About where you live.

You're simple if you think that just because YOU say something it's so.

The Native People's ancestors SETTLED THIS LAND A MILLENIA AGO.....they did NOT immigrate over and then usurp the native inhabitants.

Got that now?
Fuck em!
I have 3 homes here, it is my homeland!
How many generations have to be born here before it becomes their homeland? After all, even the "indigenous" people migrated here.

the first wave of 'migrants' did not have to displace anyone, it was only subsequent waves that pushed 'natives' further south or who bypassed the natives and spread further south

if you need to know or at least have a good guess, ask a relevant archaeologist or anthropologist

what is known is that Europeans pushed out and/or killed off the current set of native americans
For the record:

This is the United States of America....my country, my home, but NOT my "homeland". The ONLY people who have a right to call this part of the world their "homeland" are the descendants of the indigenous people who inhabited it for thousands of years BEFORE the Vikings and later Europeans showed up. Other than that, we're all descendants of immigrants less than 400 years old to date. We are NOT European country who has a homogenous populace for generations. So spare me this "homeland security" crap, because no matter how much the Bush family wants to think they are on par with the "indians" in laying claim to this country, they are not. Period. That's all I wanted to get off my chest.

You are a far rightist and a racist, who thinks that immigrants have no right to live on the land their born on, that blood determines everything.
That "logic" is flawed.....do some research regarding the Kenniwick Man and you'll see my point. Also, it's truly absurd to say that people who inhabited an area for over a thousand years are on par with some immigrants who've been here less than half that time.

See, we are the United States...but we are still divided....hell, some people are still bitching about the Civil War. So "homeland", which refers to homogenous countries like in Europe and Asia, does not apply to a nation of immigrants like us.

Immigrants have no right to call a country their homeland? What a fascist, racist piece of scum you are.
It certainly does apply. Families have been here for numerous generations, so this is their homeland.

Yes, we are still divided. But then, theories like you are espousing here are part of the reason why.

There is no logical reason for anyone who's parents were born here not to call this their homeland. Unless you are treating the entire culture and nation as an anthropological experiment.

There is no logical reason for any citizen of the United States not to call this their homeland, regardless of whether they were even born here at all or not.
Most likely is hardly concrete evidence, but 15,000 years beats out the Europeans by a hell of a lot, don't you think?

Here's a sign for you, should you ever be in the UK:

Wrong. No matter how many times you repeat that or wish it, it just isn't so....."homeland" is a European term....they DO HAVE homogenous population that can be traced back much longer than the current American's 400 (or less) years (that's a general number, so don't hold me to it). To adopt someone else's terminology and pretend it's the same is just plain wrong.

Europe does not own the English language. Nor would many in Europe use your fascist, racist definition of "homeland", maybe the BNP, maybe the Nazi's, maybe the Front Nationale, not anyone from any centrist, leftist, or even center-right parties.
Whoa son, don't blame me for the cultural, racial and social divides in this country. I'm pointing out what exists. Your idea of a "homeland" may not be the same as the guy still griping about "northern aggression", or the "indian" who KNOWS his culture and land were all but wiped out and replaced. We may be a united nation, but we sure as hell are NOT a united, homogenous population.

See, this strikes a nerve because "Americans" want so bad to be on par with Europeans...but in many ways we're not. That was the whole point of setting up this joint in the first place.

Homeland is a name a homogenous population who are indigenous to a region can use....NOT the descendents of immigrants less than 400 years old. Those immigrants DID NOT assimilate with the native population....period. So like with everything else, they figure they can define whatever they wish and it's fact and law. But as I'm pointing out, that just doesn't bear up under close examination.

Immigrants have every right to call America their homeland!
so do the english not have a homeland either? the normans invaded england in the early 11th century. On the plus side I guess they will finally have a homeland in about ~50 years or so. sweet deal.

The English are the descendants of the Anglo-Saxons, who went into Briton shortly after the fall of the Roman empire, murdered all the men, and claimed all the women as booty. So they're about half German, half Celtic by blood, and culturally German. The Normans had a comparatively minor influence.
Go ask the British, that's NOT what I'm talking about here. Pay attention.

Oh, because your logic only applies to the Indians, pointing out how it's totally idiotic and inconsistent when applied elsewhere is, apparently, not allowed, we can only talk about the Indians. That's totally how logic works.
since my father was born on a reservation, i think that i have a right to weigh in. actually 'native Americans' were immigrants also from various parts of the world

"Native American" is a dumb term anyway. Almost everyone here is a "Native American". The correct term would "Aboriginal Americans".
Sorry, but "out of site, out of mind" doesn't cut it with what I'm getting at. As Americans, we are STILL a very much divided country in many respects....by race, ethnicity, religion, class, even geographic culture. Hell, you've STILL got people bitching about the Civil War!

Like it or not "homeland" is from a nomenclature born of European countries who could identify themselves as a solitary, homogenous people within a specific geography...and they could date that back much farther than a great grandfather.

My ancestors came here in the 1630's... just a wee bit further back than great grandfather
I'm mostly irish. My ancestors didn't conquer anything but whiskey bottles. In fact, my ancestors would have been treated worse than slaves in the pre-civil war era.

Stop right there....your ancestors were NOT chained and shackled, sardine packed into the bowels of ships, sold on the auction block or bred like cattle. So knock off that BS.

But that is irrelevant. You ain't kidding! What is relevant is that you want to classify it all as if this were some anthropology class project. No, I'm just pointing out some truths that disturb your mental comfort zone. That is fine, if that is what you want to believe. Again, FACTS are NOT "beliefs". A belief is the nonsense you keep repeating about you being able to call America a homeland on par with a Native American doing so. But I do not accept the constrants you put on the ability to call something my homeland. These numbers you have arbitrarily selected actually mean nothing. Perhaps you do not have a homeland. But I (and my family) certainly do. What you accept or reject is irrelevant in light of history and fact. What you are doing here is merely voicing cultural dogma.

And BTW, what is the point of all of this? Even if you managed to convince people you are correct, you accomplish nothing positive and actually do harm in some small by having people feel more disconnected than ever. Is this your goal?

It is what it is....a basic fact that challenges the mindset of many Americans....a core belief that permeates and dictates attitudes on all social scales and politics.

The Europeans essentially STOLE a nation from various peoples in order to establish their new "homeland".
Once you allow a false and misleading premise to go unchallenged, you risk raising a generation that believes that to be truth...and that is a dangerous thing to do.
since my father was born on a reservation, i think that i have a right to weigh in. actually 'native Americans' were immigrants also from various parts of the world

Who settled this unoccupied area thousands of years ago. They were here FIRST.

The Europeans essentially STOLE a nation from various peoples in order to establish their new "homeland".

Once you allow a false and misleading premise to go unchallenged, you risk raising a generation that believes that to be truth...and that is a dangerous thing to do.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
You're simple if you think that just because YOU say something it's so.

The Native People's ancestors SETTLED THIS LAND A MILLENIA AGO.....they did NOT immigrate over and then usurp the native inhabitants.

Got that now?

Fuck em!
I have 3 homes here, it is my homeland!

A simple retort by a simple minded person.