: the native land or country of one's father or ancestors

for those who like to read more thoroughly:

1: native land : fatherland
2: a state or area set aside to be a state for a people of a particular national, cultural, or racial origin; especially :

So in the case of the "Native" Americans, you can add this:

Aboriginal: being the first or earliest known of its kind present in a region

'Nuff said.
And your proof that it was "uninhabited" over a millenia ago?
(this should be interesting)

What should be interesting is yet another display of your willful ignorance and insipid stubborness. I get tired of doing your homework for you, but hope springs eternal. Here's a primer for you:

Americas Settled by Two Groups of Early Humans, Study SaysBrian Handwerk
for National Geographic News

December 12, 2005

And there we have the true underlying drive on all this.

Learn to read, stupid.....in the opening post I stated that it was the Shrub and company who started this insanity with "Homeland" Security. Prior to that, I defy you to show in history when in war or peace our nation's security was referred to as the "homeland".
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
For the record:

This is the United States of America....my country, my home, but NOT my "homeland". The ONLY people who have a right to call this part of the world their "homeland" are the descendants of the indigenous people who inhabited it for thousands of years BEFORE the Vikings and later Europeans showed up. Other than that, we're all descendants of immigrants less than 400 years old to date. We are NOT European country who has a homogenous populace for generations. So spare me this "homeland security" crap, because no matter how much the Bush family wants to think they are on par with the "indians" in laying claim to this country, they are not. Period. That's all I wanted to get off my chest.

Fuck you. I'll call this my homeland if I want, and there's nothing your liberal ass can do anything about it.

Stupid is as stupid does!
How ironic.

That you pretend to be intelligent enough to carry on this discussion by calling others stupid? Yeah, I'd say so.

Look genius, if you can't/won't bring anything of worth to the discussion besides mindless jingoistic spittle, then you can have the last word of which I'll just read and laugh. Carry on.
Regardless of how you got there, once a child is born in that region, it is his homeland. Once you have more than 2 or 3 generations born and living there, it is that family's homeland for all practical purposes.

Now, you can go with the anthropological explanation until you are blue in the face. But it is not actually relevant to whether or not someone has a homeland. Yes, the Europeans came to the north american continent and displaced the natives. But, after a few generations, they became the new natives. The people who did the slaughtering did not have a homeland here. But their grandchildren do.
Regardless of how you got there, once a child is born in that region, it is his homeland. Once you have more than 2 or 3 generations born and living there, it is that family's homeland for all practical purposes.

Yeah, that's what the Afrikkaners told the native folk.

Now, you can go with the anthropological explanation until you are blue in the face. But it is not actually relevant to whether or not someone has a homeland. Yes, the Europeans came to the north american continent and displaced the natives. But, after a few generations, they became the new natives. The people who did the slaughtering did not have a homeland here. But their grandchildren do.

Your first two sentences in the second paragraph tells it all....FACTS mean nothing in the face of belief. And THAT is the problem in this country...because what you feel and believe trumps history and facts and science.

"after a few generations" is your criteria? So I guess after a thousand years or so means nothing?

Give me a fucking break, will ya please? YOU are NOT on par with the Native Americans (or aboriginal Americans, as the case may be) when it comes to laying claim to this "country" as your "homeland". You can sell that lie to your grand kids to make them feel good, but it's still a lie none-the-less. A matter of fact, a matter of history....deal with it. Or in your case, don't.
for those who like to read more thoroughly:

1: native land : fatherland
2: a state or area set aside to be a state for a people of a particular national, cultural, or racial origin; especially :

So in the case of the "Native" Americans, you can add this:

Aboriginal: being the first or earliest known of its kind present in a region

'Nuff said.

You seem to have overlooked the inclusion of the word "cultural"; because whether you agree or not, the US does have a culture and it's one that's been adopted from wave after wave of legal immigrants.
But you go right ahead and believe that you have no homeland.