About where you live.

What should be interesting is yet another display of your willful ignorance and insipid stubborness. I get tired of doing your homework for you, but hope springs eternal. Here's a primer for you:

Americas Settled by Two Groups of Early Humans, Study SaysBrian Handwerk
for National Geographic News

December 12, 2005


And of course this means that there are no disagreements with this; because it was published in the National Geographic?
On top of the FACT that your own article points out that it may inconclusive, in so many words. :)
Learn to read, stupid.....in the opening post I stated that it was the Shrub and company who started this insanity with "Homeland" Security. Prior to that, I defy you to show in history when in war or peace our nation's security was referred to as the "homeland".

So those are the only reasons you'll accept? :palm:
the Post Modern Fool strikes again! He can't logically or factually dispute what I put forth so he just babbles for the sake of an reaction. so I'll just dump his dopey ass in the IA bin...maybe in a few months he'll learn to quell is bitterness over pass defeats and discuss things like an adult. Until then.

I have had PiMP on ia for several months
Ahh I see....so what you are saying is we bear no responsibility for the past?

You bear as much as you accept. Again, reality. Native American tribes practiced "genocide" often. This idea that there was a prevailing peace across the land and ecologically sound societies that used every scrap of every buffalo ever killed is based on wishes, not reality. Not one nation alive today was magically created with no violence, nor were the aboriginal tribes perfect people. A reasonable understanding of the culture of the time will lead you on a different path than the constant, "Accept this guilt, damn you!" repetition we have today.

No, I don't accept guilt for a people I was not part of doing something back in the day that wouldn't even have been considered immoral at the time they were doing it... Judging the past by today's standards can be your purview, you can accept blame when people you didn't know and couldn't affect did something you think was bad, but I will not.

1. I am not the progeny of any group of people who committed "genocide" on this continent.
2. Even if I was, it is not my guilt to bear.
You bear as much as you accept. Again, reality. Native American tribes practiced "genocide" often. This idea that there was a prevailing peace across the land and ecologically sound societies that used every scrap of every buffalo ever killed is based on wishes, not reality. Not one nation alive today was magically created with no violence, nor were the aboriginal tribes perfect people. A reasonable understanding of the culture of the time will lead you on a different path than the constant, "Accept this guilt, damn you!" repetition we have today.

No, I don't accept guilt for a people I was not part of doing something back in the day that wouldn't even have been considered immoral at the time they were doing it... Judging the past by today's standards can be your purview, you can accept blame when people you didn't know and couldn't affect did something you think was bad, but I will not.

1. I am not the progeny of any group of people who committed "genocide" on this continent.
2. Even if I was, it is not my guilt to bear.

it is the nation that bears the guilt for what was done to the native americans

as i have said before, my father was born on a reservation in north central washington. it was called the colville reservation
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
for those who like to read more thoroughly:

1: native land : fatherland
2: a state or area set aside to be a state for a people of a particular national, cultural, or racial origin; especially :

So in the case of the "Native" Americans, you can add this:

Aboriginal: being the first or earliest known of its kind present in a region

'Nuff said.

You seem to have overlooked the inclusion of the word "cultural"; because whether you agree or not, the US does have a culture and it's one that's been adopted from wave after wave of legal immigrants.

And there was a whole slew of folks who had a culture LONG before the Vikings or the Europeans showed up. They were called the Lakota, Hopi, Navajo, Blackfoot, Cherokee, etc., etc. Seems the Europeans weren't interested in assimilating into the culture of the people who had settled the region over a thousand years before them. So your attempt to capitalize on one aspect of the definition to suit your personal beliefs failed.

But you go right ahead and believe that you have no homeland.

See the above response. Unlike you, I'm not willing to buy into a recent declaration just to fit some sort of psychological need for superior/equal claim to a land. As I stated in my opening post, this is my home, my country, my nation, but NOT my "homeland".....that's some BS started by the Shrub & company, because prior to the invention of "homeland security" no news paper, magazine, book or broadcast ever refered to America as the "homeland".
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Learn to read, stupid.....in the opening post I stated that it was the Shrub and company who started this insanity with "Homeland" Security. Prior to that, I defy you to show in history when in war or peace our nation's security was referred to as the "homeland".

So those are the only reasons you'll accept? :palm:

Can you meet the challenge to counter my point? Or are you just full of it as usual, and will bluff and bluster to avoid admitting that you can't?
And of course this means that there are no disagreements with this; because it was published in the National Geographic?
On top of the FACT that your own article points out that it may inconclusive, in so many words. :)

See folks, when you provide valid, documented facts that counter his beliefs, Freedumb just babbles and blows smoke.

And as the article points out other "theories", it's main focus is on what the evidence puts forth. And in any event, nothing in the article shows evidence of "white" people as referred to in the world today as being the first inhabitants of what is now America.

Freedumb grasps at straws, yet he makes concrete statements without ANY information like I've provided. Small wonder why he earned his nickname "Freedumb".
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
What should be interesting is yet another display of your willful ignorance and insipid stubborness. I get tired of doing your homework for you, but hope springs eternal. Here's a primer for you:

Americas Settled by Two Groups of Early Humans, Study SaysBrian Handwerk
for National Geographic News

December 12, 2005


Native folk, who are the native folk in South Africa.
Bet you think it is the Bantu, or the Zulu!!!

Here stupid, for your education:

Ancient people of the land
The Khoisan People
You bear as much as you accept. Again, reality. Native American tribes practiced "genocide" often. This idea that there was a prevailing peace across the land and ecologically sound societies that used every scrap of every buffalo ever killed is based on wishes, not reality. Not one nation alive today was magically created with no violence, nor were the aboriginal tribes perfect people. A reasonable understanding of the culture of the time will lead you on a different path than the constant, "Accept this guilt, damn you!" repetition we have today.

No, I don't accept guilt for a people I was not part of doing something back in the day that wouldn't even have been considered immoral at the time they were doing it... Judging the past by today's standards can be your purview, you can accept blame when people you didn't know and couldn't affect did something you think was bad, but I will not.

1. I am not the progeny of any group of people who committed "genocide" on this continent.
2. Even if I was, it is not my guilt to bear.

And when all is said and done, this nonsense of the descendants of less than 400 year old immigrants claiming "homeland" status on par with the native/aboriginal people that settled the land over a thousand years ago is just that....nonsense. It's not so much guilt but just admitting such.....and as we've seen on this thread, many are reluctant to do that, if not outwardly hostile about the very concept.

As I pointed out before, these attitudes and beliefs permeate how a society conducts itself.
Here stupid, for your education:

Ancient people of the land
The Khoisan People
Nice google skills.
So not the black people ruling the country now?
Who arrived about the same time as the Dutch?

The bushmen ( xhosian peoples are indigonous to zimbabwe and moved to SA to work in the mines, the true aboriginals of SA , the Yule people's( 5000 years of documented history, mentioned in early Punic writings before the Punic people's moved north due to the dessication of the land( let's save that one for the next leftist whine about global warming))!
So why is SA now run by black tribes who are not 'native'?

Whilst the evil Afrikaner protected the aboriginals in law, today's South African government is engaged in their eradication.

You support that genocide?
Bet you wish you knew something about Africa now , don't you!!!!

Shosholoza, SHOSHOLOZA, Ku le zindaba stimbela see Kumbe sa.
And when all is said and done, this nonsense of the descendants of less than 400 year old immigrants claiming "homeland" status on par with the native/aboriginal people that settled the land over a thousand years ago is just that....nonsense. It's not so much guilt but just admitting such.....and as we've seen on this thread, many are reluctant to do that, if not outwardly hostile about the very concept.

As I pointed out before, these attitudes and beliefs permeate how a society conducts itself.
So erm, what you are saying is that 2000 years makes it a homeland, 400 years makes you a lesser American, therefore you would argue that 350 years makes a third class American?

You see, native Americans are true Americans cos they were here first.
Eutopeans are second class, second!
Blacks must then be third class!
Asians and Indians? Do they even qualify as human in your little nazi type breakdown?
It reminds me of nazi racial structuring!!!

You are a racist.